Narendra Modi, PM Modi, Mann Ki Baat, Modi Mann Ki Baat, Indian soldiers, Sandesh2Soldiers, Diwali
Narendra Modi lauded the courage of soldiers and thanked the nation for sending them messages.
New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday lauded the courage of the soldiers and thanked the nation for sending them messages.
"From last few months our jawans (soldiers) are sacrificing their lives, we should celebrate this Diwali in their name," Modi said while speaking on Mann Ki Baat, his monthly radio address.
Modi also applauded Indian soldiers for their undying love and sacrifice for the country and said that this Diwali is dedicated to them. "Every citizen of the country is proud of our soldiers," he said. 
"People from all walks of life sent messages of love and encouragement for our jawans (soldiers), just as they light candles for their well being,' he added.
Modi also said that #Sandesh2Soldiers hashtag was used so much by everyone and we were flooded with well wishes and love for jawans from citizens.
"I also have to thank the citizens of the nation for their support and love for our security forces and jawans (soldiers) protecting us," he said.
Recognising the works of the Armed forces, Modi said, "Be it BSF (Border Security Force), CRPF (Central Reserve Police Force), Assam Rifles, ITBP (Indo Tibetan Border Police), Navy, Air Force, our jawans are on duty and guarding us. That is why we are celebrating Diwali joyfully," the Prime Minister said.
Modi also said that when we remember our soldiers on festivals we give a message that we are with them. More than 10 lakh messages have come for soldiers from across the nation. 



Shame that the whole might of press and media is being used for this mis-campaign on the pay and allowances to fauj. Deliberately first denying and injecting twist in the 7th CPC awards at many places, then announcing symbolic correction / reversal in one case to tell the nation how fauj is greedy and unreasonable. If lolly pops are only to be given then why this pomp and show. Why this poor diya lighting in the otherwise dark and gloom of the fauji home and its family. Whom are we cheating?

Barely 10 days after the present government was sworn in May 2014, national dailies headlined "PMO tells MoD, MHA : Get forces involved in policy", elaborating that in an attempt to improve the working environment for the armed forces and other internal security outfits, the Prime Minister’s Office has directed the home and defence ministries to ensure that decisions, especially those relating to the uniformed forces, should be taken only after detailed consultations with their top officers.

The news item elaborated that PMO strongly believed matters relating to the armed forces should not be decided by civilian bureaucrats sitting in North and South Block and that the military leadership should be involved more in decision-making.

Above report further added Prime Minister Narendra Modi had signalled: key decision cannot be left to the bureaucrats; forces must be involved at every stage as they have firsthand experience of what is happening on the ground; entire process of procurement of weapons and equipment was deeply influenced by bureaucrats who have virtually no experience in this field.

The news report quoting a senior official added that any new welfare scheme for armed or paramilitary forces gets drafted by a joint secretary or director-level officer will now change and actual operations officers from the forces will have a greater say.

Was that a lip service or did it get lip-locked by the mafia?

It is often asked who are the mafia, for which no simple definition may apply. But remember the open letter by Anil Manibhai Naik, CEO of L&T to the then Prime Minister Manmohan Singh that amongst other things said, "And the defence production (ministry) joint secretaries and secretaries of the defence ministry are on the boards of all public sector - sickest of sick units you can think of who cannot take out one conventional submarine out for 15 years now with the result that the gap is widening between us and China and bulk of the time we resort to imports out of no choice," adding, "The whole (defence) industry which could have really flowered around very high technological development and taken India to the next and the next level of technological achievement and excellence is not happening."

Of course, Manibhai would not know that while he lamented about submarines, 15 years were being taken to produce an assault rifle that was no match to top ten of its class available globally.

If you think that was long ago, witness the meeting on 24 October 2016 called by Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar to meet ex-servicemen wherein he indicated at the outset his hurt at the various mails derogatory towards the "bureaucracy" and requested the veteran community from using such language.
Perhaps he is right and the bureaucracy should be placed on the pedestal given the fact that despite joint secretary's of Ministry on Defence on all boards of the DRDO, DPSUs and Ordinance Factories, India has continued to import 70 percent of its defence needs past several decades. Do you understand now why the reorganisation of MoD and injecting military professional doesn’t happen, why HQ IDS cannot be merged with MoD, why users (military) are not at the design, planning and decision making levels of governmental defence-industrial set up, and why the military must be put down any which way with welfare and prestige of serving, veterans, widows, disabled be damned.

