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Dear Members,
IESM has been spearheading the your
fight for OROP. IESM has met almost all the officers in line to sanction OROP,
arranged rallies in Delhi and other parts of country, sat on hunger strike,
deposited our precious gallantry medals to the President and submitted memos
signed with our blood to President and Government. Last but not the least even
flexed out muscle of vote power.
All these methods put together had
their impact and Government both UPA and NDA agreed to grant our long cherished
and most deserving demand of OROP. OROP was finally granted by Government in
budget presented in 2014. But this was not the final and last step for OROP,
in-fact this was the first positive step to OROP. Most of us are unaware of
serpentine galleries of Government which a file has to travel for approval.
It has taken more than one year for
IESM to convince the powers that be that ESM will not accept any dilution in
definition of OROP. Raksha Mantri Mr Manohar Parikkar is a man of principle and
he understood the nuances of OROP and also the neglect of ESM since last many
decades. He took it upon himself to overrule all objections raised by
MOD/CDA/DESW combine about OROP. He approved OROP and sent the file to Finance
Good news has just come that OROP file
has been cleared and OROP has been given political clearance also.
Mr Nitin Gokhle met RM Mr Manohar
Parikkar on 9 Apr 15. RM has confirmed to him that OROP has been approved at
all levels and has been given political clearance also. Nitin Gokhle had been
cleared by RM to inform the environment. Accordingly he sent a message for
approval of OROP. His message is repeated below.
April 10, 2015 12:23 IST
Military veterans are
finally set to get their dues following Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar's
assertion that the 'One Rank One Pension' scheme is just weeks away from being
implemented, reports Nitin Gokhale.

The long-pending 'One Rank
One Pension,' scheme meant to ensure that a uniform pension is paid to defence
personnel who retire at the same rank with the same length of service,
irrespective of their date of retirement, is now weeks away from actual
implementation, D M Manohar Parrikar has said.
Speaking to this
correspondent in Delhi on Thursday, April 9, the minister said: "All
hurdles, including a political clearance on its financial implications, have
been removed. Now the actual calculation and administrative details are being
worked out. We are sure to get the scheme rolling in the next few weeks."
Admitting that there is
huge scepticism over the implementation of the One Rank One Pension scheme,
Parrikar said: "This time we have ensured that nothing goes wrong."
The long-standing demand
has been an emotive issue with defence pensioners for almost half a decade with
many of them even marching in protest several times to Rashtrapati Bhavan
between 2008 and 2010 to return their gallantry medals. Jai ho
Dear veterans it is time to
celebrate. We can have a drink tonight and celebrate OROP which is likely to
see day light after 30 years of struggle.
Our real struggles starts
today as we have to ensure that language of Government notification is not tweaked
to take away the advantage of OROP. ESM's have had very sour experience in past
wherein advantage of Rank Pay and 6CPC were denied to ESM by tweaking few words
in the Government letters. This resulted in long court battles which ofcourse
have been won by ESM. Armed Forces Hq and all ESM organisations will have to
ensure that the Government letter issued is true to spirit of OROP.
IESM will report more
details as and when received.
Gp Capt VK Gandhi VSM
Gen Sec IESM
Flat no 801, Tower N5
Gen Sec IESM
Flat no 801, Tower N5
Narmada Apartments
Pocket D6
Vasant Kunj
Nelson Mandela Marg
New Delhi. 110070
Mobile 09810541222
New Delhi. 110070
Mobile 09810541222
Dear Members
Further to meeting of five member IESM
delegation with RM Sh Manohar Parrikar on 2 Mar 15, another member of GB IESM
has met RM on 11 March 15 to get fresh inputs on disability pension and
progress on OROP file. The report submitted by Col Anil Kaul VrC dated 11 Mar
15 is given below and is also attached for your reference.
I had the occasion to meet the RM today
for duration of 45 mins in his South Block Office. The COAS was also present. A
record of our discussion is appended below.
Disability Issues: The Hon’ble RM wanted a first-hand account of the effects of disability
from a person who had undergone such trauma as against hearing it from other
sources. Certain facts were conveyed including citing of personal examples
which despite over twenty five years of consideration at various levels remain
unresolved. A hard copy of all such issues was handed over to the RM.
Non-Implementation of Orders of SC/ Non-Issue of Instructions on
Disability Related issues of Def Pers including the following: -
(a) Na-Na Cases
(b) Less than 20% disability cases
(c) Disability
when on leave
(d) Broad-banding for those who superannuated
(e) Broad-banding for those who took voluntary
MOD is yet to issue letter
for enhanced DP for enhanced pension WEF Sep`12, though case has
been taken up by Service HQ.
Comments of RM: He said that all
disability related issues would be taken up appropriately w.e.f. 13 Mar 2015.He
assured me that we would soon see the issue of operative letters.
Additional Points: A few additional points regarding disability were also discussed
with personal examples that would have an effect on the larger disabled
environment of the disabled in the Armed Forces. These are enumerated below: -
There is no
system of post disability trauma onset in any of the three services including
counselling to enable a disabled soldier to start functioning anew albeit with
a few parts missing. This needs immediate implementation.
