Saturday, April 29, 2017

Committee on 7th CPC Allowances: Official Press Statement dated 28.04.2017

Press Information  Bureau
Ministry of Finance
28-April, 2017 16:38 IST
The Committee on Allowances headed by Shri Ashok Lavasa, Finance Secretary and Secretary (Expenditure) submitted its Report to the Union Finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitley yesterday; The Report will be now placed before the Empowered Committee of Secretaries (E-CoS) to firm-up the proposal for approval of the Cabinet. 
The Committee on Allowances, constituted by the Ministry of Finance, Government of India to examine the 7th CPC recommendations on Allowances, submitted its Report to the Union Finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitley yesterday. The Committee was headed by Shri Ashok Lavasa, Finance Secretary and Secretary (Expenditure),M/o Finance, Government of India and had Secretaries of Home Affairs, Defence, Health & Family Welfare, Personnel & Training, Post and Chairman, Railway Board as its Members and Joint Secretary (Implementation Cell) as its Member Secretary.
The Committee was set-up in pursuance of the Union Cabinet decision on 29.06.2016 when approving the 7th CPC recommendations on pay, pensions and related issues were approved. The decision to set-up the Committee was taken in view of significant changes recommended by the 7th CPC in the allowances structure and a large number of representations received in this regard from various Staff Associations as well as the apprehensions conveyed by various Ministries / Departments. The 7th CPC had recommended that of a total of 196 Allowances, 52 be abolished altogether and 36 be abolished as separate identities by subsuming them in another allowance.
The Committee took note of all the representations received from various stakeholders on the 7th CPC recommendations on Allowances. Representations and demands for modifications were received in respect of 79 allowances which have been examined in detail by the Committee. In doing so, the Committee interacted with all the members of the Standing Committee of National Council (Staff Side), Joint Consultative Machinery (JCM) as well the representatives of various Staff Associations of Railways, Postal employees, Doctors, Nurses, and Department of Atomic Energy. It also interacted with the representatives of the Defence Forces, DGs of Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs) namely CRPF, CISF, BSF, ITBP, SSB, and Assam Rifles as also senior officers from IB and SPG to understand the viewpoint of their personnel.  As mentioned in the Report, the Committee held a total of 15 meetings and was assisted by a Group of Officers headed by Additional Secretary (D/o Expenditure) in examining the representations.
Based on such extensive stakeholder consultations and detailed examination, the Committee has suggested certain modifications in the 7th CPC recommendations so as to address the concerns of the stakeholders in the context of the rationale behind the recommendations of the 7th CPC as well as other administrative exigencies. Modifications have been suggested in some allowances which are applicable universally to all employees as well as certain other allowances which apply to specific employee categories such as Railway men, Postal employees, Scientists, Defence Forces personnel, Doctors and Nurses etc.
The Report, now being examined in the Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, will be placed before the Empowered Committee of Secretaries (E-CoS) set-up to screen the 7th CPC recommendations and to firm-up the proposal for approval of the Cabinet. It may be recalled that while recommendations of the 7th CPC on pay and pension were implemented with the approval of Cabinet, allowances continue to be paid at old rates. After consideration by the E-CoS, the proposal for implementation of 7th CPC recommendations on Allowances after incorporating the modifications suggested by the Committee on Allowances in its Report shall be placed before the Cabinet for approval.
Source : PIB

7th पे कमीशन: लवासा समिति ने भत्तों पर रिपोर्ट सौंपी, इमपावर्ड कमिटी द्वारा रिव्यु के बाद कैबिनेट करेगा फैसला, जून 2017 से वेतन में लागू होने की सम्भावना बनी

नई दिल्ली 29अप्रैल: सांतवे वेतन आयोग द्वारा सिफारिश की गई 'भत्तो की जाँच के लिए गठित लवासा कमिटी' ने लगभग 10 महीने बीत जाने के बाद अपनी रिपोर्ट वितमंत्री अरुण जेटली को सौप दी है. हालांकि केंद्रीय कर्मचारी अभी भी वेतन वृद्धि एवं संशोधित भत्तो के लिए केबिनेट के फैसले का बहुत ही उत्सुकता से इंतजार कर रहे हैं.


