New Delhi, August 24 : The highly prized government jobs are back on offer, this time without the hassle of lengthy bureaucracy. Sounds too good to be true ? Well think of it as the new initiative by the Modi government to generate more empoyment. The government is looking to employ professionals across fields in various ministries nad no the Department of personnel and Training is not in charge. in a bid to connect with citizens directly, the jobs are being offered via the Government’s citizen portal MyGov.
The governmental jobs on offer include a wide variety of fields such as editorial writers, senior management professionals, software developers, researchers, data scientists, graphic designers, digital content script writers, advertising professionals, academic experts, social media experts and application developers at various levels of experience.
This new exercise which is aimed at bringing the government and the citizens closer together is indeed a rather innovative approach to governmental employment. According to a post on the MyGov portal, the purpose of this exercise is stated as ”MyGov proposes to create a data bank of resumes of various seniority levels and specializations. This data bank may be sourced by the government periodically to engage citizen experts in various domains for contractual services in various positions across ministries, departments, organizations, institutions, and specialized entities.”
Regarding the procedure by which a citizen may go about applying for the various positions, MyGov states, “ Interested citizens may submit their detailed resumes in PDF format indicating the position in which they are interested on the first page of the resume. To submit the resumes, citizens may use the Hashtag of the respective position in the comment box below and then upload their resume in PDF format. For example, if a person is applying for Academic Expert, he may submit his resume in PDF format while writing in comment box #AcademicExpert Resume Attached. The respective hashtags can be seen above along with the list of the positions.The resumes will be scrutinized by MyGov, and shortlisted resumes will be contacted for further discussion / interview. The compensation package will be discussed in the direct interactions. The compensation package will be discussed in the direct interactions. The submission of resumes in this forum does not guarantee employment or engagement. “
For a detailed list of positions on offer and the expected qualifications, Click Here .
(Source- Mygov.nic.in/ google news)
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