The Defence Minister’s insistence to Service Chiefs to immediately implement 7th CPC that brings military below the CAPF, Service Chiefs decision to wait for the anomalies to be resolved first, MoD’s 30 September letter bringing the disability pension of military drastically down from what was earlier vide 6th CPC and MoD eventually forced to refer the issue to the ‘Anomalies Committee’ has been in the news.

Of course, one part of the forked tongue is tweeting disability pension as per 6th CPC for military personnel have been restored. But whom do you believe and how come the anomalies committee has become so very efficient? Had we become so administratively efficient, even World Bank would not have slammed us for ‘ease of business’. The government versus judiciary feud is in the news, but past several months the Armed Forces Tribunals (AFT) are lying defunct because the post of civilian judge to head AFTs are lying vacant. But with the type of mischief against the military being engineered anyway, why bother about any justice by AFTs.

But look at the misinformation campaign launched about government letter No A/24577/CAO/CP Cell dated October 18 that equated: civilian Group B section officer with army captain; civilian joint director with full colonel (earlier equated with Lt Col); civilian director with brigadier (earlier equated with full colonel); principal director with major general (earlier equated with brigadier). According to media, not only did this letter have MoD approval, objections by armed forces were overruled by the Defence Minister - in a note to MoD in August-September this year, army had “categorically objected to the systematic downgrading of defence officers in status/equivalence vis-à-vis civilian officers”.

Following above expose, another media report emerged quoting MoD officials that the October 18 letter in question downgrading the military ranks vis-à-vis civilian officers was only due to “functional” reasons (also stated by the Defence Minister) which is a very poor excuse because it ‘does’ downgrade military ranks. Will the Defence Minister explain what is the “functional” reason and what are the “non-functional part” of the military-civil relationship, or is it because the military is the only government service that has been deliberately denied the NFU while the balance government services including the civilian defence employees are enjoying the same?

Additionally, while MoD denies any reduction in the military’s status (without cancelling the October 18 letter) and that existing functional equivalence as clarified in 1991 and further reiterated in 1992, 2000, 2004 and 2005 has only been re-affirmed, another media report states that all these letters cited by MoD were superseded in 2009 by a Group of Ministers report (formally equating army colonels with civilian directors) which was approved by the government. So, does the Defence Minister have the foggiest idea that he is being led up the gum tree by his ministry with the explicit aim to create discord in the military establishment through deliberately downgrading military ranks vis-a-vis civilian defence officials?

Now MoD has struck again with approval of Defence Minister by creating two new civilian positions of Additional Director General (ADG) to look after engineering projects in Army’s Northern and Eastern Commands. This policy decision has been taken arbitrarily by MoD - whatever happened to the PMO missive to involve forces in policy decisions? Leave aside consulting the Engineer-in-Chief and concerned Commands, even Service Chiefs were ignored. Without doubt these ADGs will show two fingers to Army Commanders Northern and Eastern Commands; already there have been cases where civilian officers object to official meetings chaired by the Commanding Officers stating they draw more pay and hence it is they who should chair the meeting. That is why these new ADGs are being placed at Jammu and Guwahati instead of being co-located with respective Command HQ. And you guessed it - Guwahati because 7th CPC grants Rs 75,000 monthly hazard allowance to a civilian government official posted at Guwahati and perhaps the guy at Jammu will be quietly given double that amount with Pakistan shelling villages in vicinity of LoC.

Frankly, this whole exercise of creating to civilian ADG posts in Northern and Eastern Commands stinks about money – getting control of funds with (MES) offices and Chief Construction Engineers (CCE) reporting now to these civilian ADGs. There will be automatic setback to functionality and operational requirements of the military as decisions will be taken by bureaucrats sitting in MoD - exactly what PM Modi referred to above. Take the case of the Border Roads directly under MoD and the recent brouhaha of road construction in Arunachal Pradesh. It is all about connecting the villages close to the border. Little is happening about road construction to forward army posts where soldiers still have to walk two-three days to reach them. With the MES offices and Chief Construction Engineers (CCE) going under the civilian ADGs, matters will get worse.