वित्तमंत्री अरुण जेटली को वित्त सचिव अशोक लवासा की अगुवाई वाली भत्तो की जाँच के लिए गठित "लवासा कमिटी' के रिपोर्ट सौपें जाने के बाद अब इस रिपोर्ट की समीक्षा इमपावर्ड कमिटी द्वारा की जायेगी और उसके बाद इसके ही मंत्रिमंडल के समक्ष रखा जाएगा. अशोक लवासा समिति का गठन पिछले साल जून में सरकार द्वारा सातवें वेतन आयोग की सिफारिशें लागू किए जाने के बाद किया गया था.

राष्ट्रीय संयुक्त कार्य परिषद (एनजेसीए) के प्रमुख श्री शिवगोपाल मिश्रा का कहना है, क‍ि वित्त मंत्रालय को अंतिम रिपोर्ट सौपें जाने के बाद अब अगली कवायद में कम से कम 15 दिन का समय लग सकता है. अर्थात मामले में अभी कम-से-कम 1 महीने की देरी है. ऐसा कहा जा सकता है की अगर अब सबकुछ सामान्य रहा तो जून, 2017 के वेतन में केंद्रीय कर्मचारी नए दर से भत्ते पा सकेंगे.

हाल में ही आई विभिन्न मीडिया रिपोर्ट के अनुसार, केंद्र सरकार जल्द ही लगभग 55 लाख पेंशनरों के लिए 5000 करोड़ पैकेज का एलान कर सकती है, लेकिन इधर भत्तो की जाँच के लिए गठित "लवासा कमिटी' के रिपोर्ट सौपें जाने के बाद अब देखना है की पहले कर्मचारी की या फिर पहले पेंशनर की झोली में सांतवे वेतन आयोग द्वारा सिफारिश की गई का लाभ मिलता है. 

वेतन समिति ने अभिनय, खजांची की सहायता, साइकिल, मसाला, उड़न दस्ता, हेयर कटिंग, राजभाषा, राजधानी, पोशाक, जूता, शॉर्टहैंड, साबुन, चश्मा, यूनिफार्म, सतर्कता और धुलाई जैसे भत्तों को समाप्त करने या उन्हें समाहित करने का सुक्षव दिया था. जेटली को रिपोर्ट सौंपने के बाद लवासा ने कहा कि समिति ने विभिन्न संबंधित पक्षों द्वारा दिए गए सुझावों पर ध्यान दिया है. 

वेतन आयोग ने 196 भत्तों में से 52 को पूरी तरह समाप्त करने और 36 अन्य को अन्य बड़े भत्तों में समाहित करने का सुक्षाव दिया था। ख़बरों के अनुसार लवासा समिति ने आवास किराया भत्ते (एचआरए) में 8 से 24 प्रतिशत की वद्धि का वेतन आयोग की सिफारिशों को ही रखा है । हालांकि केंद्र सरकार ही सरकारी कर्मचारियों को संशोधित भत्तों के भुगतान की तारीख पर अंतिम फैसला करेगी. 

बता दें कि सातवें वेतन आयोग द्वारा केन्द्रीय कर्मचारियों को दिए जाने वाले कई भत्तों को लेकर असमंजस की स्थिति है। नरेंद्र मोदी सरकार ने 2016 में सातवें वेतन आयोग की सिफारिशों को मंजूरी दी थी और 1 जनवरी 2016 से 7वें वेतन आयोग की रिपोर्ट को लागू किया था। लेकिन, भत्तों के साथ कई मुद्दों पर असहमति होने की वजह से इन सिफारिशें पूरी तरह से लागू नहीं हो पाईं। अब जब अशोक लवासा समिति ने अपनी रिपोर्ट सरकार को सौंप दी है और जल्द ही वित्तमंत्री अरुण जेटली इस रिपोर्ट पर कोई अंतिम फैसला सरकार की ओर से ले लेंगे.

(Source - )

