The army will dedicate the year 2011 for its personnel disabled while serving the nation and a number of programmes will be launched for their welfare, Army Chief General V K Singh said in New Delhi today. "We are working out programmes under which we will give attention to all our disabled. It is not that we don't do it now, but for one year we want to concentrate only on this particular aspect," Singh told reporters on the sidelines of a function to honour war widows and disabled personnel.
Asked about complaints from veterans that they have been forgotten by the nation, Singh said the army has been working towards addressing the issue by updating the database of ex-servicemen at their regimental centres."Our endeavour is to prepare such a system that we can access the database of all the centres and after that see the shortcomings. And then send our personnel to these people and enquire about their problems and try to provide solutions for them," he added.
The army chief and his wife Bharati Singh today handed over scooters to the disabled soldiers and provided monetary help to the war widows
(source:national portal)
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Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
1. Eligibility.
a) All Commissioned / Honorary Commissioned Officers (serving / retired).
b) Widows of Service Officers.
c) Equivalent status of Civilian Officers / Officers of CSD. However, they will have to pay sales tax / Value Added Tax as applicable in the respective State.
d) All GREF Officers (serving / retired).
e) All SSC and EC Officers who have put in five years of reckonable service before release.
f) One of the parents i-e. either the father or the mother of unmarried deceased officers.
g) Either of the officers child, if both the parents have died and the child is drawing pension from Defence Estimates.
2. Other conditions:
a) Applicant must not have purchased a four wheeler (Car) within the last two years on the day of submission of the application. In addition, the applicant will have to give an undertaking that he/she will not sell the vehicle within next two years.
b) As per finance bill of 1998-99, quoting of PAN/GIR No is mandatory at the time of purchase of Car.
c) Application form for all entitled officers is at Appendix ‘A’
1. Eligibility:
All Personnel Below Officer rank (serving & retired), of the three services having minimum of 15 years colour service and having been released honorably are entitled to purchase a four wheeler upto 1300cc capacity.
2. Procedure and Conditions:
a) JCOs/equivalent can purchase the second car after five years of the initial purchase and all other entitled soldiers/Sailors/Airmen after seven years. Sale of car is not allowed before completion of two years from the date of purchase.
b) Serving and retired PBOR will apply on the prescribed forms as enclosed at Appendices B & C respectively.
c) The following documents shall be submitted alongwith the application:
I) Serving PBOR:-
i) A certified copy of Driving licence issued by the civil authorities.
ii) A certificate from PBOR countersigned by the CO/OC troops that the individual has not purchased a car in the last five / seven years, as applicable, and that he will not sell the car before two years and that he is liable to pay the entire excise/sales tax concession in case of any violation.
iii) A certified copy of the pay book wherein the entry with regard to purchase of car by the PBOR is made.
iv) Following Certificate from the Commanding Officer / OC Troops that financial position of the applicant allows him to purchase a car:-
Certified that No. __________________ Rank _________ Name is eligible to purchase a car and that his financial position allows him to purchase a car.
Commanding Officer/OC Troops
II) Retired PBOR: The retired PBOR shall submit an affidavit of Rs. 5/- on Non Judicial Stamp Paper covering the following:-
i) I have not purchased a car in the last 5/7 years as applicable.
ii) I shall not sell the car for the next two years.
iii) I understand that any Violation of the above will make me liable to pay back the entire excise / sales tax concessions to the Govt.
iv) The vehicle is for my personal use.
v) The vehicle purchased from the CSD will be registered on self name.
d) Entry with regards to purchase of car by retd PBOR will be made on the original PPO at the depot.
e) Misuse:
In case an individual is found to have violated any of the above conditions, that is, purchase of second car before five/seven years (as applicable) or sale of car before two years from the date of purchase, he will be liable to pay the full excise duty/sales tax as applicable.
f) Action by the CSD: At the CSD Depot level the following action will be taken on receipt of application from the PBOR:-
a) Verify the correctness of the details furnished by the PBOR.
b) Cross check from CSD HO whether the PBOR has already purchased a car from any other CSD depot.
c) Share the data with regard to purchase of car by PBOR with other depots.
d) The PBOR will be allowed to purchase the car only after receipt of confirmation from CSD HO.
g) In case of retired PBOR following additional action shall be taken:-
i) Ensure that affidavit as above has been obtained.
ii) Ensure entry of purchase of car with date is made on the original PPO.
