- @nsitharaman ji,kudos2U4ur personal indulgence in resolving this long pending aberration.ArmedForces&Veterans would greatly appreciate if a HighPwrComitee of Parliamentarians could also b formed2resolve remaining46anomalies as also StatusDowngradation issue
- @nsitharaman ji, it had also been reported that U had given personal directions for cancellation of all mischievous communications Downgrading Mil ranks/Status.Would request if Ucould kindly confirm this.There couldn’t b more encouraging news for Soldiers than this
- Such degrading communications by ppl with malafide intent inMoD need to be viewed with seriousness,& not only cancelled but concerned officials brought to book so that deliberate mischiefs aimed at needling the morale of our Soldiers are not repeated in future @nsitharaman @adgpi
- It seems on NewYearEve, instead of upholding Honour&Dignity of ArmedForces @nsitharaman ji has gifted them with a “Dagger” in their back..@DrSubhashMoS ji justifies Downgradation in Parliament..says its reiteration of existing Status..bureaucracy appears to b having last laugh
- I think it’s apparent that @DefenceMinIndia is unable to rein in mischievous elements in MoD...time for Service Chiefs to directly walk upto Hon’ble PM @narendramodi ji ,..after all nothing can b more important for MilGenrls than ensuring Honour&Pride of Men they lead @adgpi
- Liddell Hart very aptly describes state of Service Chiefs...yrs of repression4d sake of their ambition..when d bottle is eventually uncorked..contents had evaporated! Question now is how to put the fizz back into d bottle?? Will any Service Chief ever have a spine to take stand??
- @TheStatesmanLtd gives unflattering inputs on internal health of ArmedForces.Will @narendramodi ji @PMOIndia @nsitharaman ji @DefenceMinIndia b able to rise above mere sloganeering during 2018 & resolve outstanding HR issues of AF & ensure Honour&Dignity for Soldiers @adgpi
- It’s important to understand whySoldiers so willingly drape their spirits inTricolour..their unflinching belief that they rNation’s last bastion..that they r defenders ofNation’sHonor&Pride. I shudder to imagine d day whenSoldiers this belief system gets shaken up..#HonourSoldier
- 6 more replies
- Repair maintenance contracts, supply of goods & services Cleaning/conservancy contract, chowkidaring contract etc. Problem is with d services as well. They prefer dealing wid banias/traders due 2 old practice, ease & small cuts. Tremendous scope exists
- Most of the outsourcing can be done with veterans. Popular in US Defense Department. Most of revenue expenditure are done by SMEs & traders, can be easily taken up. CHT transport, unit bania, stationery/ cmptr accessories supplier at unit lvl
- Need to rationalise large No of civil departments under MoD. Veteran PBOR & Offrs Who retiremen early can tenet these after suitable orientation. AFHQ, CSD, DEO establishment, Statistical Units, Non tech in MES, Ord Factories & DRDO amongst others
- Wow that's a excellent decision. Our forces must be assured Government of India is standing with them & their families. They deserve all such benefits. Thanks mam.
- plz hlp me my mother's pension meter. my mob 9694468370
- It is a very commendable decision taken by the respected Defense Minister as the result of the sacrifice of Indian soldiers and the indomitable courage
- Kudos
Long time Coming. Again we see a trend where Soldier Fly related Issues are being addressed on Priority.
- Better late than never. A welcome step though delayed
- Are GREF soldiers eligible for this?
- Great decision by Modi government... JAI HIND..... BHARAT MATA KI JAI
- But honble ministers pension will be 100% after her 5 year term while soldiers will get 50% after serving 35 years. Justice? Equality of treatment? Dignity and respect?
- Naman Jai Hind India... I love India... Bharat Mata ki Jai ho... Save &Safty life all people India.. Good Working Power Government of India..New India Big India New Life India.. .. all border safe India Drone power safety India
- R. NARAYANAN MY NAMPER. 8838519638
- Mam hats of your work and u r honesty about work
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ReplyDeleteyou should ensure parity in the matter of MSP, disability pension and other hardship allowances, presently I am in US, here with respect to disability pension, MSP and other allowances pertaining to hardship allowances are equal to all regardless of rank structure
Hope Hon'ble Raksha Mantri ji will go through all the points handed over by me to Hon'ble RM on 23-11-2017 regarding serious anomalies in OROP and 7th CPC