Tuesday, April 25, 2017


Image may contain: text


Friday, April 21, 2017


NEW DELHI: The government is set to clear a Rs 5,000 crore package for pensioners after Sunday’s municipal elections in the capital to address their concerns related to the award of the 7th pay commission for central government employees and seniors.
The revised pension will be taken up by the Union cabinet along with three-four issues related to the pay of central government employees, even as a committee headed by Finance Secretary Ashok Lavasa finalises its recommendations for allowances for government employees, including an increase in the house rent allowance (HRA). The panel is expected to submit its recommendations next week but there are indications that the change in allowances may not take place immediately.
“The revised pension scheme has been finalised and the government has postponed a decision due to the code of conduct for Delhi municipal elections. The cabinet may clear it next week,” said a source, who did not wish to be identified.
The pay panel had recommended an increment-linked pension formula along with the option for multiplying the pension based on the six pay commission’s recommendations by 2.57. To quickly implement the suggestions, the government opted for the second option as the increment-linked pension model was seen to be difficult to implement. This has created a situation where those who retired by December 31, 2015 are receiving a lower pension compared to someone who retired a month later. For instance, someone who retired as a secretary before January 2016 is getting a pension of Rs 1.02 lakh compared to Rs 1.12 lakh for someone who retired at the end of the month.
Now, the government is looking at two options — one is to move to a new “modified parity-plus” formula, which links the pension to the salary drawn by someone who is at the same rank. The other is a formula based on the multiple of the sixth pay commission-based pension. A sources said the factor of 2.57 is also being changed to make the pension more attractive. “Basically, there will be two options for a pensioner and the formula that ensures a higher payout to the seniors will be given,” explained a source.

MCD चुनावों के बाद पेंशनरों के लिए जारी होगा 5,000 करोड़ का पैकेज

सिद्धार्थ, नई दिल्ली
दिल्ली में रविवार को होने वाले एमसीडी चुनाव के बाद सरकार पेंशनरों के लिए 5,000 करोड़ रुपये के पैकेज को मंजूरी दे सकती है।सरकार 7वें पे कमिशन से जुड़ी चिंताओं को दूर करते हुए केंद्रीय कर्मचारियों और वरिष्ठ नागरिकों के लिए यह कदम उठाने की तैयारी में है। संशोधित पेंशन के मसले को केंद्रीय कैबिनेट के समक्ष पेश किया जाएगा, इसके अलावा केंद्रीय कर्मियों से जुड़े 3 से 4 अन्य मुद्दों पर भी चर्चा होगी। इससे पहले वित्त सचिव अशोक लवासा की अध्यक्षता वाली कमिटी भी सरकारी एंप्लॉयीज के लिए अलाउंसेज को मंजूरी दे चुकी है। इसमें हाउस रेंट अलाउंस में इजाफा भी शामिल है।

माना जा रहा है कि पैनल की ओर से अगले सप्ताह तक अपनी सिफारिशें सरकार को सौंपी जा सकती हैं। हालांकि इस बात के संकेत हैं कि अलाउंसेज में तत्काल कोई बदलाव नहीं होगा। नाम उजागर न करने की शर्त पर एक सूत्र ने बताया, 'पेंशन में संशोधन की स्कीम फाइनल की जा चुकी है, लेकिन एमसीडी चुनावों के चलते सरकार ने इसे स्थगित कर दिया है। कैबिनेट की ओर से अगले सप्ताह तक इसे मंजूरी दी जा सकती है।'

वेतन आयोग ने सरकार को इंक्रीमेंट लिंक्ड पेंशन फॉर्म्युला दिया था, इसके अलावा छठे पे कमिशन की सिफारिशों में 2.57 गुना इजाफे की बात कही थी। सरकार ने इसमें से दूसरे फॉर्म्युले को मंजूरी दी है। इसके तहत 31 दिसंबर, 2015 को रिटायर होने वाले शख्स को एक महीने बाद रिटायर होने वाले व्यक्ति की तुलना में कम पेंशन मिलेगी। मान लीजिए कोई एंप्लॉयी जनवरी 2016 से पहले सेक्रटरी के पद से रिटायर होता है तो उसे 1.02 लाख रुपये की पेंशन मिलेगी, लेकिन महीने के अंत में रिटायर होने वाले को 1.12 लाख रुपये मिलेंगे।

अब सरकार के पास दो विकल्प है- पहला है 'मोडिफाइड पैरिटी प्लस' फॉर्म्युला, जिसे एक ही रैंक के एंप्लॉयी द्वारा उठाई जा रही सैलरी से जोड़ा जाएगा। वहीं, दूसरा फॉर्म्युला छठे वेतन आयोग की पेंशन में 2.57 गुना इजाफे का है। सूत्र ने बताया कि पेंशन को लेकर फॉर्म्युले हैं, लेकिन जिससे पेंशनर्स को ज्यादा लाभ होगा, उसे मंजूर किया जाएगा।
(Source : ET hindi )


Birth: 15 Apr 1919 in Lyallpur (Faisalabad), Punjab, Pakistan
Indian IAF pilot (1939) and veteran of WW-II (DFC), he was the 6th Chief of Air Staff (1964-69) during the 1965 War and honoured with the Padma Vibhushan. He was later ambassador to Switzerland, and promoted to Marshal of the Air Force (2002).