C) CANCELLATION OF APPLICATION- In the event of Officer / PBOR intending to withdraw his application due to any reason, the officer shall have to forfeit the incidental charges of Rs.500/- and balance amount will be refunded.
a) For readily available vehicles :- Customer selects the vehicle with dealer. He/she submits indent form (duly completed in all respects) at the depot. He/she also deposits full amount of cost of vehicle with CSD depot. Depot in turn places Local Supply order on dealer and customer gets the delivery of vehicle.
b) For vehicles with waiting period of delivery
i) Depot will inform the customer of applicable selling price & CSD handling charges on the vehicle to be purchased by customer.
ii) Customer will deposit only 0.5% as CSD handling charges in the first instance.
iii) Depot will issue provisional booking order to concerned Dealer.
iv) Booking amount (as decided by firm and applicable for civil customers also) will be paid directly by the customer to the dealer concerned.
v) On intimation of availability of the vehicle, the customer will deposit full amount (excluding 0.5% CSD handing charges already paid) with the Depot and the Depot will place LS Order on the dealer concerned.
vi) The customer will take delivery and obtain refund of booking amount and applicable interest (as conveyed by the firm) from the dealer.
1. Eligibility:
a) All ranks (serving / retired) qualifying under entitled categories.
b) Widows of service personnel (including remarried) qualifying under entitled categories.
c) Eldest child of the deceased service personnel, if he is not survived by his wife, provided the under mentioned conditions are fulfilled:
i) If a son, he should be between 18 to 25 years of age and should not be in service or commercially employed.
ii) If a daughter, she should be unmarried.
2. Other Condition: Entitled category of personnel should not have drawn/brought any of above items from the CSD within the last two years. Entitled purchaser shall have to give an undertaking that he / she shall not sell the vehicles for two years from the date of purchase.
1. Eligibility: All Ranks (Serving / retired) of Armed Forces.
2. Other Condition: Entitled category of personnel should not have drawn/brought any make of same AFD (CAT-I) items from the CSD within the last two years. Entitled purchaser shall have to give an undertaking that he / she shall not sell the item for two years from the date of purchase.
a) Entitled customers will fill the application form and submit the same to the CSD Area Depot of their choice alongwith a Bank Draft for the value of the item. Form for purchasing AFD-I items (except cars) is at Appendix ‘D’ for serving personnel and at Appendix ‘E’ for retired personnel.
b) Customers are required to deposit Demand Draft / Bankers Cheque drawn on Nationalized Bank / Scheduled bank or UTI, HDFC, ICICI, IDBI banks only. For all other State & Central Co-operative and other Private Banks, the release order will be given only after the draft / bankers cheque amount is actually credited in CSD Public Fund Account (Main). The Demand Draft / bankers cheque should be drawn in favour of “CANTEEN STORES DEPARTMENT PUBLIC FUND ACCOUNT (MAIN)” payable at the location of Area Depot. Cheques will not be accepted.
c) The application form must be countersigned by the Commanding Officer of the unit/Formation. In case of retired officers, the application must have the countersignature of Stn HQs/DDZSB. They should also produce original PPO for verification.
d) Customer should select four wheeler/car/two wheeler available with authorized dealer and obtain Engine No./ Chasis No. & other details and submit the same alongwith application form. For other AFD-I items, customers should preferably confirm availability of item with the dealer.
e) Purchase of AFD-I items is subject to compliance of procedural requirements laid down by Central / State Govts. and payment of taxes (as applicable).
Where the bonafide customer is unable to collect in person due to valid reasons proper authority letter with the signature of the nominee duly attested by the bonafide customer and countersigned by the Unit Commander in case of Serving personnel and Station HQ/Secretary, Zila Sainik Board/Deputy Director, Zila Sainik Board in case of retired Service personnel can be accepted for effecting delivery at the discretion of the Depot. All the necessary documents in respect of the bonafide customer required to be perused at the Depot will be brought by the authorised representative to book the AFD item. The delivery of an item will be given to the same person only, who signs at the Depot and in whose favour the authority for collection has been given by the Depot. No authorization in favour of any dealer or his employee will be accepted by the depots.
