Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Who are exempted from toll tax on national highways as per the NHAI rules

Policy on collection of user fee is based on the provisions of National Highways Act, 1956 (48 of 1956) and National Highways Fee (Determination of Rates and Collection) Rules, 2008 as amended. Currently there are 209 fee plazas in NHs with NHAI. A Representation from AIMTC has been received. As per the present policy in case of 6 laning projects where 4 lane facilities is already available, tolling is started immediately even before completion of highways.
As per the National Highways Fee (Determination of Rates and Collection) Rules, 2008, the fee rates is to be revised every year with effect from 1st April. Policy decisions on specific toll issues are being taken from time to time depending upon requirements. Presently there is no proposal for a separate regulatory authority.
The dignitaries and vehicles exempted as per rule 11 of the National Highways Fee (Determination of Rates and Collection) Rules, 2008 as amended is enclosed as given below:-
“11. Exemption from payment of fee. –(1) No fee shall be levied and collected from a mechanical Vehicle
(a) transporting and accompanying–
(i) the President of India;
(ii) the Vice-President of India;
(iii) the Prime-Minister of India;
(iv) the Governor of a State;
(v) the Chief Justice of India;
(vi) the Speaker of the House of People;
(vii) the Cabinet Minister of the Union
(viii) the Chief Minister of a State;
(ix) the Judge of the Supreme Court;
(x) the Minister of State of the Union;
(xi) the Lieutenant Governor of a Union territory;
(xii) the Chief of Staff holding the rank of full General or equivalent rank;
(xiii) the Chairman of the Legislative Council of a State;
(xiv) the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of a State;
(xv) the Chief Justice of a High Court;
(xvi) the Judge of a High Court;
(xvii) the Member of Parliament;
(xviii) the Army Commander or Vice-Chief of Army Staff and equivalent in
other services;
(xix) the Chief Secretary to a State Government within concerned State;
(xx) the Secretary to the Government of India;
(xxi) the Secretary, Council of States;
(xxii) the Secretary, House of People;
(xxiii) the Foreign dignitary on State visit;
(xxiv) The Member of Legislative Assembly of a State and the Member of Legislative Council of a State within their respective State, if he or she produces his or her identity card issued by the concerned Legislature of the State;
(xxv) the awardee of Param Vir Chakra, Ashok Chakra, Maha Vir Chakra, Kirti Chakra, Vir Chakra and Shaurya Chakra, if such awardee produces his or her photo identity card duly authenticated by the appropriate or competent authority for such award;
(b) used for official purposes by -
(i) the Ministry of Defence including those which are eligible for exemption in accordance with the provisions of the Indian Toll (Army and Air Force) Act, 1901 and rules made thereunder, as extended to Navy also;
(ii) the Central and State armed forces in uniform including para military forces and police;
(iii) an executive Magistrate;
(iv) the fire-fighting Department or organization;
(v) the National Highways Authority of India or any other Government organisation using such vehicle for inspection, survey, construction or operation of national highways and maintenance thereof;
(c) used as ambulance; and
(d) used as funeral van”.
This information was given by the Minister of State of Road Transport and Highways, Shri Jitin Prasada in a written reply in Lok Sabha today
 (New Delhi, 28 November 2011)


Update on OROP by Lt Gen Raj Kadyan

Dear Colleagues,
I had a fruitful meeting with the Secretary Ex Servicemen Welfare Deprt in the Ministry of Defence today. Mr Chibber, who has recently assumed the appointment, has had family connection with the Defence Services.
At the start he mentioned that when he took over, his peer Secretaries told him to work on OROP. This is a happy indicator of the bureaucrats’ sensitivity towards the issue. During discussion it became apparent that he had not fully grasped the nuances of OROP. For example, he quoted a discussion with a recently retired Colonel and pointed out that the latter was getting more pension than a Joint Secretary acquaintance of his, who had super-annuated in the 1980s. When I pointed out that the JS had served six years longer than the Colonel and this needed to be factored in the comparative calculus, he at once grasped the issue. He finally appeared convinced why OROP should be applicable exclusively to Defence pensioners.
I touched on the issue of the Sepoys’ widows not being included in proposed enhancement now under consideration. He had already received this input (through my note that I had given to the Defence Minister on 10 November) and agreed that it was an inadvertent omission on the part of The Cabinet Secretaries Committee and that he had already told staff concerned and was hopeful they would be able to include them in the enhancement.
While agreeing that errors can happen, I pointed out that the rank pay shemozzle and putting four officer ranks on an equal pension after the Sixth Pay Commission, were not simple omissions. Clearly contrary to the pay commission recommendations these were prima facie acts of deliberate commission. I underscored the fact that unless the guilty are identified and punished, recurrence would happen.
On my asking he reconfirmed that the government orders on the pension enhancement should be out within this month.

Best regards,
Lt Gen Raj Kadyan
Chairman IESM
262, Sector - 17A
Gurgaon - 122 001

Saturday, November 17, 2012

A Weapon more powerful than RTI application => A notice under Sec.80 of CPC

A District Magistrate or Collector is CEO of a District.

