Quite comprehensive I must say but how much would they be able to achieve at the end of the day would matter far more than mere promises on paper.
Page 38 concerns security issues. It says BJP will: - Address the issue of reforms with regards to defence equipment, support services, organizationalreforms and other related matters. Address the increasing shortage of commissioned and non- commissioned staff in the defenceforces on a priority basis, in a time bound manner. Implement one rank, one pension. Build a War Memorial to recognize and honour the gallantry of our soldiers. Take measures to make Short Service Commission more attractive.
Set up the National Maritime Authority which will be equipped with the best of infrastructure, and will focus on coastal security. Modernize armed forces, and increase the R& D in defence, with a goal of developing indigenous defence technologies and fast tracking of defence purchases. Deal with cross border terrorism with a firm hand. Review and improve the border management. Punitive measures will be introduced to check illegal immigration. Set up four dedicated defence universities.
Appoint a Veterans Commission to address the grievances of veterans, including reforming ECHS and re- employment of ESM. Ensure greater participation of AFs in the decision- making process of the MoD. Implement measures to improve the efficiency of Armed Forces Tribunals, and minimize appeals by the Govt. Ensure that servicemen can register and vote from their place of posting. Initiate the process of digitization of defence land in cantonment and in other places.
Quite fauj- friendly but let us now see the most important part of IMPLEMENTATION if NDA comes to power. : |
Quite comprehensive I must say but how much would they be able to achieve at the end of the day would matter far more than mere promises on paper.

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