Image may contain: 1 person, standing
Note: Date of Birth is 15 April 1919 - indianairforce, bharat-rakshak, sikh-history; or 15 May 1919 - Wikipedia.

Image may contain: 1 person, text


Friday, April 14, 2017



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(Source : Gp e-mail)

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Issue of Pension Payment by Banks: New Checklist for audit of Systems and Controls for conduct of government banking

                                                                                    April 7, 2017
All Agency Banks
Dear Sir/Madam,
Systems and Controls for conduct of government banking
Please refer to our Master Circulars DGBA.GAD.No.2/31.12.010/2015-16 dated July 1, 2015 on Conduct of Government Business by Agency Banks – Payment of Agency Commission and DGBA.GAD.No.H-1/31.05.001/2015-16 dated July 1, 2015 on Disbursement of Government Pension by Agency Banks that, inter alia, deal with Systems and Controls in agency banks for conduct of government banking.
  1. In addition to existing instructions, agency banks may ensure that internal/concurrent audit at bank branches verifies whether government business is being conducted as per rules and regulations prescribed by government/RBI. Accordingly, the internal/concurrent audit at bank branches may also examine, among other things, various aspects of government banking such as agency commission claims and pension payments. A checklist may be provided to the inspecting officers/auditors, which may at a minimum include the items given in the Annex. Accordingly, Annex 2 of the Master Circular DGBA.GAD.No.H-1/31.05.001/2015-16 on Disbursement of Government Pension by Agency Banks dated July 1, 2015 stands withdrawn.
Yours faithfully,
(D. J. Babu)
Deputy General Manager
Checklist relating to government business for internal / concurrent audit
Part B: Pension related issues
Internal inspections should assess branch performance in servicing pensioner customers. In this regard, the following may be ensured:
  1. A specific questionnaire covering all aspects of pension payment may be devised for use during inspection of pension paying branches.
  2. Inspecting officers may also, during inspections, call up pensioners at random and enquire about their satisfaction with pension-related services.
  3. A detailed check-list relating to pension payments/government business may be given by banks to internal auditors/inspectors in order to adhere to the recommendations of the Prabhakar Rao Committee, constituted by the Government of India, relating to pension payments/government business.
These include the following:
(a) Whether there is delay in payment of pension, revision of pension, revision in dearness relief etc.
(b) Whether the branch manager has structured interaction with a cross section of pensioners serviced at the branch on quarterly basis, where the number of pensioners of all governments and departments exceeds a fixed number, say, 100 or 200.
(c) Whether nominations have been obtained for all pension accounts.
(d) Whether pension accounts have been converted into joint accounts wherever applicable.
(e) Whether the bank branch has an effective complaint redressal mechanism and the complaints of pensioners are attended promptly and their grievances redressed expeditiously.
(f) Whether the pension is credited to pensioner’s account during the last four working days of the month except for the month of March for which pension is to be credited on or after first working day of April.
(g) Whether the pension paying branch obtains Life Certificate/ Non-employment certificate/ Employment Certificate from the pensioners in the month of November every year.
(h) Whether pension paying branches deduct income tax at source from pension payments wherever applicable.
(i) Whether paper tokens in acknowledgement of cheques presented are invariably given by the tax collecting branches.
(j) Whether the challans are stamped giving bank’s BSR code and Challan Identification Number (CIN) clearly.
(k) Whether the stamped challans are kept in the custody of bank’s staff and handed over to the concerned tax payer only on production of the paper token.
(Source : Govtempdiaty / )

Saturday, April 8, 2017

7th Pay Commission: Who is responsible for the delay in the implementation of 7CPC? Earlier this month, a report said that "Neither Prime Minister Narendra Modi nor Arun Jaitley could be held responsible for the delay in the implementation of higher allowance."


New Delhi, April 8: As the financial year had already ended, and the Budget session is about to end by next week but the more than 1 lakh central government employees have not got their answers on higher allowances and pay hike under the 7th Pay Commission. The committee on allowance which was formed by the government had already failed twice to meet the deadline to submit the report and on Thursday the members of the committee had a meeting and some reports suggest that they are likely to submit its report in a week’s time. More than 43 lakh central government employees and 57 lakh pensioners are eagerly waiting for the implementation of 7th Pay Commission, especially for higher allowances. As almost a year had passed and there is no firm decision on the issue, due to which several government employees have held the committee officials responsible for the delay.
In June last year, after the Narendra Modi government had approved the recommendations made under the 7th Pay Commission b retired justice AK Mathur and his team, the government had then formed 7th Pay Commission recommendation committee on a higher allowance and the committee is also responsible for working on the minimum wage of central government employees. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley had announced the formation of Lavasa panel under the chairmanship of Ashok Lavasa, to examine the issues and suggestions raised on an allowance.

