Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Sunday, June 28, 2015


28 Jun 2015
Dear Veterans,
Jai Hind.

The email below, from Lt Gen SK Bahri, will shock all the veterans.

I personally feel that the RM is giving Defence Services and the ESM maximum possible support; the obstructions are the Babus, The FM and miss guided by them The PM. We should now think in terms of bringing the PM online by repeatedly reminding him of his pre-election and post election promises; he should sort out the FM and his Babus.

Please do not forget – one of the Defence Secretaries, more than a decade ago, had said “OROP over my dead body”. All Babus now think on the same line. Babus will stoop down to any extent to fool misguide the FM and PM about OROP.

In service of Indian Armed Forces Veterans & Families
Chander Kamboj


From: Satish Kumar Bahri [mailto:skbahri1@yahoo.com]
Sent: 28 June 2015 12:45
To: Manohar Parrikar
Cc: COAS Sectt; CNS; CAS; Mahalingam Venkataraman; Gen VK Singh
Subject: Fw: Important Caution to Military Veterans and Service HQ handling OROP with Government

Dear Mr Defence Minister,

Reference the trailing mail from Brig Mahalingam.

A few days ago a team, including me, from IESM met the FM due to the kind courtesy of Gen VK Singh. Col Rajyavardhan Rathore was also present. During this meeting the FM came up with the suggestion of a base pension for each rank and an additional amount for each year of service, in lieu of OROP. We asked him as to how and who will fix the base pensions, to which he said that the 7th CPC could do it. He also offered that he would accept a retd Lt Gen as a member in the CPC. We insisted that this should not be done, as firstly, pensions as per the Koshyari Committee be paid from 1/4/14 till the award of 7th CPC is announced. Thereafter, the salaries of the serving personnel may be fixed by the 7th CPC and consequently our pensions will follow as per rules. We would however, like that the 7th CPC restores the differential of pension as existing prior to 3rd CPC, which affects the largest number of ESM. The increase of civilian pensions without a corresponding increase in our pensions was patently unjustified and against all norms of justice.

Secondly, as the FM had offered to include an officer from the Services, I feel we should push for it even though it is late. The advantage would be that we could be warned by him of any underhand deals being done by the bureaucrats, to our disadvantage. We should also insist that we be not classified asshudras and be equated with the Class A services. You being the appointed guardian of the Defence Forces have a duty towards them, which you have been executing very well so far. So please continue.

Thirdly, the demand of CAPF is a red herring intended to muddy the waters, so that the government can put hurdles in resolving the issue of OROP.

With warm regards.

Satish Bahri
Lt Gen SK Bahri PVSM
A3/502 World Spa East
Sector 30/41
Gurgaon 122001
Tele 0124 4143180/181
Mob +91 981000 2800

Important Caution to Mil Veterans & Service HQ handling OROP with Babus
Dear All,

"Military Pension" is a concept devised by the bureaucracy with some intent. The concept must be viewed with caution by the leaders of the Veteran’s community presently engaged with the Government on the issue of OROP.

As it seems, the nomenclature of the proposal suggests that the Government is likely to lay down a Pension Band like the present Pay Band. The point that is likely to be missed out is, equating the pension of the Veterans of the past with the pensions of soldiers retiring from service today with equivalent rank and service. As a result the Pension Band is likely to be much below the Pension applicable to personnel of the same rank and length of service retiring today.  The implication would be, even if the pension band, say for a Brigadier retiring with 25 years of service is Rs 2000 per month with an increase of Rs 25 for every 6 months increase in service, it would fit in with the definition of OROP. In other words, the Pension Bands may be delinked from Last Pay Drawn.

The bureaucracy may be banking on cashing on this interpretation to circumvent OROP.Once announced the Government will go whole hog to mislead the general public to claim that the Veteran’s demands have been fully met as the pension from then on would be same for persons of the same rank with same service irrespective of their date of retirement. 