There is fresh news that government is appointing a three-member committee to look into the issue of pay and rank parity with regard to the military. Obviously it would have no military member – perhaps all bureaucrats under the weird logic that if all the anomalies were on behest bureaucrats, they would be best suited to resolve them. 

The Reddy Commission on OROP anomalies submitted its report to the government three days back; what surprise it holds is not known. 

But if the government is really serious about resolving the civilian versus military pay and rank parity, the solution is actually very simple – combatize the civilian defence employees; give them military training and make them part of the military. This will also beef up security. NDA-I is considered by far the best for armed forces. Which way NDA-II is heading, readers can decide.

The author is veteran Lt Gen of Indian Army.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

7th Pay Commission: Pension Revision Instructions for Pre-2016 Defence Pensioners/Ex-servicemen : No.17(01)/2016-D(Pen/Pol) dated 29.10.2016

No. 17(01)/2016-D(Pen/Pol)
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare
New Delhi
Dated 29th October 2016

The Chief of the Army Staff
The Chief of the Naval Staff
The Chief of the Air Staff

Sub: Implementation of Government's decision on the recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission- Revision of Pension of Pre-2016 Defence Forces Pensioner/Family Pensioners.


The undersigned is directed to state that in pursuance of Government's decision on the recommendations of 7th Central Pay Commission, notified vide Govt of India, Ministry of Defence Resolution No.17(1)/2014/D(Pen/Policy) dated 30th September 2016 based on Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension, Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare Office Resolution No. 38/37/2016-P&PW(A) dated 4th August, 2016 and Office Memorandum F.NO.38/37/20l6-P&PW(A)(ii) dated 4th August,2016, sanction of the President is hereby accorded to regulate the Pension/Family Pension of all Pre-1.1.2016 pensioners/family pensioners of the Defence Forces with effect from 1.1.2016 in the manner indicated in succeeding paragraphs. Separate Orders will be issued by this Ministry in respect of Defence Force Personnel who retired/died on or after 1.1.2016 and for revision of disability element in respect of Pre-2016 Defence Pensioners.

2. Applicability

These orders shall apply to all Defence Forces pensioners/family pensioners who were drawing pension/family pension as on 1.1.2016 under the Pension Regulations of the three Services/ State Forces and various Government orders issued from time to time.

3. Non-Applicability

The provisions of this letter do not apply to the following categories:

(i) Gallantry awardees drawing only monetary allowance attached to the award, such as Param Vir Chakra, Ashok Chakra etc.

(ii) United Kingdom/Hong Kong & Singapore Royal Army( UK/HKSRA) Pensioners.

(iii) Persons in receipt of Compassionate Allowance, Guzara, Reservist Allowance or any other Allowance on which dearness relief is not admissible.

(iv) Reservists in receipt of Ex-gratia payment at Rs 750/- per month covered under Govt. of India, Ministry of Defence letter No. 1(06)/2010-D(Pen/Policy) dated 22”d Nov 2013.

(v) Families of the deceased Reservists in receipt of Ex-gratia family pension at Rs 645/- per month covered by Govt. of India Ministry of Defence letter No.1 (06)/2010-D (Pen/Policy) dated 22nd Nov 2013.

4. Definitions

(a) 'Existing Pensioner' or 'Existing Family Pensioner' means a pensioner who was entitled to/drawing pension/family pension on 31.12.2015. This will also include a pensioner/family pensioner who became entitled to pension/family pension with effect from 1.1.2016 consequent upon retirement/discharge/death of Defence Forces Personnel on 31.12.2015. For the purpose of family pension, it also covers members of family to those who retired/discharged prior to 1.1.2016 and in whose case family pension had not commenced as the pensioner was alive on 31 .12.2015.

(b) 'Existing Pension' means the basic pension inclusive of commuted portion of pension, if any, due on 31.12.2015 and covers all kinds of pension viz. Retiring/Service/ Special/Reservist/Invalid Pension/ Service element of Disability/ Liberalized Disability Pension/ War Injury Pension. This will also include Pension/Family Pension which became due with effect from 1.1.2016 consequent on retirement/discharge! death of Defence Force Personnel on 31.12.2015.