Earlier this month, The Sen Times quoted a source saying that “Neither Prime Minister Narendra Modi nor Arun Jaitley could be held responsible for the delay in the implementation of higher allowance". ”If reports are to be believed, the Committee on Allowances, headed by Finance Secretary Ashok Lavasa, will submit its final reports to Arun Jaitley and once the report is submitted there are chances that final decision will be taken soon.

In Thursday’s meeting, the Committee on Allowances was apprised 14 existing allowances given by Department of Posts, Ministries of Railways and Defence. The panel had sought more details on these allowances as it were left out by the 7th Pay Commission. Some reports claim that the committee has taken a final view on these 14 existing allowances.

Earlier the 7CPC in its findings had recommended the abolition of 51 allowances and subsuming of 37 others out of 196 allowances.


Fee hike in Kendriya Vidyalayas : Academic year 2017-18

In Rajya Sabha Minister of State for HRD replied to a question yesterday regarding increasing the fee structure of KV Schools.
“Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) has informed that the Sponsoring Authorities of 3 Project Sector Kendriya Vidyalayas (KVs) have marginally increased their fee structure w.e.f. the academic year 2017-18. In one KV i.e. KV Rourkela Steel Plant, Rourkela, the onetime admission fee has also been revised from Rs. 250/- to Rs.2000/-.
The names of the project KVs which have increased their fee structure are KV, Korba No. 2 NTPC; KV, Rourkela Steel Plant, Rourkela; & KV No. 2, Survey of India, Uppal.
KVS has permitted the sponsoring authorities of the Project Sector KVs to adopt a differential fee structure to enable them to generate the required funds to meet the recurring and non-recurring expenditure for running and maintaining the KVs opened under their sponsorship.”

Fee and Other Concessions in KV Schools – Academic Session 2016 -17
No fee to be charged from the children admitted under the 25% quota prescribed under RTE Act 2009
One set of NCERT text books for his/her class to each child will be provided by the school and other expenses on account of note books, stationary, uniform and transport will be reimbursed on production of proper bills in respect of 25% of the children admitted under the Act subject to the ceiling prescribed.
Once the children are admitted in Class I under RTE Act, they will continue to enjoy exemptions and concessions till class VIII either in the same KV or any other K.V. moving on transfer as per RTE Act.
Address proof of the parent should be furnished at the time of the registration.
The employees who have the facility of fee reimbursement in their departments cannot claim RTE concessions.
FEE STRUCTURE (PER MONTH) w.e.f. 01.04.2013
1Admission FeeRs. 25.00
2Re Admission FeeRs 100.00
3Tutition Fee
3(a)Class IX & X (Boys)Rs 200.00
3(b)Class XI & XII Commerce & Humanities (Boys)Rs 300.00
3(c)Class XI & XII Science (Boys)Rs.400.00
4Computer Fund
4(a)Class III onwards wherever Computer Education is being impartedRs 100.00
4(b)Computer Science Fee. (for elective subjects) + 2 stageRs 150.00
5Vidyalaya Vikas Nidhi (Classes I – XII)Rs. 500.00
(Source-Govtempdiary blog)

Fake Communication/Order on the revised pay rules on 7th CPC

Ministry Of Defence
D (Pay/Services)
Subject: Fake Communication/Order on the revised pay rules on 7th CPC.
Reference fake letter number 12630/Mov/3737/D (Pay) dated 17th March, 2017 signed by shri Madan Mohan, Under Secretary addressed to CGDA (New Delhi), PCDA (Allahabad) and others. This Communication/Letter is fake and no cognizance thereof shall be taken.
(Prashant Rastogi)
Under Secretary
(Source- Govtempdiary blog)

Grant of DR to CG Pensioners/Family Pensioners – Revised rate effective from 1.1.2017