It appears to me that instigated claims of CAPFs demanding OROP, the JCOs and OR getting less increase due to OROP etc. are being generated to create friction amongst ranks and files of the army as well as the Veteran’s community. It would also enable the Government to create a belief amongst the civil population that OROP indeed is a complicated process. On this very pretext of allegedly being able to examine the issue of OROP comprehensively to include CAPF and other Police Forces, the issue may be palmed off to 7th CPC. The larger aims and approach of the Government (read bureaucracy) explains the delay in implementing OROP. 
If you study this carefully, it may be a sinister plan something similar to the 3rd CPC. This will reduce the pension of the present retirees delinked from their Last Pay Drawn. In the long run, the pensions of the Defence Community will be hit very hard.

The purpose of writing this mail is to caution those handling the issue including the Service HQ of the likely pit falls. Even after the Government makes the announcements, the experts from the Veteran’s community and the Service Headquarters need to study the letter carefully before claiming success or expressing happiness over the issue.

We should remember how the Rank Pay was skirted even after the Government letter was issued.

Incidentally, along with OROP, we need to insist that a rep from each service and the Veteran’s community need to be included in the committee working out the details of the scheme. It is time the Service HQ and the Veteran’s community also insists that similar representation is accepted in the 7th CPC before it is too late to mend things.

I sincerely hope and pray that my assessment is totally wrong and misconceived. I would be happy if the Government proves me wrong by implementing OROP, the way it was conceived and perceived.


Brigadier V Mahalingam (Retired)

(Source- Vasundhra blog)


Dear Passenger,

 I am very happy to bring to you an E book highlighting the achievements and initiatives of Indian Railways in the past one year. This book also includes the way forward in brief under the segment -'The track ahead'.

 I would urge you to take some time and go through the document for insights into what we have been trying to do for the betterment of railway services. Please Click Here to access the document. 

Your comments and suggestions are very welcome and may be sent on the following email id- sureshprabhu@rb.railnet.gov.in

With best wishes,

Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu
Minister of Railways
(Source-via e-mail Posted by: Ankaiah Gummadidala )

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Intake of state youths in Army down to 1%: GOC

Our Correspondent
Ferozepur, June 26

Major General SC Meston, GOC, Golden Arrow Division, today said that more and more youths of the state were taking to drugs and that the menace had reached alarming proportions. He cautioned against the nefarious designs of Pakistan, which was waging a proxy war by way of pushing drugs into the border state.
At a seminar here, Meston said once known as the ‘Sword Arm’ of the nation, Punjab had a rich tradition of supplying the forces with a steady flow of officers, JCO’s and jawans. However, the youths had gone astray and got addicted to alcohol and drugs.
“Since the prices of land have gone up, the youths have got easy money and they are spending it on drugs. This has led to a significant decline in youths joining the Army. The proportion of the annual intake from the state to the total intake has fallen from around 17 per cent to less than 1 per cent,” Meston said.
“The decline in numbers is no longer restricted to the officer cadre, but the number of recruits has sharply fallen across all ranks. This is disappointing for Punjab which has a glorious martial legacy,” he said.
The Major General said that poor standards of education at the grass roots, deteriorating health standards and the ever-growing menace of drug and alcohol abuse were posing a serious challenge to the economic and social health of the state.
Army holds campaigns

Fazilka: The Amogh Division of the Army held a drive to motivate the youth of three border villages to shun drugs and contribute to nation building. The Army organised awareness campaigns in border villages of Rana, Alamshah and Shahtirwala in coordination with the district administration and the Drug Rehabilitation Centre, Fazilka.

(Source- Sanjha Morcha)

Friday, June 26, 2015

Modi Government's Big Plans for 50th Anniversary of 1965 War with Pakistan

New Delhi : June 26, 2015 11:28 IST 

The Narendra Modi government plans a big 35-crore celebration to mark the 50th anniversary of the 1965 war with Pakistan. A mini Republic Day-type parade is planned at Rajpath, the Delhi boulevard that hosted a record-breaking yoga performance last week, government sources said. They said the month-long celebrations to honour the soldiers who fought the war will begin on August 28 - the day in 1965 that India captured the Haji Pir pass, now in Pakistan Administered Kashmir.
After initial reverses, India had won tactical victories in the 1965 war, which is largely seen as having had no clear result, ending with a United Nations-mandated ceasefire on September 23, 1965. Both sides have over the years claimed that they won the war; independent assessments say India had the upper hand when the UN stepped in leading to the Tashkent declaration.
The Modi government will emphatically celebrate the 1965 war as India's victory. The Rajpath parade will be held on September 20, and will include, apart from a show of military might, a thrilling aerial display with commandos slithering down ropes from helicopters. The government, sources said, also plans a "festival of victories" commemorating battles in Burkee, Khemkaran, Asal Uttar, Phillora , Parbhat Ali, Bhuj Monabao and Dograi.