(c) 'Existing Family Pension' means the basic family pension drawn on 31.12.2015 under the Pension Regulations of the three Services/ State Forces and other orders issued on the subject from time to time. It also covers Special Family Pension/ Dependent Pension/2nd Life award of Special Family pension and Liberalized Family pension sanctioned in battle and non-battle casualty cases.

(d) 'Pension Disbursing Agency' (PDA) means Treasury, Post Office, Pay and Accounts Office. Defence Pension Disbursement Office (DPDO), Indian Embassy, Nepal and authorized Public Sector/Private Sector Banks.

(a) 'Pension Sanctioning Authority' (PSA) means PCDA (Pensions) Allahabad, PCDA (Navy) Mumbai, and CDA (AF) Delhi, as the case may be.

5. Revision of Pension

5.1 For existing pensioners, who have retired/died before 01.01.2016, the revised pension/family pension w.e.f.01.01.2016 shall be determined by multiplying the Basic Pension (before commutation)/Basic Family Pension (exclusive of Dearness Relief) as had been drawn as on 31.12.2015 by 2.57 to arrive at revised pension under 7th CPC.The amount of revised pension/family pension so arrived at shall be rounded off to next higher rupee. The Disability Element will be regulated as per Para 9. Illustrations for revision of pension are annexed in Annexure-A attached to this letter.

5.2 For this purpose, the existing Pension/Family Pension will be the Basic Pension(before commutation)/ Basic Family Pension only without the element of Additional Pension (referred to at Para 12) available to the old pensioners! family pensioners of the age of 80 years and above. The Additional Pension!Family Pension payable to the old pensioners/family pensioners will be worked out in accordance with Para 12 of this order.

5.3 Since the revised pension will be inclusive of commuted portion of pension, if any, the commuted portion will be deducted from the said amount while making monthly disbursements.

5.4 Minimum and Maximum Pension:

The minimum basic pension with effect from 01.01.2016 will be Rs. 9000/- per month (excluding the element of additional pension admissible to old pensioners). The upper ceiling of pension/ family pension will be 50% and 30% respectively of the highest pay in the Government (The highest pay in the Government is Rs. 2,50,000/- with effect from 01.01.2016).

5.5 The revised Pension/Family Pension arrived at as per paragraph 5.1 includes dearness relief sanctioned from time to time by the Government.

6. Where the revised Pension!Family Pension in terms of paragraph 5.1 above works out to an amount less than Rs. 9000!-, the same shall be stepped up to Rs. 9000!-. This will be regarded as Pension/Family Pension with effect from 11.2016.

7. The existing instructions regarding regulation of Dearness Relief to employed/ re-employed  pensioners/family pensioners, as contained in Department of Pension 6 Pensioner’s Welfare OM. No. 45/73/97-P&PW(G) dated 02.07.1999 and as amended from time to time, shall continue to apply.

8. Applicability to Permanent absorbees in PSUs/ Autonomous Bodies: Pension of a Defence Forces Personnel who has been permanently absorbed in Public Sector Undertaking/Autonomous Body will be regulated as under:

8.1 Pension: Where the Defence Force Personnel on permanent absorption in Public Sector Undertaking/ Autonomous Body continues to draw pension separately from the Government, the pension of such absorbees will be revised in terms of these orders. in cases, where the Defence Forces Personnel has drawn one time lump-sum terminal benefits equal to 100% commutation of the pension and has become entitled to the restoration of 43% / 45% commuted portion of pension as per the orders issued by this Ministry from time to time, such cases will not be covered by these orders. Orders for regulating pension of such pensioners will be issued separately.

8.2 Family Pension: In cases, where on permanent absorption in Public Sector Undertakings/Autonomous Bodies, the family pension is being drawn by the family of the PSU absorbee under the orders applicable to the Defence Forces, the same will be revised in accordance with these orders.

9. Disability Element:

The implementation of 7th CPC recommendations relating to methodology for calculation of disability element has been referred to the Anomalies Committee. The disability element which was being paid to ore-2016 Defence Pensioners as on 31.12.2015 will continue to be paid till decision on the recommendations of Anomalies Committee is taken by the Government.

10. Following elements will continue to be paid as separate elements in addition to the Pension/Family Pension revised under these orders. These payments will not be taken into account for the purpose of revision as well as for applicability with regard to the minimum limit of Pension/Family Pension is. Rs. 9000/- per month.