He is accountable for everything in his District. He has as much power as a CEO.

If you want to file any case against Union of India, you have to give notice to him.

In short he is responsible for things happening in his District.

An activist can consider doing 3 things if he see any wrong things in his district.

80CPC.(Notice) is more POWERFUL than RTI inquiry. Ppl should LEARN to use this weapon.

A) A written Regd AD notice or letter to DM giving details of wrong complained and request him to take action within 60 days as provided in Sec. 80 of CPC.

B) After 60 days,consider filing an RTI application to know status of your complaint.

C) Thereafter, consider further steps like moving a petition in High Court or trial court. Your local advocate may help you.

Remember, DM is the man whom you should send Complaints.

(Source-Haresh Raichura on 13/9/2012)

Friday, November 9, 2012


Trikool-II Bhikjl Cama Place, New Delhi-110066

ATTENTION: Central Civil Pensioners/Family Pensioners and Authorised Pension Disbursing Banks


1. The Life Certificate has to be submitted by the pensioner/family pensioner lo any Branch Manager of Pension Paying Bank in the months of November each year. The scheme booklet (4th edition, 3 Dec 2004) detailing the “Scheme for Payment of Pensions to Central Government Civil Pensioners through Authorised Bank’s has been amended to include para 15.2 (i) which provides for an exemption from personal appearance of the pensioner in the bank. The same is quoted below for ready reference of all concerned.

“A pensioner who produces a life certificate in the prescribed form in, Annexure-XVII (given below) signed by any person specified hereunder, however, is exempted from personal appearance:

i. A person exercising the powers of a Magistrate under the Criminal Procedure code:

ii. A Registrar or Sub-Registrar appointed under Indian Registration Act.

iii. A Gazetted Government servant:

iv. A Police Officer not below the rank of Sub-Inspector in-charge of a Police Station:

v. A Class-I Officer of the Reserve Bank of India an officer (including Grade II officer) of the State Bank of India or of its subsidiary:

vi. A pensioned Officer who, before retirement, exercised the powers of a magistrate:

vii. A Justice of Peace:

viii. A Block Development Officer, Munsif, Tehsildar or Naib Tehsìldar:

ix. A Head of Village Panchayat. Gram Panchayat Gaori Panchayat or an Executive Committee of a Village;

x. A Member of Parliament, of State legislatures or of legislatures of Union Territory Governments/Administrations;

xi. Treasury Officer.

It is further stated that in the case of a pensioner drawing his pension through a Public Sector Bank the life certificate may be signed by an officer of a Public Sector Bank. In the case of a pensioner residing abroad and drawing his pension through any other bank included in the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act. 1934, the life certificate may be signed by an officer of the Bank. A pensioner not resident in India in respect of whom his duty authorised agent produces a life certificate signed by a Magistrate, a Notary, a Banker or a Diplomatic Representative of India is exempted from special appearance.

It is requested that all banks may give the above wide publicity and circulate to all the branches for strict compliance and for information to pensioners.


(To be submitted by Pensioner once a year in November)

Certified that I have seen________________________________________________________________________ the pensioner
Shri./Smt./Ms.____________________________________________________________________ (Name of Pensioner) holder of
Pension Payment Order No. ____________________________________________________ and that he/she is alive on this date.

Name : ___________________________         Designation of Authorised Officer
Place : ___________________________          Chief Controller (Pensions)

NEW STATUS - Ex-servicemen status for retd paramilitary men

New Delhi: In the run up to Himachal Pradesh Assembly and an eye on 2014 parliamentary polls,the government has decided to extend ex-servicemen benefits to retired central paramilitary personnel. The move will please 17 lakh serving and retired personnel from the forces,who were treated like any other government employee. The Cabinet on Thursday passed a proposal moved by home ministry to declare retired personnel from Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) as ex-central police personnel and extend them several benefits that ex-servicemen from the armed forces get.

Like former servicemen, now the retired paramilitary forces personnel will get quota in jobs, higher education for their wards and attendant medical benefits. However, they wont be eligible for certain Central government benefits such as preferential allotment of petrol pumps and gas agency as Centre has put financial burden of the development entirely on states. They will also not share the quota of ex-servicemen from defence forces, but have separate reservations as decided by different states.
The move has come at a time when Himachal Pradesh,which sends a large number of its men to various forces, is facing elections.And with general elections only a year and a half away,the policy decision will bring cheer to over seven lakh retired paramilitary personnel across the country apart from nine lakh serving in various forces such as CRPF,BSF,SSB,ITBP and CISF. The government also hopes the move will help bring attrition in the forces down.Around 44,000 personnel have resigned from paramilitary forces since 2009 due to stressful conditions of work and lack of medical benefits.

Home minister Sushil Kumar Shinde announced its passing by the Cabinet while attending a CRPF function on Thursday morning.

(Source- Deeptiman Tiwary TNN)