AFD-I items including cars can be purchased from any CSD Depot of choice of CSD customer subject to following preconditions:-
a) These items will be allowed to be purchased on smart cards since AFD limit (excluding car) is catered for in the smart card.
b) The purchase will be through valid forms processed through the CSD.
c) The form duly countersigned by the CO/OC of the unit will be verified by the CSD Manager concerned with an undertaking (on the form itself) that the individual is making a valid purchase as per authorization.
d) For all other entitled category of pers, the form will be verified by the CSD Manager/station HQ or local authority involved with canteen management.
J) PAYMENT OF INTEREST ON DELAYED DELIVERY:-No interest will be paid by the Department for late delivery of AFD-I items including vehicles. Customers are requested to ascertain the delivery position from the concerned dealer(s) and the concerned Depot(s) before booking of AFD-I items. Prices prevailing on date of delivery will be applicable.
K) APPLICATION FORMS :- Application Forms are enclosed as under:
1. Application Form for Cars (for Officers) : Appendix ‘A’
2. Application Form for Cars by PBOR (Serving): Appendix ‘B’
3. Application Form for Cars by PBOR (Retired) :Appendix ‘C’
4. Application Form for AFD-I items (except Cars) by Serving Personnel :Appendix ‘D’
5. Application Form for AFD-I items (except Cars) by Retired Personnel: Appendix ‘E’
a) All Commissioned / Honorary Commissioned Officers (serving / retired).
b) Widows of Service Officers.
c) Equivalent status of Civilian Officers / Officers of CSD. However, they will have to pay sales tax / Value Added Tax as applicable in the respective State.
d) All GREF Officers (serving / retired).
e) All SSC and EC Officers who have put in five years of reckonable service before release.
f) One of the parents i-e. either the father or the mother of unmarried deceased officers.
g) Either of the officers child, if both the parents have died and the child is drawing pension from Defence Estimates.
2. Other conditions:
a) Applicant must not have purchased a four wheeler (Car) within the last two years on the day of submission of the application. In addition, the applicant will have to give an undertaking that he/she will not sell the vehicle within next two years.
b) As per finance bill of 1998-99, quoting of PAN/GIR No is mandatory at the time of purchase of Car.
c) Application form for all entitled officers is at Appendix ‘A’
1. Eligibility:
All Personnel Below Officer rank (serving & retired), of the three services having minimum of 15 years colour service and having been released honorably are entitled to purchase a four wheeler upto 1300cc capacity.
2. Procedure and Conditions:
a) JCOs/equivalent can purchase the second car after five years of the initial purchase and all other entitled soldiers/Sailors/Airmen after seven years. Sale of car is not allowed before completion of two years from the date of purchase.
b) Serving and retired PBOR will apply on the prescribed forms as enclosed at Appendices B & C respectively.
c) The following documents shall be submitted alongwith the application:
I) Serving PBOR:-
i) A certified copy of Driving licence issued by the civil authorities.
ii) A certificate from PBOR countersigned by the CO/OC troops that the individual has not purchased a car in the last five / seven years, as applicable, and that he will not sell the car before two years and that he is liable to pay the entire excise/sales tax concession in case of any violation.
iii) A certified copy of the pay book wherein the entry with regard to purchase of car by the PBOR is made.
iv) Following Certificate from the Commanding Officer / OC Troops that financial position of the applicant allows him to purchase a car:-
Certified that No. __________________ Rank _________ Name is eligible to purchase a car and that his financial position allows him to purchase a car.
Commanding Officer/OC Troops
II) Retired PBOR: The retired PBOR shall submit an affidavit of Rs. 5/- on Non Judicial Stamp Paper covering the following:-
i) I have not purchased a car in the last 5/7 years as applicable.
ii) I shall not sell the car for the next two years.
iii) I understand that any Violation of the above will make me liable to pay back the entire excise / sales tax concessions to the Govt.
iv) The vehicle is for my personal use.
v) The vehicle purchased from the CSD will be registered on self name.
d) Entry with regards to purchase of car by retd PBOR will be made on the original PPO at the depot.
e) Misuse:
In case an individual is found to have violated any of the above conditions, that is, purchase of second car before five/seven years (as applicable) or sale of car before two years from the date of purchase, he will be liable to pay the full excise duty/sales tax as applicable.
f) Action by the CSD: At the CSD Depot level the following action will be taken on receipt of application from the PBOR:-
a) Verify the correctness of the details furnished by the PBOR.
b) Cross check from CSD HO whether the PBOR has already purchased a car from any other CSD depot.
c) Share the data with regard to purchase of car by PBOR with other depots.
d) The PBOR will be allowed to purchase the car only after receipt of confirmation from CSD HO.
g) In case of retired PBOR following additional action shall be taken:-
i) Ensure that affidavit as above has been obtained.
ii) Ensure entry of purchase of car with date is made on the original PPO.