(i) Monetary Allowance attached to Gallantry Awards such as Param Vir Chakra, Ashok Chakra etc.

(ii) Constant Attendant Allowance (CAA), matter to be examined by Committee comprising Finance Secretary and Secretary(Expenditure) as Chairman and Secretaries of Home Affairs, Defence, Posts, Health & Family welfare, Personnel & Training and Chairman Railway Board as members. Till a final decision is taken on the recommendation of the Committee, Constant Attendant Allowance shall be paid at the existing rates.

11. Where a pensioner is in receipt of Disabilityl Liberalized Disabilityl War Injury Pension, the minimum limit of Rs. 9000/- will be applicable to Service Pension/Service Element. Disability/ War Injury Element will be payable in addition to Service Pension/Service Element.

12. Additional Pension for Pensioners of age 80 years and above:

The quantum of Additional Pension/Family Pension available to the old pensioners/family pensioners shall be as follows:-
Age of pensioner/family pensionerAdditional quantum of pension
From 80 years to less than 85 years20% of revised basic pension/ family pension
From 85 years to less than 90 years30% of revised basic pension /family pension
From 90 years to less than 95 years40% of revised basic pension /family pension
From 95 years to less than 100 years50% of revised basic pension /family pension
100 years or more100% of revised basic pension /family pension

The amount of additional pension will be shown distinctly. For example, in case where a pensioner more than 80 years of age and hislher revised pension in terms Para 5.1 above is Rs.1000/-pm, the pension will be shown as (i) Basic pension: Rs 10000 and (ii) Additional Pension Rs 2000 p m (20% of revised basic pension Rs 10000). The pension on his/her attaining the age of 85 yrs will be shown as (i) Basic Pension = Rs 10000 and (ii) additional pension = Rs 3000 pm. Dearness relief will also be admissible on the additional pension available to old pensioners.

(Note: - The additional Pension will not be admissible on Disability Element Liberalized Disability Element/War Injury Element of Disability /Liberalized Disability/ War Injury Pension.)

13. Ex-gratia awards to Cadets in cases of disablement.

The following ex-gratia award shall be payable subject to the same conditions as hitherto in force in the event of invalidment of a Cadet (Direct) on medical grounds due to causes attributable to or aggravated by military training:-

(i) Payment of monthly ex-gratia award of Rs. 9000/- per month;

(ii) Payment of ex-gratia disability award @ Rs. 16200/- per month for 100% disability during the period of disablement. The amount will be reduced proportionately from the ex-gratia disability award in case the degree of disablement is less than 100%;

14. Dearness Relief

The revised Pension/Family Pension as worked out in accordance with provisions of Para 5.1 read with Para 6 and additional pension wherever payable under Para 12 above shall be treated as “Basic Pension" with effect from 1.1.2016 for the purpose of calculation of dearness Relief sanctioned thereafter by the Government. 

15. Revision of Pension for employed/re-employed pensioners

The revision of pension in respect of employed/re-employed Commissioned Officer and Personnel Below Officer Rank pensioners will also be carried out as per methodology provided in Para 5.1 ie. their Basic Pension as on 31.12.2015 will be multiplied by 2.57 to arrive at revised Pension as on 01.01.2016. The revised pension so arrived at will be the Basic Pension with effect from 1.12016. However, Dearness Relief beyond 1.1.2016 will not be admissible to employed/re-employed Commissioned Officer pensioners and Personnel Below Officers Rank pensioners, whose pay on re-employment has been fixed above the minimum of scale of pay of the re~employed post during the period of employment/ re-employment.

16. Methodology for Implementation and Reporting

16.1. All Pension Disbursing Agencies handling disbursement of pension to the Defence Pensioners are hereby authorized to pay pension/family pension to existing pensioners/family pensioners at the revised rates in terms of Para 5.1 above without any further authorization from the concerned Pension Sanctioning Authorities. 

16.2 It is considered desirable that the benefit of these orders should reach the pensioners as expeditiously as possible. To achieve this objective, it is directed that all Pension Disbursing Agencies should ensure that the revised pension and the arrears due to the pensioners in terms of Para 5.1 above is paid to the pensioners or credited to their account in one installment within two months from the date of issue of the letter.

