To view your Profile and Pension Details, select DPDO/Bank, enter HO No/Bank Account No and click 'Submit' button.
Sorry, the Bank Account No. you entered is not vaild.
Dpdo portal is not being updated it seems...one cannot view his latest pension detail in this portal...
ReplyDeleteबैक का नाम खाता नभरने के बाद भी पैैंनसन नही बताई
ReplyDeleteWhat is HO number in DPDO potal neither ppo or ts number responding
ReplyDeleteDont write HO number. Just mention your bank and account number in second window. Pension status will be shown.
DeleteThere are only two group X Y there isno other gp as some pensisoner asking questions
DeleteDPDO portal not updated from the several years required updation
ReplyDeleteSir,these days, what is the requirements of DPDO's ? It was useful in olden days when Bank's were not there. DPDO's immediately be closed and all the ppo's to be headed over to the nearest bank's of pensionors.
ReplyDeleteSorry sir, I am from Secunderabad and did not experience a single event of hardship from DPDO and prefer it moreso the staff are mainly defence oriented procedures.
DeleteWhat is HO NO?
ReplyDeleteH O no is a number allowed by DPDO during payment of first pension. All file is kept according to h O no. It is clearly written on pension book.
Deletehow to find out the H.O NO. AS REQUIRED INTHE DPDO PORTAL ?
ReplyDeleteWhat about those who draw pension through IOB , which is not available in KNOW YOUR PENSION portal !!?????
ReplyDeleteLet me know about the HO No. required by the portal.
ReplyDeleteuse this link; http://dpdopensioners.org/
DeleteYes I'm also having same problem
ReplyDeletePension portal is not working properly why
ReplyDeletedpdo website is down last many days and no one seems to fix it
ReplyDeleteKindly furnish the arrears details with TDS
ReplyDeleteI got Pension 19772& DA 394+ Medical 500. SBI has deducted Rs 1117 as Income tax at source.Can Any one guide me what is the criteria for income tax return.My Pension doesn't exceed present Slab of income, the annual income Not to increase 250000 Per years March to march.
ReplyDeletemedical means you are drawing disability pension, so your pension is totally exempted from IT. send one mail to concerned CPPC
Deleteits for the arrears paid i think
Deletemedical means not dis pen, that is medical allowance rs 500/- pm
DeleteI got Pension 19772& DA 394+ Medical 500. SBI has deducted Rs 1117 as Income tax at source.Can Any one guide me what is the criteria for income tax return.My Pension doesn't exceed present Slab of income, the annual income Not to increase 250000 Per years March to march.
ReplyDeleteAs per your comments your earning per month is 19772+394+500=20666. i.e, 2,47,992. In addition to this you might have received your OROP arrear + 7th cpc arrear. Then automatically your total income will cross 250000
DeletePension portal is not working properly why
ReplyDeleteI am drawing pension from Punjab National Bank Branch code is 0522.
ReplyDeleteThe bank is not sending statement of account.
I have sent them an email.But got no reply.
Dear sir after typing bank name and bank account then show your bank account is not valid,then I what to do? Pse reply.
ReplyDeleteI am Rajendra Prasad (defence pensioner)my pension account is in bank of baroda so I am getting any arears since January 2016.
ReplyDeleteHi still not receiving pension as per revised 7th pay commission.Can any one tell what must be the cause.I have received the arrears for the same.Is tax being automatically deducted?
ReplyDeleteIs dpdo a fake publication to boost the moral of ex service men
ReplyDeleteHair I am army pensioner,I am not received correct pension & correct arrears
ReplyDeletewhy not update the Ph. No. for DPDO, they have already Old Ph No. in Website Please update the PH No. for DPDO;s
ReplyDeleteNot able to understand the usefulness of such a useless website in the name of Ex servicemen welfare. Did any body there to bother to attend the comments made by the helpless/needy persons.
ReplyDeletehow do i get on the DPDO portal to check the monthly statement for my father. I have all ready provided my email address to the DPDO office, further what i have to do? someone please advice
My mother is getting family pension from defence. She is getting it in kundapur udupi as her native, now she is residing in bangalore we want to transfer it bangaore dpdo. But bank is not obliging for same they are telling they will send the document to udupi tressury from their we have to send to dpdo bangalore. Any one knows about anything about it.
ReplyDeleteSir,where is Ho number
ReplyDeleteavailable in DPDO pensioners pse reply anyone.....
Ho no allowted py dpdo for example of no55o97 Ludhiana
ReplyDeleteMy grandma kusum onkar belokar Khamgoan dist buldhana Maharashtra did not receive pension since last two months. Please help as possible.
ReplyDeletefor getting pension slip in the first window the uco bank name is not there and the second window for account number is blocked by chat box how to write the bank account number?????
ReplyDeletedpdo pension portal not functioning for the last two weeks. reasons not know. request rectify the function error. thank you.
ReplyDeleterequest rectify the non-function of dpdo pension portal for the last two weeks. defence pensioners are unable to view their pension details as well as pension slip. there seems to be some error in functioning of the pension portal. bank portion of the portals is covered by the chatroll box, therefore unable to operate the portal. please kindly take earliest action to rectify the errors. thank you.
ReplyDeleteDpdo portal is not being updated it seems...one cannot view his latest pension detail in this portal...
ReplyDeleteWhat is the problem with dpdopensioners portal. It is not working for last one month or so. We are unable see our pension details. I contacted my PDA DPDO Jalandhar they are not able reply and told that it is done at the central level by CGDA. Please rectify the fault as soon as possible to avoid hardships to pensioners.
ReplyDeletewhere do i get DPDO HO number ? Nothing in my pension book. Please some one help me
ReplyDeleteThat is ur pension number sir. U can see in ur pension book. Pl type ur pension no.in the place of HO no. u will get all required details about ur pension. Very simple.
ReplyDeleteHO No.is allotted by dpdo with 4 digits preceded by a Capital letter. You need to add adigit 0 followed by 4 digit no. Eg. A01234. I am not aware of any other process.
DeleteMy basic pension Rs 43716/-. Additional pension Rs 8743/-. Disability pension Rs 5248/-. What will be my Briad bandionding of disability pension. Disability 20%, after superannuation. Hony Flt lt retd. Kulbir singh Rekhi ..
ReplyDeleteHO NO is alloted from DPDo pensioners only pensioners drawing person from bank there is no ho nu5
ReplyDeleteIam 100/- disabled army major,what will be my disability pension
ReplyDeleteCan I get the PPO No . AF/S/C/002530/84 . I need this for my fathers documentation.Pls share on sanjays2110@gmail.com if anyone has .Thanks
ReplyDeleteNomination name left in ppo at least at time of retirement not married father or mother name will added in ppo direct without asking any one nagangadhar1979@gmail.com.