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan,
Khan Market, New Delhi – 110003
Date : 07th April, 2017
Subject: Grant of Dearness Relief to Central Government pensioners/family pensioners – Revised rate effective from 1.1.2017.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s OM No. 42/15/2016-P&PW(G) dated 16th Nov, 2016 on the subject mentioned above and to state that the President is pleased to decide that the Dearness Relief admissible to Central Government pensioners/family pensioners shall be enhanced from the existing rate of 2% to 4% w.e.f. 1.1.2017.
  1. These orders apply to (i) Civilian Central Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners (ii) The Armed Forces Pensioners, Civilian Pensioners paid out of the Defence Service Estimates, (iii) All India Service Pensioners (iv) Railway Pensloners/family pensioners (v) Pensioners who are in receipt of provisional pension.
  1. These orders shall not be applicable on following categories
    (i) The Burma Civilian pensioners/family pensioners and pensioners/families of displaced Government pensioners from Pakistan who are lndian Nationals but receiving pension on behalf of Government of Pakistan and are in receipt of ad-hoc ex-gratia allowance.
(ii) Central Government Employees who had drawn lump sum amount on absorption in a PSU/Autonomous body and are in receipt of 1/3 restored commuted portion of pension.
(iii) CPF beneficiaries, their widows and eligible children who are in receipt of ex-gratia payment in terms of this Department’s OM No.45/52/97-P&PW(E) dated 16.12.1997 and revised vide this Department’s OM 1/10/2012-P&PW(E) dated 27.06.2013.
3.Separate orders will be issued in respect of the above categories.
  1. Payment of DR involving a fraction of a rupee shall be rounded off to the next higher rupee.
  2. Other provisions governing grant of DR in respect of employed family pensioners and reemployed Central Government Pensioners will be regulated in accordance with the provisions contained in this Department’s OM No. 45/73/97-P&PW (G) dated 2.7.1999 as amended vide this Department’s OM No. F. No. 38/88/2008-P&PW(G) dated 9th July, 2009. The provisions relating to regulation of DR where a pensioner is in receipt of more than one pension will remain unchanged.
  3. In the case of retired Judges of the Supreme Court and High Courts, necessary orders will be issued by the Department of Justice separately.
  4. It will be the responsibility of the pension disbursing authorities, including the nationalized banks, etc. to calculate the quantum of DR payable in each individual case.
  5. The offices of Accountant General and authorised Pension Disbursing Banks are requested to arrange payment of relief to pensioners etc. on the basis of these instructions without waiting for any further instructions from the Comptroller and Auditor General of India and the Reserve Bank of India in view of letter No. 528-TA, 11/34-80-11 dated 23/04/1981 of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India addressed to all Accountant Generals and Reserve Bank of India Circular No. GANB No. 2958/GA-64 (ii) (CPL)/81 dated the 21st May, 1981 addressed to State Bank of India and its subsidiaries and all Nationalised Banks.
  6. In their application to the pensioners/family pensioners belonging to Indian Audit and Accounts Department, these orders issue after consultation with the C&AG.
  7. This issues with the concurrence of Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure vide their OM No.1/3/2017-E.II(B) dated 30th March, 2017.
  8. Hindi version will follow.
(Charanjit Taneja)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
(Signed Copy  Source:

Friday, April 7, 2017


When B.P. Chakravarti was acting as Governor of West Bengal, Lord Attlee visited India and stayed as his guest for three days at the Raj Bhavan.

Chakravarti asked Attlee about the real grounds for granting independence to India. Specifically, his question was, when the Quit India movement lay in ruins years before 1947, where was the need for the British to leave in such a hurry?

Attlee’s response is most illuminating and important for history:

"In reply Attlee cited several reasons, the most important were the activities of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose which weakened the very foundation of the attachment of the Indian land and naval forces to the British Government.

Towards the end, I asked Lord Attlee about the extent to which the British decision to quit India was influenced by Gandhi’s activities. On hearing this question Attlee’s lips widened in a smile of disdain and he uttered, slowly, putting emphasis on each single letter — “mi-ni-mal.”

The crucial point to note is that thanks to Subhas Bose’s activities, the Indian Armed Forces began to see themselves as defenders of India rather than of the British Empire.

This, more than anything else, was what led to India’s freedom.

This is also the reason why the British Empire disappeared from the face of the earth within an astonishingly short space of twenty years.

Indian soldiers, who were the main prop of the Empire, were no longer willing to fight for the British.

What influenced the British decision was the mutiny of the Indian Navy following the INA trials in 1946.

While the British wanted to try Subhas Bose’s INA as traitors, Indian soldiers saw them as nationalists and patriots.

This scared the British who decided to get out in a hurry.

And yet, do Indians remeber this passage of HISTORY ??