16.3 A suitable entry regarding revised pension with effect from 1.1.2016 fixed in terms of Para 5.1 above, as the case may be, will be recorded by the Pension Disbursing Agencies in the Pension records of the pensioners viz. Pension Payment Order, Check Register/Pension Payment Scroll Register. An intimation regarding disbursement of revised pension may be sent by the Pension Disbursing Agencies to the Office of PCDA (P), Allahabad in prescribed Annexure to these orders so that records can be updated. A hard copy of the said Annexure-B may invariably be provided by the PDAs to the pensioners concerned for their information. An acknowledgement shall be obtained by the Pension Disbursing Agencies from Office of PCDA (Pensions), Allahabad in token of receipt of the requisite Annexure.

Miscellaneous Instructions

17. If a pensioner/family pensioner to whom benefit accrues under the provisions of this order, has already died before receiving the payment of arrears, the LTA will be disbursed in the following manner:

(i) If the claimant is already in receipt of Family Pension or happens to be the person in whose favour Family Pension already stands notified and the awardees has not become ineligible for any reason, the LTA under the provisions of this letter should be paid to such a claimant by the PDAs on their own.

(ii) If the claimant has already received LTA in the past in respect of the deceased to whom the benefit would have accrued, the LTA under the provisions of this letter should also be paid to such a claimant by the PDAs on their own.

(iii) If the claimant is a person other than the one mentioned at (i) & (ii). above, LTA will be paid to the legal heir/heirs as per extant Government orders.

18. No commutation will be admissible for the revised pension accruing as a result of this revision. The existing amount of pension commuted, if any, would continue to be deducted from the revised pension while making monthly disbursements.

19. Revision of Pension/Family Pension under these orders will not affect the amount of Retirement Gratuity/ Death Gratuity already determined and paid to the pensioners/ family pensioners with reference to rules in force at the time of discharge/death.

20.. Any overpayment of pension coming to the notice or under process of recovery shall be adjusted in full by the Pension Disbursing Agencies against arrears becoming due on revision of pension on the basis of these orders.

21. The revision of pension/ family pension of Defence pensioners arrived in the above manner shall be subject to the findings and recommendation of the committee set up with the approval of the Cabinet to examine the feasibility of increment based formulation recommendation of 7th CPC for revision of pension and decision of the Government thereon if any.

22. These orders issue with the concurrence of the Finance Division of this Ministry vide their ID No. 10(6A)/2016/FIN/PEN dated 29.10.2016

Manoj Sinha
Under Secretary to the Government of India

Annexure-A (Refer Para 5.1)

(i) Pensioner ‘A' retired as Col. (T8) at last pay drawn of Rs. 48730/- plus Grade pay Rs. 8700/- plus MSP Rs. 6000/- on 30.9.2009 under the 6Ih CPC regime in Pay Band-IV. 

Sl. No.ParticularsAmount in Rs.
1Basic Pension fixed in 6th CPC at the time of retirement(w.e.f. 1.10.2009)31,715
2Existing  Pension  on 31.12.2015 (after  re-fixing  under OROP Scheme)36,130
3Revised Pension fixed under 7th CPC (using a multiple of 2.57 of SI No. 2 above)92,855

(ii) Pensioner ‘B’ retired as Havildar Group ’E’ at last pay drawn of Rs. 13307- on 30.6.1994 under the 4th CPC regime in the Pay Scale of Rs. 1020-2541270-30-1420: 
Sl. No.ParticularsAmount in Rs.
1Basic Pension fixed in 4th CPC at the time of retirement (w.e.f. 1.7.1994)629
2Basic Pension revised in 6th CPC5,023
3Existing  Pension  on 31.12.2015(after  re-fixing  under OROP  Scheme.)7,808
4Revised Pension fixed under 7th CPC (using a multiple of 2.57 of SI No. 3 above20,067

(iii) Family pensioner ’C’ of capt with qualifying service of 20 years 06 months (Post 2006) 
Sl. No.ParticularsAmount in Rs.
1Ordinary  Family Pension fixed  in 6th CPC (w.e.f. 24.9.2012)9,687
2Existing Ordinary Family  Pension on 31.12.2015(after re-fixing under OROP Scheme)9,687
3Revised Ordinary Family   Pension fixed under 7th CPC (using a multiple of 2.57 of Sl No. 2 above)24,896