The government also plans to honour Lal Bahadur Shastri, who was Prime Minister in 1965, and his powerful slogans like "Jai Jawan Jai Kisaan," in an attempt to reach out to both segments - the jawan (soldier) and the kisaan (farmer), recently upset with the BJP-led government's policies.

Farmers have been up in arms against the Land Acquisition Bill and former servicemen are angry that the government has not implemented "One rank One Pension" or OROP yet. Some 1965 war veterans have said they are boycotting the celebrations over OROP. "We will not attend any government function till OROP in implemented," said Major General (Retd.) Satbir Singh of the Indian Ex-Servicemen Movement.

President Pranab Mukerjee and Prime Minister Narendra Modi are scheduled to attend at least two programmes each and Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar will attend at least one, sources said.
(Source- NDTV)




(SOURCE- http://pgportal.gov.in/pmocitizen/Grievancepmo.aspx )

One Rank One Pension: Less about money, more about honour

DNA: Thursday, 25 June 2015

One Rank One Pension (OROP) is a national matter and with every passing day, the delay in its approval is hurting the morale of soldiers - not just of retired personnel, but also serving men who will someday bear the consequences. A large number of ex-servicemen are on a relay hunger strike at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi and in many other cities of the country. Some have even started returning their gallantry medals, pushing for OROP, while others are openly venting strong views on television channels. It was sad to see Vir Chakra awardee Colonel Anil Kaul removing his eye-patch and hand guard that covered his injured body parts on a TV channel and vowing not to wear them again till OROP was cleared.

In ancient times, if a soldier had to beg for his rights, the king and the State were considered to have failed in their promise to the nation’s guardians. A Major General who retired 30 years back cannot get lesser pension than a Colonel who retires today. The only other emotive issue for the Armed Forces is the 50-year-old demand for a National War Memorial and Museum at New Delhi to remember the martyrs. Doesn’t every patriotic Indian want to honour and remember the martyrdom of those who sacrificed their yesterday for our today? 

All political parties support the OROP in principle, and while this is heartening, time is of essence. PM Narendra Modi (BJP) and Rahul Gandhi (Congress) made it a poll promise in the last elections. However, the finance ministry bureaucracy has been scuttling its implementation for decades, by scaring politicians with inflated financial implications. But the numbers are now in public domain. The cost of implementing OROP today has gradually increased over the years to Rs 8,000 crore which is around 3 percent of the Union defence budget. More recently, the Para Military Forces and Police have been ‘incited’ to seek the same. Ninety percent of Armed Forces personnel retire at ages below 50 years, while all others organisations have a retirement age of 60 years. The comparisons are thus flawed and mischievous.

The situation is the same as depicted in the famous British sitcom Yes Minister. The bureaucracy has been playing the one-upmanship power game to lower the relative status of the Armed Forces. In the past too, the bureaucracy has tried to interpret the Pay Commission and other government decisions in a manner that gives reduced benefits to the Armed Forces. Servicemen had to fight and win the ‘Rank Pay’ case in the Apex court. A large number of ex-servicemen and widows of martyrs have to keep fighting for disability and service pension in courts because some lower level babu has denied them the same. 

The OROP issue has been simmering for 30 years. A strong, clear-thinking, pro-Armed Forces Prime Minister can push a political decision and override the bureaucracy. The Indian Armed Forces has so far invested all their hopes in PM Narendra Modi. Luckily, the country also has a quick-at-uptake Defence Minister in Manohar Parrikar and he personally supports the concept. Two prominent ex-soldiers, former Army Chief General VK Singh and Olympic medal winner Colonel Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore, as well as Central Ministers are also supporting proper interface with the government. Opposition parties are already jumping the bandwagon to score political points against the NDA government. The time for action is now. Any delay may affect the morale of serving personnel and could well have security implications.              