There has to be
a clear cut divide between those placed in LMC in normal course and BC’s.
This must percolate down to their employment and functioning. I suggested that
for starters at least in the Army suitable disabled officers be posted in the
AG’s & MS branches as only a disabled understands the effects of
disability. Moreover such actions do not require any elaborate Govt sanctions.
I submitted
that “Constant Attendance Allowance” should be applicable suo moto to anyone
with 50% disability especially as after superannuation all manner of physical
support available in service ceases. The RMB should be the final authority with
the PCDA (P) not having any say in this.
Payment of
double conveyance allowance, where authorised to disabled personnel should be
as matter of course and not based on claims. We are all aware of who authorised
Government tpt is and who is not.
All service
group Insurances are private entities and should offer disability benefits to
BC’s retained in service and who superannuate in the normal course. The funds
available are adequate and if necessary and additional levy on premium can
cater for this aspect also. To deny this to one segment is a violation of the
principle of equality. Notwithstanding what the Govt provides in such cases as
that is a part of a service obligation whereas group insurances are private
funds meant for this. The RM was appreciative of this logic and even suggested
a methodology for the COAS to consider. The RM even mentioned that shortfalls
if any could be made up by the MoD.
As per AO 17/89
Battle Casualties have the option of taking disability pension as a capitalized
value in service. However there is no provision of restoration of such commuted
value as in the case of normal pension. Disability is for life and there needs
to be a reconsideration of restoring the capitalized value after 15 years, for
those who took this option, as in the case of normal pension. A detailed case
study is as given below:
Reference AO 17/89.
On Superannuation every service
personnel is entitled to service pension. This consists of the service element
and the disability element. As a battle casualty I come under the purview of
the AO ibid.
Personal Illustrative Case: I am
80% disabled due to battle injuries for life. As per AO 17/ 89 I was, entitled
to, as were other BC’s, “War Injury Pay”. As per awards of the 4CPC, this was
specified as “percentage of disability equivalent of percentage of pay
drawn at the time of injury”. My pay at that point was approximately
Rs 4200/- therefore I should have been entitled to 80% of which came to Rs
3360/- pm. This was later amended to “Not more than Rs 1500/- per month
allowed for 100% disability due to normal service conditions”.This was to
be proportionately reduced for lower percentages. Accordingly I was entitled to
Rs 1200/- pm. A loss of 3360- 1200 = 2160/- As a result BC’s lost out on
higher emoluments due to some change that was not noticed by those dealing with
such cases.
A second provision of the AO was that
one could take the capitalized value of this amount in service or await
superannuation to get a disability pension. This was to be calculated for
a time period of service to an age and service in the same rank that is in my
case a Major. As can be seen I lost out on the following counts: -
Reduction in overall authorized amount.
No consideration for promotion beyond
the rank of Major.
No consideration for age applicable
beyond the rank of Major.
I was paid such compensation after ten
years of my injury. A request for interest on delayed payments was initially
rejected till the Delhi High Court gave a ruling in my favour on which CDA (O)
paid me the interest in the year 2000, i.e. after thirteen years of my injury
and a court case lasting over two years.
The acerbic language of Army HQ, as a
measure of no respect to battle casualties, stated, “ That the case stands
closed and no further discussions would be appreciated” So much for winning a
gallantry award and losing your limbs.
Appeal: Notwithstanding
the above as in the case of commuted value of service element of pension that
is restored after a finite period of 13/15 years, similarly the capitalized
value of disability pension needs restoration after a suitable period of time.
In my case, the capitalized value has been taken for the rank of “Major”
superannuation was 50 years that I crossed in Jul 2001 a full four years before
superannuating in 2005 in the rank of “Colonel”. Considering
that the capitalized value was applicable from 12 Oct 1987 but paid to me in
1996, a total of 25 years have passed and therefore the disability element of
pension paid as capitalized value in service now needs restoration, keeping in
mind that the disability is for life and as one ages the effects become more
(g) A staff check would show that there would be a handful of such personnel in such a predicament.
OROP; The RM gave out the
status of OROP as on date. He confirmed that OROP file is progressing as
planned and as informed to IESM delegation on 2 Mar 15. The salient
features of which are as follows: -
The final document duly cleared by FA
(Def) and signed by him is being forwarded to the FM on 11 Mar 15.
The amount worked out remains at
Rs 8298 crores for one year.
He is planning to meet the Prime
Minister and Finance Minister to discuss and get approval of OROP on or around
16 Mar 15.
He is making all out efforts to stick
to the time schedule as indicated to delegation of IESM on 2 Mar 15. He is
hopeful that the OROP notification will be issued by 31 Mar 15 or latest by end
He confirmed that 86% beneficiaries are
JCO’s and OR’s and remaining 14% is for officers, family pensioners and veer
naris. Fund allotment is also in the same ratio.
There being no other points the meeting
was closed.