(iv) Family pensioner ’D’ of Lt. Col with qualifying service of 25 years 07 month(Post 2006)
Sl. No.ParticularsAmount in Rs.
1Special Family pension fixed in 6th CPC w.e.f. 20.2.201437,788
2Special  Family Pension  on 31.12.2015(after re-fixing under CROP Scheme)39,376
3Revised Special Family   Pension fixed under 7th CPC (using a multiple of 2.57 of Sl No. 2 above)1,01,197

(v) Pensioner ‘E’ retired as Lt. Col with qualifying service of 20 year 06 month and basic pay of Rs. 49260, MSP Rs. 6000 and Grade pay Rs. 8000. His disability is 30% (Post 2006):
Sl. No.ParticularsAmount in Rs.
1Basic Pension fixed in 6th CPC at the time of retirement (w.e.f. 24.9,2014.)31,630
2Existing  Pension  on 31.12.2015(after  re-fixing  under OROP Scheme)31,305
(Not beneficial)
3Existing  Pension  on 31.12.2015(after  re-fixing  under OROP Scheme)31,630
4Revised Pension fixed under 7th CPC (using a multiple of 2.57 of Sl No. 3 above)81,290

ANNEXURE-B( Refer to Para 16.3 )

Form for intimation by the Pension Disbursing Agency to the Principal CDA (Pensions) Allahabad regarding revision of pension in terms of Ministry of Defence letter No. 17(01)/2016-D(Pen/Pol) dated October 2016.

(In respect of those who were retired /discharged/died in service prior to 01.01.2016)

1. Name of the pensioner/family pensioner
2. IC No'/Regimental No.
3. Date of Birth and Age.
4. Date of Retirement/Death(in case of family pension)
5. PPO / Corr.PPO No.
6. Scale of Pay/Pay Band on the date of Retirement/Death
Ti. Rank and Group last heid
8.. Qualifying Service
9. Name of the Bank/Paying Branch/Treasury/DPDO/PAO/Post Office
10. BSR Code No of CPPC
11. IFSC Code of paying Branch 
12. Saving Bank Account NoJTSIPS No,(Strike off which is not applicable)
13. Computation of revised pension/family pension
  PensionFamily Pension Ordinary Family Pension (At Enhanced rate)Disability Element/War injury ElementAdditional Pension
AExisting Basic Pension (inclusive of Commuted portion of pension)/ Family Pension     
CRevised pension after deducting Commuted Portion of pension     
 * If not applicable draw a cross line

14. Arrear of Pension/ Family Pension up to & for the month: Rs..............

15. Remarks, if any

Bank Branch:

 1.The Principal CDA(Pension)
Draupadi Ghat, Allahabad-211014
2. Pensioner’s Name & Address.

Saturday, October 29, 2016


HAPPY DIPAWALI to all Service/Family/Disability/WIE pensioners. 

Govt of India, MoD, Dept of Ex-servicemen Welfare Ltr bearing No.19(01)/2016-D(Pen/Pol) d/d 29.10.16 issued.


And your new pension wef 01.01.2016 is - Your existing pension (OROP) as on 31.12.2015 to be multiplied by 2.57. i.e. OROP x 2.57 is NEW PENSION w.e.f. 1.1.2016.

Disability pension @ old rates as of now, pending recommendations of the committe. 


16.1. All PDAs handling disbursement of pensions to the Defence Pensioners are hereby authorised to pay pension/family pension to existing pensioners/family pensioners at the revised rates in terms of Para 5.1 above without any further authorisation from the Pension Sanctioning Authorities. (PCDA(P) Allahabad).

16.2. It is considered desirable that the benefits of these orders should reach the pensioners as expediously as possible. To achieve this objective, it is directed that all Pension Disbursing Agencies should ensure that the revised pension and the arrears due to the pensioners in terms of Para 5.1 above is paid to the pensioners or credited to their account in one installment within two months from the date of issue of this letter.

So, therefore, all good times ahead.

Arrears of DL-33, New Pension and DA in Nov 16.

Happy blogging.