C) CANCELLATION OF APPLICATION- In the event of Officer / PBOR intending to withdraw his application due to any reason, the officer shall have to forfeit the incidental charges of Rs.500/- and balance amount will be refunded.
a) For readily available vehicles :- Customer selects the vehicle with dealer. He/she submits indent form (duly completed in all respects) at the depot. He/she also deposits full amount of cost of vehicle with CSD depot. Depot in turn places Local Supply order on dealer and customer gets the delivery of vehicle.
b) For vehicles with waiting period of delivery
i) Depot will inform the customer of applicable selling price & CSD handling charges on the vehicle to be purchased by customer.
ii) Customer will deposit only 0.5% as CSD handling charges in the first instance.
iii) Depot will issue provisional booking order to concerned Dealer.
iv) Booking amount (as decided by firm and applicable for civil customers also) will be paid directly by the customer to the dealer concerned.
v) On intimation of availability of the vehicle, the customer will deposit full amount (excluding 0.5% CSD handing charges already paid) with the Depot and the Depot will place LS Order on the dealer concerned.
vi) The customer will take delivery and obtain refund of booking amount and applicable interest (as conveyed by the firm) from the dealer.
1. Eligibility:
a) All ranks (serving / retired) qualifying under entitled categories.
b) Widows of service personnel (including remarried) qualifying under entitled categories.
c) Eldest child of the deceased service personnel, if he is not survived by his wife, provided the under mentioned conditions are fulfilled:
i) If a son, he should be between 18 to 25 years of age and should not be in service or commercially employed.
ii) If a daughter, she should be unmarried.
2. Other Condition: Entitled category of personnel should not have drawn/brought any of above items from the CSD within the last two years. Entitled purchaser shall have to give an undertaking that he / she shall not sell the vehicles for two years from the date of purchase.
1. Eligibility: All Ranks (Serving / retired) of Armed Forces.
2. Other Condition: Entitled category of personnel should not have drawn/brought any make of same AFD (CAT-I) items from the CSD within the last two years. Entitled purchaser shall have to give an undertaking that he / she shall not sell the item for two years from the date of purchase.
a) Entitled customers will fill the application form and submit the same to the CSD Area Depot of their choice alongwith a Bank Draft for the value of the item. Form for purchasing AFD-I items (except cars) is at Appendix ‘D’ for serving personnel and at Appendix ‘E’ for retired personnel.
b) Customers are required to deposit Demand Draft / Bankers Cheque drawn on Nationalized Bank / Scheduled bank or UTI, HDFC, ICICI, IDBI banks only. For all other State & Central Co-operative and other Private Banks, the release order will be given only after the draft / bankers cheque amount is actually credited in CSD Public Fund Account (Main). The Demand Draft / bankers cheque should be drawn in favour of “CANTEEN STORES DEPARTMENT PUBLIC FUND ACCOUNT (MAIN)” payable at the location of Area Depot. Cheques will not be accepted.
c) The application form must be countersigned by the Commanding Officer of the unit/Formation. In case of retired officers, the application must have the countersignature of Stn HQs/DDZSB. They should also produce original PPO for verification.
d) Customer should select four wheeler/car/two wheeler available with authorized dealer and obtain Engine No./ Chasis No. & other details and submit the same alongwith application form. For other AFD-I items, customers should preferably confirm availability of item with the dealer.
e) Purchase of AFD-I items is subject to compliance of procedural requirements laid down by Central / State Govts. and payment of taxes (as applicable).