Sadly - NO.  Bala


LIST OF CPPCs - Contact details of all CPCC Bank Branches

Veterans are requested to note their concerns...!!

Central Pension Accounting Office(CPAO) published a detailed list of CPCC Bank Branches and their address, email and phone numbers. We reproduced and given below for your information…

Sl. No. Name of the CPPCs CPPCs Address E-mail Address Contact Numbers

1. SBI, (CPPC), 6th floor, Gandhinagar Zonal office
Opp. New Sachivalaya,Sector 10-B, Gandhinagar (Gujarat) – 382010              PH: 079-23245511-15

2. SBI, (CPPC), 12/13, Lakshmayya Layout,Ganganagar(North),
Banglore (Karnataka) – 560024                                      PH: 080-25943661/62

3. SBI, (CPPC), SBI Govindpura Branch Premises, 
Govindpura, BHEL,Bhopal (M.P.) – 462011                                                      PH: 0755-4206745/2600836

4. SBI, (CPPC), 161/162, CSD Building, Bomikhal,
Puri- Cuttack Road, Bhubaneswar (Odissa) – 751006     PH: 0674-2572950/ 2572170

5. SBI, (CPPC),Administrative Office Building, 2nd floor, 
Plot No.-I/2, Sector -5, Panchkula (Haryana) – 134109                  PH: 0172-4569231/2570755

6. SBI, (CPPC),112/4, KalimmanKoli Street, 
Virugambakkam, Chennai -600092   PH: 044-23772754/55

7. SBI, (CPPC), SBI Chandni Chowk Branch Premises,
2nd floor, Chandni Chowk, Delhi – 110006  PH: 011-23888324,23888301(AGM)                         23888327, 23888309/302

8. SBI, (CPPC),6th floor, Sethi Trust Building, G.S. Road, 
Bhangagarh, Guwahati (Assam) –781005   PH: 0361-2463104

9. SBI, (CPPC),1/7/387, GNR Heights, 1st floor, 
Murshidabad Main Road, Opp. Guru Nanak Care Hospital,
Hyderabad (TS)–500020    PH: 040-27670149

10. SBI, (CPPC), 7 th Floor, Block-c, Samridhi Bhavan-1, 
Strand Road, Kolkata (West Bengal) – 700006   PH: 033-22570827

11. SBI, (CPPC),Sector – 1, Jankipuram,Lucknow (U.P.) – 226021        PH: 0522-6542211

12. SBI, (CPPC), 5th floor, Premises No. T-651 & T-751, 
I.T.C. Belapur, CBD Belapur Railway Station Complex, Navi Mumbai– 400614    PH: 022-27574786/ 27565475

13. SBI, (CPPC),4th floor, Administrative Building,
Judges Court Road, Patna (Bihar) – 800001    PH: 0612-2677570/ 6451436

14. SBI,(CPPC), Ganpathy Kovil Road, 
Vazhuthankadu, Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala) – 695014   PH: 0471-2326986/87

15. Allahabad Bank, CPPC, 3rd floor, Zonal Office, 
New Building, Hazaratganj, Lucknow (U.P.)- 226001   PH: 0522-2286489

16. Andhra Bank (CPPC), H.O., Andhra Bank Building, 
5 th floor, Koti, Sultan Bazar, Hyderabad (TS) – 500195   PH: 040-24757828 / 24757153

17. Bank of Baroda CPPC, 13th floor,  Buliding 16 
Parliament Street, New Delhi- 110001  Chief Mgr.(Baroda) -0265-2225899

18. Bank of India (CPPC), Bank of India Building, 87-A, 1st floor, 
Gandhibaug, Nagpur (Maharashtra) – 440002   SK Ganju(GM) – 022-66684471
PH: 0712-2764341/ 2764091-95

19. Bank of Maharashtra, (CPPC), 1177, 2 nd Floor, BudhwarPeth,
Janmangal, Bajirao Road, Pune (Maharashtra) – 411002 Ms. Kuber (Mgr)- 022-24467937/38

20. Canara Bank(CPPC), Chitrapur mutt complex,
15 th cross malleswaram, Bangalore, (Karnataka) -560001 PH: 080-25596693

21. Central Bank of India(CPPC), 2nd floor, MMO Building
M.G. Road, Fort, Mumbai (Maharashtra) – 400001 
PH: 022-22703216/17