The author is a retired Air Marshal. 

(Source-Read more: http://www.staffnews.in )

Govt sees ‘jawan and kisan’ as it plans to mark ’65 win over Pak

Posted at: Jun 26 2015 2:45AM 

The grand show

  • The celebrations will commence with the laying of a wreath at the Amar Jawan Jyoti on August 28
  • It will be followed by a tri-Services seminar on September 1 and 2
  • A commemorative exhibition will be organised by the Army on Rajpath from September 15 to 20
  • On September 20, a commemorative carnival will showcase the might of the three Services through tableaux, regimental and cultural events, martial arts and band displays
  • The celebrations will end with a band concert at Vijay Chowk on September 26

Ajay Banerjee
Govt sees ‘jawan and kisan’ as it plans to mark ’65 win over Pak
Indian Army soldiers atop Pakistani tanks during the 1965 Indo-Pak War. File photo
Tribune News service
New Delhi, June 25
The iconic slogan “Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan” of the 1960s that ignited nationalistic fervour during the 1965 war with Pakistan will see a revival in August-September this year. The government plans to organise a series of events, including a display by the forces, to mark 50 years of the war.
This comes at a time when the BJP-led government is trying to win over armed forces personnel and farmers. A section of the farmers is unhappy with the Union Government over the proposed changes in the Land Acquisition Act, while the veterans of the forces are angry over the delay in implementing the “One Rank, One Pension” (OROP) promise made by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
A series of events will be organised by the Army, Navy and the Indian Air Force between August 28 and September 26 on the lawns of Rajpath and Vigyan Bhawan. The war had ended on September 23, 1965, following a peace deal brokered by the United Nations.
The events will include an exhibition at Rajpath. The golden jubilee commemoration of the war will not only recollect India’s victory over Pakistan, but also revive the legacy of former Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri, who coined the “Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan” slogan during the war.
A note by the Ministry of Defence says: “The commemoration and celebration of the golden jubilee of this great victory will be a step in the right direction for conveying the sacrifices of martyrs and actions of gallant soldiers to the nation.”
Two famous battles in the western sector led to successful reclaiming of Khemkaran in Punjab (in the battle now known as “Asal uttar”) and the successful defence at Shakargarh bulge during the battle at Phillora. Paramvir Chakras were awarded to Havildar Abdul Hamid of the 4 Grenadiers and the Lt Col AB Tarapore of the 17 Poona Horse, a tank unit.
The celebrations will commence with the laying of a wreath at the Amar Jawan Jyoti on August 28, the day the Indian Army captured the Haji Pir Pass in Uri region. The MoD wants either President Pranab Mukherjee or PM Narendra Modi to do the honours.
A tri-Services seminar will be held on September 1 and 2. From September 15 to 20, the Army will organise a commemorative exhibition on Rajpath, which will expectedly see a public participation. The exhibition will have four separate displays—the gallantry arena (showing the work of men like Havildar Hamid and Lt Col Tarapore), sacrifice arena, service display arena and the war trophy arena.
Tableaux, sand models and 3D imagery will be used to disseminate information about major battles. On September 20, a commemorative carnival will showcase the might of three Services through tableaux, regimental and cultural events.  The celebrations will end with a concert at Vijay Chowk on September 26.
ONE RANK, ONE PENSION : Ex-servicemen threaten to intensify stir

Chandigarh, June 25

Attributing the continuing delay in the implementation of one rank, one pension (OROP) for the armed forces to the bureaucracy, which has consistently been dragging its feet on the issue, and lack of political will on the part of successive governments, the United Front of Tri-city Ex-servicemen on OROP has threatened to intensify its agitation in the coming days.

Addressing mediapersons here today, Lieutenant General Harwant Singh (retd), former Deputy Chief of the Army Staff, said the delay in implementation of OROP, and inability of the government to commit a date for it despite repeated assurances in this regard by the PM himself, was forcing them to doubt the credibility of his statements.
He said the fact that Modi had been unable to get the poll promise implemented even a year after storming to power, pointed towards a lack of political will on the part of the government, which is why it had not been able to overcome the resistance by the all powerful bureaucracy. — TNS



The men who dedicated their lives in the service of the nation are today miffed with the Narendra Modi led BJP government and its policies. The ex-servicemen of the nation are being forced to resort to ways and means like boycotting Defence minister’s function to raise their voice and demands. It’s a sad situation and very much in line with the present circumstances under Modi rule where every demand is crushed and every voice is tried to be trampled down. 