Where the bonafide customer is unable to collect in person due to valid reasons proper authority letter with the signature of the nominee duly attested by the bonafide customer and countersigned by the Unit Commander in case of Serving personnel and Station HQ/Secretary, Zila Sainik Board/Deputy Director, Zila Sainik Board in case of retired Service personnel can be accepted for effecting delivery at the discretion of the Depot. All the necessary documents in respect of the bonafide customer required to be perused at the Depot will be brought by the authorised representative to book the AFD item. The delivery of an item will be given to the same person only, who signs at the Depot and in whose favour the authority for collection has been given by the Depot. No authorization in favour of any dealer or his employee will be accepted by the depots.
AFD-I items including cars can be purchased from any CSD Depot of choice of CSD customer subject to following preconditions:-
a) These items will be allowed to be purchased on smart cards since AFD limit (excluding car) is catered for in the smart card.
b) The purchase will be through valid forms processed through the CSD.
c) The form duly countersigned by the CO/OC of the unit will be verified by the CSD Manager concerned with an undertaking (on the form itself) that the individual is making a valid purchase as per authorization.
d) For all other entitled category of pers, the form will be verified by the CSD Manager/station HQ or local authority involved with canteen management.
J) PAYMENT OF INTEREST ON DELAYED DELIVERY:-No interest will be paid by the Department for late delivery of AFD-I items including vehicles. Customers are requested to ascertain the delivery position from the concerned dealer(s) and the concerned Depot(s) before booking of AFD-I items. Prices prevailing on date of delivery will be applicable.
K) APPLICATION FORMS :- Application Forms are enclosed as under:
1. Application Form for Cars (for Officers) : Appendix ‘A’
2. Application Form for Cars by PBOR (Serving): Appendix ‘B’
3. Application Form for Cars by PBOR (Retired) :Appendix ‘C’
4. Application Form for AFD-I items (except Cars) by Serving Personnel :Appendix ‘D’
5. Application Form for AFD-I items (except Cars) by Retired Personnel: Appendix ‘E’
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Indian Ex-Services League (IESL) today served an ultimatum to the Centre that ex-servicemen in lakhs will gherao Parliament if their demand for 'One Rank One Pension' was not accepted by February 18 next year. Interacting with mediapersons here, Bhag Singh, president of the IESLs Punjab and Chandigarh chapter, said the IESL had achieved partial success of 'One Rank One Pension' whereas 30 to 40 per cent cases were yet to be settled.
He said the league had interacted with the Defence Minister, Minister of State for Defence besides the President during 2009 but to no avail. On October 21, the Minister of State for Defence attended a conference organised by the league where he again interacted separately with the league members. He said 'One Rank One Pension' nod had already been given by the Prime Minister during his speech from the historical Red Fort on August 15 this year.
Col Singh alleged that the government was still playing the game of hide and seek with the serving and retired army persons. He said the country was surviving at the cost of Armed Forces both during war and peace. He asked when the government had given 'One Rank One Pension' to IAS and other cadres then why the armed forces were denied the facility.
He said the league had interacted with the Defence Minister, Minister of State for Defence besides the President during 2009 but to no avail. On October 21, the Minister of State for Defence attended a conference organised by the league where he again interacted separately with the league members. He said 'One Rank One Pension' nod had already been given by the Prime Minister during his speech from the historical Red Fort on August 15 this year.
Col Singh alleged that the government was still playing the game of hide and seek with the serving and retired army persons. He said the country was surviving at the cost of Armed Forces both during war and peace. He asked when the government had given 'One Rank One Pension' to IAS and other cadres then why the armed forces were denied the facility.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Akashdeep: An IAF – IGNOU Program to Enable One Lakh Airmen Achieve Graduate Status in Service
Addressing professional certification needs of higher learning of its personnel below officers rank including recognition of ‘in service’ training, Indian Air Force (IAF) today, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), launching ‘Akashdeep’– a project registering existing airmen training institutes as Community Colleges enabling all serving airmen to obtain a Bachelor’s degree within 8-13 years of their service.
The MoU allowing conferring of educational certifications to airmen and NCs (E) (Non Combatants) (Enrolled) within the parameters laid down by IGNOU for Community Colleges was signed by Air Officer-In-charge Personnel, Air Marshal KJ Mathews on behalf of IAF and by IGNOU Vice Chancellor, Prof. V.N. Rajasekharan Pillai in the presence of the Chief of the Air Staff, Air Chief Marshal PV Naik, senior IAF, IGNOU Officials and the MoU beneficiaries – IAF Airmen and NCs (E).