22. Corporation Bank(CPPC), Pandeshwar, Mangladevi Temple Road,
Manglore (Karnataka) – 575001 
PH:0824-2426532 / 2441425

23. Dena Bank(CPPC), Mumbai Main Office, 17, Hornimon Circle,
Mumbai (Maharashtra) – 400023 
Mob.- 09594942594

24. IDBI Bank  (CPPC), Govt Business Operations, Corporate Park, 
Unit No.-2, Behind Swastik Chambers, SION- Trombay Road,
Chembur, Mumbai (Maharashtra) -400071  Ms. Pradnya (Mgr)–022-66908489 PH: 022-66908405

25. Indian Bank CPPC, 4 th Floor, No. 66, RajaJi Salai,
Chennai (Tamilnadu)–600001 Ph: 044- 25231756/25231757; FAX:044–2523 1751
Cell No : 9445030401/2

26. Indian Overseas Bank CPPC, Central Office,763, 
Anna Salai, Chennai (Tamilnadu) – 600002   PH: 044-28889383/ 28519433

27. Oriental Bank of Commerce,(CPPC), Corporate Office, 
Plot No.-5, Institutional Area, Sector-32, Gurgaon (Haryana)- 122001 PH:0124-4126379 (AGM) /4126527(DGM)

28. Punjab & Sind Bank (CPPC), H.O. P & D Department, A-25, 
1st floor, Community Centre, JwalaHeri, PaschimVihar, New Delhi – 110063 PH: 011-25271585/ 25281210

29. Punjab National Bank (CPPC), 1 st floor, Gurudwara Road, 
Karol Bagh, New Delhi – 110055 
Chief Mgr. – 08527707999 / 09910900706

30. State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur, CPPC, 2nd floor, 
S.M.S. Highway, Jaipur (Rajasthan) –302005   PH: 0141-2227758/ 5172259

31. State Bank of Hyderabad(CPPC), 1st floor, Methodist Complex, 
Opposite, Chermas, Abids, Hyderabad  – 500001   PH: 040-23387414/ 23382881-882

32. State Bank of Mysore(CPPC)   PH: 0824-2496073/75

33. State Bank Of Patiala CPPC, SCO 114, 1 ST Floor 
Urban Estate, Phase-II, Patiala (Punjab)-147002   PH: 0175-2302817 / 2283322/2280272

34. State Bank Of Travancore,(CPPC), Chembikalam Building 3rd floor,
Vazhuthacaud, Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala) – 695014 PH: 0471-2326525 /

35. Syndicate Bank(CPPC), Central Accounts Department
2nd Floor, SYNDICATE BANK H.O.- Manipal, TQ- UDUPI, (Karnataka)–574104 PH: 0820-2575402 /2571196/2574075

36. Union Bank Of India, Maharashtra Union Bank Of India (CPPC)
Government Banking Division, PBOD, 12th floor, Union Bank Bhavan,
239, VidhanBhavanMarg, Nariman Point,Mumbai (Maharashtra)–400021 
PH: 022- 22896677/22896678/ 22020242-43 022-22896600/ 22838824

37 United Bank of India CPPC, 4 th floor, Head Office,
11,Hemanta Basu Sarani, Kolkata (West Bengal) -700001 
PH: 033-22622549/22621042

38. United Commercial Bank,(CPPC), Somalwar Bhavan, 1st floor,
Mount Road Extension, Sadar, Nagpur (Maharashtra)–442001 PH: 0712-2559919/60

39. Vijaya Bank, (CPPC), Merchant Banking Division,
Head office, 41/2, M.G. Road, Trinity Circle, Banglore (Karnataka)–560001 mbd.pension [@]  cmmbd [@] PH: 080-25584644

40. Axis Bank Ltd.(CPPC), Centralised Reconciliation & Settlement Cell
4 th floor, Gigaplex Building No. 1, Plot No. I.T. 5, Airoli Knowledge Park, 
Airoli, NaviMumbai (Maharashtra)- 400708. 
DebrajSaha (AVP) – 011-43506532 PH: 022-24253687

41. HDFC Bank Limited,(CPPC), 4th floor, Vatika Atrium,
Block-A, Golf Course Road, Sector-53, Gurgaon (Haryana)- 122002  PH: 012-44664000/44664503

42. ICICI Bank Ltd.(CPPC), ICICI Bank Tower, 6 th floor, Autumn
Estate, Chandivali, Andheri East,Mumbai (Maharashtra) – 400072  Mr. N Mantri: 022-61375108
Ms. Maya Shanbag: 022-26537358