Anil Kaul
Col Anil Kaul, VrC
11 Mar 2015
Gp Capt VK Gandhi VSM
Gen Sec IESM
Flat no 801, Tower N5
Gen Sec IESM
Flat no 801, Tower N5
Narmada Apartments
Pocket D6
Vasant Kunj
Nelson Mandela Marg
New Delhi. 110070
Mobile 09810541222
New Delhi. 110070
Mobile 09810541222
Dear Members
IESM delegation of five members met RM
Manohar Parrikar today at 1400 h.
The salient points of the issues
discussed in the meeting are given below and are attached. I am sure this will
satisfy most of the queries of veterans arising out of budget speech given on
28 Feb 15. This is now clear that one needs to be optimistic and OROP will be
out soon.
However hold your celebrations till
Notification of OROP is out as there is many a slip between the cup and the
Meeting of IESM Delegation with RM Sh
Manohar Parrikar on 2 Mar 2015
IESM contacted Sh Manohar Parrikar
Raksha Mantri at the end of the budget presented on 28 Feb 15 and communicated
to him that ESM in general are disappointed because OROP has not been mentioned
in the budget speech of Finance Minister and allocation of funds for OROP has
not been announced. RM explained on telephone that OROP has been approved in
two budgets and hence it is considered approved and therefore there was no need
to mention in the budget speech. He was kind enough to invite the IESM
delegation at 1400h on 2 March 15 to clear any doubts if we had any.
Following five members of IESM met Sh
Manohar Parrikar RM at 1400h on Monday 2 March 2015.
Maj Gen Satbir Singh SM
Col Kirit Joshipura
Col Anil kaul VrC
Wg Cdr CK Sharma
Gp Capt VK Gandhi VSM
Major DP Singh was also invited by RM for discussion on disability
pension issue.
RM made everyone comfortable in the
beginning itself that OROP for Armed Forces and Ex-servicemen is NDA
Government’s commitment and he has worked out the expenditure for the OROP. He
advised that there was no need to cover this issue in budget presented by NDA
Government on 28 Feb 15 as it already stands approved by Parliament as
part of budget for financial year 14-15. He confirmed that he had discussed the
issue with officers of MOD and ironed out all issues of OROP. He also confirmed
that OROP is genuine demand of Armed Forces and must be met in full; hence
there is no difference in thinking of Armed Forces and MOD. Accordingly file
has been prepared and is in process for approval from Ministry of Finance.
After approval of the file from Finance Minister, it will be put up for
approval of CCPA (Cabinet Committee for Political Affairs). RM has confirmed
that MOD has recommended giving OROP for X group and Y group separately. He
also confirmed that all ranks including widows have been included in the OROP.
He further confirmed that he is attempting to meet the date line for issuance
of Government letter (OROP Notification) given by him on 1 Feb 15 meeting with
IESM delegation.
There was no doubt left in our minds
after such a clear statement by RM and IESM delegation was convinced that OROP
is now in safe hands will see the day light soon. General Satbir Singh thanked
him and told him that it is first time that the demands of ESM are being given
proper consideration and attention. IESM delegation then discussed following
issues with RM.
Increase in Widow’s pension w.e.f 24
Sep 12; General Satbir Singh informed him that widow’s pension was not
increased in 2012 when pension for all ranks was increased as per
recommendations of 6 CPC. Widows must be given that increase in pension. RM
expressed concerned on this issue and asked the delegation to give him the note
for his consideration.
Major’s Pension Retired pre 1996; It was brought to
RM’s attention that MOD is not paying Lt Col pension to Major rank officers who
retired pre 1996 on completion of 21 years of service. Major Thomas of pre 1996
retirement had gone won the case in AFT and had been paid enhanced pension. It
should be applicable for all Majors who had retired pre 1996 and had completed
21 years of service. RM asked for a detailed note on the issue for his
Major’s Pension who had retired on
completion of 20 yrs but with less than 21 yrs of service; RM was informed
that there will be only few hundred Majors who will fall in that category and
MOD must consider giving them Lt Col Pension with Major’s grade pay as a
special case. RM demanded a paper on this issue also for his consideration.
IESM will be sending the detailed paper
on above issues to RM at the earliest.
IESM delegation was encouraged with the
response and encouragement given by RM. One can now say that OROP is in safe
hands will soon be approved.
Gp Capt VK Gandhi VSM
Gen Sec IESM
2 Mar 2015
any one clarify the fate of 20% disable nana defence veterans...........
ReplyDeleteim my view all disabled veterans are suppose to get disability pension @ 50% and govt orders are awaited on the matter for implementation.
As per Iesm guidelines I finished my quota in happiness.Doesnt matter whether male or female,I am happy if child (IROP) is born
ReplyDeleteand see the day light.
Lucky komal you will amaze. In fact you are amazing on the present ruler. They know how to mock you. You are born baby. You. Will carry on amaze I.e wonder on everything in life will ultimately fruit anything . Even our treasure will getexhausted anticipating OROP which is not in optometric district. I n nutshell no younger genenerion or their parents likes this carrier which earns the title of gone case and sharabi for which the govt reluctant to console with OROP.
ReplyDeleteI have already declared that OROP shall not be implemented before declaration of next election. It is only a election stund not in real. Is lie jo mil raha hai usi mein santosh karo. Jai Hind
ReplyDeletenice article on mes . thanks for sharing with that.