It is sad to know that our brave ex servicemen have been forced to heighten their agitation for their long standing demand of one-rank, one-pension mechanism.

The sorry state of our former defence men particularly exposes the apathy and hypocrisy of Modi government because BJP launched its Lok Sabha election campaign with ex-servicemen in attendance and with the promise of implementing the mechanism as soon as it came to power. 

The war heroes and veterans of the country are annoyed of the false promises made by the Narendra Modi  government and government's inaction on any promises made to the former soldiers even after a year. The veterans are now forced to take the course of protest in Jantar Mantar in the days to come.

Aam Aadmi Party demands that the One-Rank, One-Pension scheme be implemented at the earliest and the government should have the guts to stand by the promises it has made. Disappointment of the ex-servicemen is disappointment for the whole nation.  Any misery to the people who sacrificed their lives for nation is an insult to the Nation. 
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    It is sad that civilian Govt. is hoodwinking retired defence personnel for over 40 years. Those who are in service, are either too bussy, or ignorant about the condition of retired personnel. An anmoly in pay structure, called RANK PAY, was fought by Major Dhanapalan, after 1986 pay commission. Kerala lower court gave the decision in favour of defence officers. Central Govt took up the case in HIGH COURT, SUPREME COURT AND THEN SOUGHT REVIEW PETITION. Despite harsh order of SC some of the officers were compensated, but not all and the logic itself was totally changed by the Govt. Same thing it had and has been doing with OROP issue.
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        Keratin has not digested defeat in Varanasi, and unnecessarily defaming PM.
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            Unofficial Hindi Translation
            प्रेस विज्ञप्ति : एक पद एक पेंशन (निवृत्ति-वेतन)
            जिन लोगोने देश की सेवा में अपने प्राण तक दांव पे लगाए वो आज नरेंद्र मोदी के नेतृत्व में चली भाजपा सरकार और उसके नीतियों से हैरान/ नाराज (miffed ) है। इस राष्ट्र के भूतपूर्व सिपहियोंको अपनी मांगे रखने के लिए खुद रक्षा मंत्री के समारोह पे बहिष्कार करना पद रहा है। ये एक दुखद घटना है और मोदी शासन में हर एक मांग को और हर एक आवाज को कुचलने का जो एक सिलसिला चला है उसीसे मेल खाती है।
            ये एक दुखद समाचार है की हमारे शुर भूतपूर्व सैनिक अपनी पुरानी मांग एक पद एक पेंशन (निवृत्ति-वेतन) लागू करवाने के लिए जोरदार आंदोलन करने पे मजबूर होना पड़ा है।
            भूतपूर्व सैनिकों की इस दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण अवस्था से मोदी सरकार को संवेदन हीनता और ढोंग का पर्दाफ़ार्श होता है। भाजपा ने अपने लोकसभा प्रचार की शुरुवात भूतपूर्व सैनिको के उपस्थिती में की थी और उन्हें आश्वासित किया था की सत्ता ग्रहण के बाद वो जल्द से जल्द एक पद एक पेंशन (निवृत्ति-वेतन) की मांग पूर्ण करेंगे।
            देश के ये भूतपूर्व सैनिक और वीर जवान मोदी सरकार के झूठे वादों से और एक साल बाद भी सरकारी निष्क्रियता को लेकर हैरान / नाराज है। ये पुराने योद्धा गण जंतर मंतर में अगले कुछ दिनोमे आंदोलन करने पर मजबूर हैं।
            आम आदमी पार्टी एक पद एक पेंशन (निवृत्ति-वेतन) पद्धति जल्द से जल्द लागु करने की मांग करते हुए सरकार से दिए गए वादों को निभाने की हिम्मत रखने की उम्मीद करतो है। भूतपूर्व सैनिको की निराशा पूरे देश की निराशा है। देश पे जान कुर्बान करनेवालों की कोई भी मुसीबत / कष्ट पूरे देश का अपमान है।