Posted: 09 Dec 2014 06:56 PM PST
Dear Members
As you aware that IESM had planned agitation from 3 Dec to 16 Dec with a rally on 7 Dec and medal return on 16 Dec 14 to remind the Government to fulfill the promises made by BJP in their manifesto. Though many veterans advised to delay the agitation but IESM was steadfast to resume the agitation because undue delay in issuance of notification on OROP.
Sh Rajeev Chandrashekhar met IESM delegation on 1 Dec 14 and advised IESM that he would be ready to work as conduit between Govt and IESM and will arrange a meeting with RM soon to discuss OROP and its implementation. Based on the assurances IESM decided to postpone the planned agitation and decided to give a chance to negotiations. IESM got some welcome messages from ex-servicemen and some rebuttals for postponing agitation. However GB IESM had taken this decision in light of some positive information given to them by Sh Rajeev Chandrashekhar. IESM firmly believes that doors for consultations should never be closed.
A meeting was arranged by Sh Rajeev Chandrashekhar MP Rajya Sabha for IESM delegation to meet Sh Manohar Parikarr Raksha Mantri at 1420h on 9 Dec 14. Maj Gen Satbir Singh Chairman and Gp Capt VK Gandhi Gen Sec IESM met Raksha Mantri at Parliament house. After initial introductions, We came straight to OROP and its implementation. Concept of OROP and its historical back ground was explained to him. He asked many questions to clear his doubts and these were satisfactorily answered. IESM very clearly explained the concept of yearly increments for pensioners and explained that without this OROP has no meaning. However once an ESM reaches top of his pay band he would not be entitled to further increments. This aspect was elaborately explained. Honorable RM also touched upon the differing figures of funds required to meet OROP. IESM delegation explained that this must have been worked out by the responsible officers in MOD at the time of approving OROP. However fig given by Army Hq seems to be more reasonable. Moreover this is not the task of IESM or ESMs to work out the figures. IESM stressed upon that definition of OROP is sacrosanct can not be diluted. It stands approved by Parliament.
The meeting lasted for 30 min and IESM delegation got a feeling that the thought process of RM was positive. RM did not make any negative comment or any serious objection about OROP and its implementation. IESM delegation explained to RM that ESMs are getting restless about this undue delay in issuance of notification of OROP. Government needs to issue notification without any delay preferably within this year. Though RM did not make any commitment but delegation is hopeful that Govt is likely to make announcement on OROP very soon may be within one month. This would a very good news for complete veteran family.
Gp Capt VK Gandhi VSM
Gen Sec IESM
(Source-Voice of Pensioners)
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Apparently IESM 's interaction with the new RM has resulted in a positive environment which unfortunately will lead to subsequent status quo. This smells of furtherance of deceptive strategy of modalities being worked out so that veterans do not hit the streets of Delhi again. Weightage ought to be given to return the medals to a suitable person who understands the tradition of gallantry of the Military over the hundred of years of its existence under different governments
ReplyDeleteIt is not clear what should be the basis to fix OROP. Maximum of Pay Band +GP+MSP should be taken as notional pay to fix pension for 33 yrs of service for both pre and post 2006 retirees.