Under the arrangements, the two modules of the Joint Basic Phase Training (JBDT) will enable airmen to earn credit points that would be transferred to IGNOU for completing their Certificates, Diplomas and Associate Degrees in Arts, Science, Commerce, Business Administration, Hotel Management, Hospitality services, Medical services, Para Medical Sciences, Office Management, Automobile Trade performing skill, Music, Instrument Music. Subsequent to this, an airman can enroll for a one-year distance learning programme with IGNOU leading to award of Bachelor’s Degree.
For the non-combatants, the basic trade training imparted at IAF Training Institutes will make them eligible for award of Certificates in their respective trade by IGNOU. The launch of the project will immediately benefit nearly one lakh IAF personnel who will, on completion of the syllabus receive a Degree from the National University that has the potential to transform their post-retirement life besides helping them prepare for competitive jobs.
Presently, the entry level qualification requirements for airmen in IAF is 10+2 in Group-X and Y trades (Technical and non-technical trades), and Class-X for Group-Z trade (Musicians). For NCs (E), the minimum educational qualification requirement is also Class-X. However, individuals who did not complete 10+2 examination prior to joining the IAF can undergo a bridge programme of one semester before qualifying for registration to the Associate Degree.
Better qualified human resources will help IAF in gainful utilization of its resources. The programme, while validating IAF training curriculum is also one among the several welfare measures for its personnel. Project Akashdeep also signifies IAF’s association with sky and its quest for knowledge.
The MoU allowing conferring of educational certifications to airmen and NCs (E) (Non Combatants) (Enrolled) within the parameters laid down by IGNOU for Community Colleges was signed by Air Officer-In-charge Personnel, Air Marshal KJ Mathews on behalf of IAF and by IGNOU Vice Chancellor, Prof. V.N. Rajasekharan Pillai in the presence of the Chief of the Air Staff, Air Chief Marshal PV Naik, senior IAF, IGNOU Officials and the MoU beneficiaries – IAF Airmen and NCs (E).
Under the arrangements, the two modules of the Joint Basic Phase Training (JBDT) will enable airmen to earn credit points that would be transferred to IGNOU for completing their Certificates, Diplomas and Associate Degrees in Arts, Science, Commerce, Business Administration, Hotel Management, Hospitality services, Medical services, Para Medical Sciences, Office Management, Automobile Trade performing skill, Music, Instrument Music. Subsequent to this, an airman can enroll for a one-year distance learning programme with IGNOU leading to award of Bachelor’s Degree.
For the non-combatants, the basic trade training imparted at IAF Training Institutes will make them eligible for award of Certificates in their respective trade by IGNOU. The launch of the project will immediately benefit nearly one lakh IAF personnel who will, on completion of the syllabus receive a Degree from the National University that has the potential to transform their post-retirement life besides helping them prepare for competitive jobs.
Presently, the entry level qualification requirements for airmen in IAF is 10+2 in Group-X and Y trades (Technical and non-technical trades), and Class-X for Group-Z trade (Musicians). For NCs (E), the minimum educational qualification requirement is also Class-X. However, individuals who did not complete 10+2 examination prior to joining the IAF can undergo a bridge programme of one semester before qualifying for registration to the Associate Degree.
Better qualified human resources will help IAF in gainful utilization of its resources. The programme, while validating IAF training curriculum is also one among the several welfare measures for its personnel. Project Akashdeep also signifies IAF’s association with sky and its quest for knowledge.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Gallantry award given to deserters - Survivor Of INS Khukri Seeks Correction In Naval History On Role Of INS Kirpan In 71 Indo-Pak War
Chandigarh: Did the crew of INS Kirpan,the Indian Navy frigate which was honoured with gallantry award for its role in 1971 Indo-Pak war,actually deserve the honour or did it play an ignominious role by deserting fellow sailors who were drowning in INS Khukri Nearly 40 years after the sinking of INS Khukri,this is the question being raised by one of the survivors of the illfated frigate of Indian Navy.
A retired sailor,Chanchal Singh Gill,who served in the Indian Navy for 14 years,has moved the Chandigarh bench of the Armed Forces Tribunal (AFT) seeking correction of Naval history related to the INS Khukri. A comprehensive time bound inquiry by a commission,withdrawal of gallantry awards from those who allegedly showed cowardice,including officers and Commanding Officer of INS Kirpan,and fixing responsibility for the Indian Navys greatest cover up after the greatest tragedy,besides their court martial,has also been sought.