Pension instructions for pre-2016 retirees issued, based on 7th Pay Commission orders

The Ministry of Defence has issued the instructions for payment of pensions implementing the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission. 

The rates of disability element have not been reduced for now and shall continue to be paid as per existing amounts under the existing percentage based formula till the issue is resolved by the Anomalies Committee. 

The note under Paragraph of 12 of the new letter related to non-grant of additional quantum of pension to pensioners aged 80 years and above as far as their disability/war injury elements are concerned is incongruous and shall be taken up with the Government for rectification at the earliest. The same is the strange result of an incoherent recommendation which was discussed earlier in the post of 30 September 2016 in the following terms:

Enhancement of old age pension for disability and war injury pensioners: The strangest part of this entry is the fact that the Defence Services had indeed asked for this, and the commission actually rejected it and the Ministry of Defence has accepted that rejection. I say it is strange because the Government had already clarified way back in 2010 that additional old age pension very much applies to disability and war injury pensioners. Hence the Defence Services HQ had demanded and the 7th CPC and the Ministry of Defence rejected something that stood granted and clarified way back in 2010 by the Government which becomes clear from this letter issued in 2010 which can be accessed by clicking here. This single instance should be an indicator enough of the expertise and institutional memory available at various echelons of our systems. Unfortunate, to say the least!

Friday, October 28, 2016

Service HQ at war with bureaucracy over pay parity: #Sandesh2soldiers fight to restore honour

Picture for representation


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    The services have accused the bureaucracy of being "economical with the truth."
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    The service headquarters are not clear whether defence minister was briefed in detail.
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    There is rising suspicion of bureaucracy misleading the government on several aspects.
Apart from battling Pakistan shelling and terrorists at the Line of Control (LoC), the Army is also being forced to battle the bureaucracy in South Block in the `war for status.' The service headquarters and the bureaucracy are at logger heads over `pay (dis) parity' issue and there is no closure, despite the Ministry of Defence (MoD) issuing a statement, after the meeting of top bureaucrats and senior officers of the Army, Navy and Air Force.
"There has been no down-gradation or any change in the existing equivalence of the service ranks, whatsoever. The existing functional equivalence as clarified in 1991 and further reiterated in 1992, 2000, 2004 and 2005 has only been re-affirmed," MoD said in a statement.
The services have accused the bureaucracy of being "economical with the truth." Though not officially authorised to speak to media, a top official in the know of developments told India Today, "Why is the government silent on the orders of the Group of Ministers (GoM), then headed by President Pranab Mukherjee, whose report was accepted by the government in January 2009.
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"The GoM examined the pay parity issue between armed forces and their civilian counterparts minutely. The GoM concluded that a lieutenant colonel in the Army (wing commander in IAF and Commander in Navy) was senior to a deputy secretary/joint director to government of India. A director in government of India was then seen as equivalent to a colonel (Army), group captain (IAF) and captain (Navy). This settled the matter in 2009," top sources told India Today.
The service headquarters are not clear whether Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar was briefed in detail about all these aspects till 2009 or was he given partial information till 2005 resulting in a "flawed decision." There is rising suspicion of bureaucracy misleading the government on several aspects in the recent past. Though Parrikar promised a probe in all aspects, the services and the veterans community are still waiting for justice.
The Sixth Pay Commission equated a lieutenant colonel with a deputy secretary or joint director and the colonel with a director. The GoM in 2009 clarified that lt. col would be senior to a joint director. "Why is it that in 2016 an order has been issued equating a joint director with a full colonel and a director with a brigadier," asked an official affected by this order.
"From disability pension to One Rank One Pension (OROP), there is a disconnect between what the government decided and the orders that were finally issued. We believe the government was provided incorrect data and statistics by defence accounts on disabled soldiers. Flawed data resulted in flawed decisions. We are hopeful justice will be done," sources added.
The service headquarters remain dis-satisfied with the MoD clarification insisting that orders issued in 2003, 2005 and 2008, as cited by the government spokesperson, cannot override the GoM decision of 2009 accepted by the prime minister in 2009.
The service headquarters have sought time with Parrikar to independently explain the situation to him but sources have also told India Today that some affected officers are planning to approach the court for justice. Clearly, not the best #sandesh2soldiers from the government before Diwali.