The main allegations of 58-year old Gill who was on duty as artificer apprentice on the fateful night of December 9,1971 when the Pakistani submarine PNS Hangor hit the INS Khukri is that the record prepared by the Historical Cell of Directorate of Naval Operations,at Naval Headquarters,New Delhi,pertaining to INS Khukri is far away from the truth. While pointing out glaring errors in the records,which came to his notice in February 2004,that Khukri sank just by one torpedo hit whereas INS Kirpan manoeuvered to deflect torpedo attacks,Gill claims that actually three torpedoes had hit Khukri and instead of joining action to counter the attack,INS Kirpan fled away.
After reading the official account,Gill immediately sent letters to parliamentary standing committee on defence seeking correction of the records but has not heard from them till now. Along with his petition, which would now come up for hearing before AFT on December 24,Gill has also annexed the report of Commander B Bhushan who had submitted a report in January,1972 on Khukris sinking.Commander Bhushans report,which was declassified in 2005,if gone through carefully,highlights an amazing cover up (on INS Kirpans role) by the naval authorities,Gill claimed.
Gill said he was one of the few survivors who were thrown out at the time of first blast but survived as he could take hold of a life raft and operated it in the darkness of night besides rescuing six more survivors from freezing waters. INS Kirpan,which was in the vicinity,did not respond to distress signals,instead,speeded away from the spot,abandoning the drowning crew of Khukri,he alleged.He also claimed that not all of the survivors were questioned about how the tragedy had happened and no independent inquiry was instituted.
A retired sailor,Chanchal Singh Gill,who served in the Indian Navy for 14 years,has moved the Chandigarh bench of the Armed Forces Tribunal (AFT) seeking correction of Naval history related to the INS Khukri. A comprehensive time bound inquiry by a commission,withdrawal of gallantry awards from those who allegedly showed cowardice,including officers and Commanding Officer of INS Kirpan,and fixing responsibility for the Indian Navys greatest cover up after the greatest tragedy,besides their court martial,has also been sought.
The main allegations of 58-year old Gill who was on duty as artificer apprentice on the fateful night of December 9,1971 when the Pakistani submarine PNS Hangor hit the INS Khukri is that the record prepared by the Historical Cell of Directorate of Naval Operations,at Naval Headquarters,New Delhi,pertaining to INS Khukri is far away from the truth. While pointing out glaring errors in the records,which came to his notice in February 2004,that Khukri sank just by one torpedo hit whereas INS Kirpan manoeuvered to deflect torpedo attacks,Gill claims that actually three torpedoes had hit Khukri and instead of joining action to counter the attack,INS Kirpan fled away.
After reading the official account,Gill immediately sent letters to parliamentary standing committee on defence seeking correction of the records but has not heard from them till now. Along with his petition, which would now come up for hearing before AFT on December 24,Gill has also annexed the report of Commander B Bhushan who had submitted a report in January,1972 on Khukris sinking.Commander Bhushans report,which was declassified in 2005,if gone through carefully,highlights an amazing cover up (on INS Kirpans role) by the naval authorities,Gill claimed.
Gill said he was one of the few survivors who were thrown out at the time of first blast but survived as he could take hold of a life raft and operated it in the darkness of night besides rescuing six more survivors from freezing waters. INS Kirpan,which was in the vicinity,did not respond to distress signals,instead,speeded away from the spot,abandoning the drowning crew of Khukri,he alleged.He also claimed that not all of the survivors were questioned about how the tragedy had happened and no independent inquiry was instituted.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
The Hon’ble Supreme Court vide its order dated 15.11.2010 has directed the Central Government to set up a Commission, named the Armed Forces Grievances Redressed Commission to address the grievances of both serving and retired armed forces personnel. The matter is presently under examination.
This information was given by Defence Minister Shri AK Antony in a written reply to Shri SS Ramasubba and Shri Asaduddin Owaisi in Lok Sabha today.
This information was given by Defence Minister Shri AK Antony in a written reply to Shri SS Ramasubba and Shri Asaduddin Owaisi in Lok Sabha today.