30 Apr 2016 Chandigarh
(Source- TOI)
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Sl. No. | Name of the CPPCs | CPPCs Address | E-mail Address (Remove blank space and bracket"[ ]" before use ) | Contact Numbers |
1 | SBI, Gujarat | State Bank of India (CPPC) 6 th floor, Gandhinagar Zonal office Opp. New Sachivalaya,Sector 10-B Gandhinagar (Gujarat) – 382010 | cmcppc.zoahm [@] sbi.co.in | PH: 079-23245511-15 |
2 | SBI, Karnataka | State Bank of India (CPPC) 12/13, Lakshmayya Layout Ganganagar (North) Banglore (Karnataka) – 560024 | cppc.bangalore [@] sbi.co.in | PH: 080-25943661/62 |
3 | SBI, M.P. | State Bank of India (CPPC) SBI Govindpura Branch Premises, Govindpura, BHEL, Bhopal (M.P.) – 462011 | sbi.04467 [@] sbi.co.in | PH: 0755-4206745/2600836 |
4 | SBI, Odissa | State Bank of India (CPPC) 161/162, CSD Building, Bomikhal,Puri- Cuttack Road, Bhubaneswar (Odissa) - 751006 | cmcppc.zobhu [@] sbi.co.in | PH: 0674-2572950/ 2572170 |
5 | SBI, Haryana | State Bank of India (CPPC) Administrative Office Building, 2 nd floor, Plot No.-I/2, Sector- 5, Panchkula (Haryana) – 134109 | sbi.04469 [@] sbi.co.in | PH: 0172-4569231/ 2570755 |
6 | SBI, Chennai | State Bank of India (CPPC) 112/4, KalimmanKoli Street, Virugambakkam, Chennai -600092 | cppc.zoche [@] sbi.co.in | PH: 044-23772754/55 |
7 | SBI, Delhi | State Bank of India (CPPC) SBI ChandniChowk Branch Premises, 2 nd floor, ChandniChowk, Delhi - 110006 | sbi.04475 [@] sbi.co.in | PH: 011- 23888324, 23888301(AGM) 23888327, 23888309/302 |
8 | SBI, Assam | State Bank of India (CPPC) 6 th floor, Sethi Trust Building, G.S. Road, Bhangagarh, Guwahati (Assam) - 781005 | cppc.zoguw [@] sbi.co.in | PH: 0361-2463104 |
9 | SBI, Andhra Pradesh | State Bank of India (CPPC) 1/7/387, GNR Heights, 1st floor, Murshidabad Main Road, Opp. Guru Nanak Care Hospital, Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh) – 500020 | sbi.04472 [@] sbi.co.in | PH: 040-27670149 |
10 | SBI, West Bengal | State Bank of India (CPPC) 7 th Floor, Block-c, Samridhi Bhavan-1, Strand Road, Kolkata (West Bengal) - 700006 | sbi.04473 [@] sbi.co.in | PH: 033-22570827 |
11 | SBI, Uttar Pradesh | State Bank of India (CPPC) Sector – 1 Jankipuram, Lucknow (U.P.) – 226021 | cppc.04474 [@] sbi.co.in | PH: 0522-6542211 |
12 | SBI, Mumbai | State Bank of India (CPPC) 5 th floor Premises No. T-651 & T-751, I.T.C. Belapur, CBD Belapur Railway Station Complex, Navi Mumbai– 400614 | cppc.mumbai [@] sbi.co.in | PH: 022-27574786/ 27565475 |
13 | SBI, Bihar | State Bank of India (CPPC) 4 th floor, Administrative Building, Judges Court Road, Patna (Bihar) – 800001 | sbi.04476 [@] sbi.co.in | PH: 0612-2677570/ 6451436 |
14 | SBI, Kerala | State Bank of India (CPPC) GanpathyKovil Road, Vazhuthankadu, Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala) - 695014 | cppc.zotri [@] sbi.co.in | PH: 0471-2326986/87 |
15 | Allahabad Bank Uttar Pradesh | Allahabad Bank CPPC, 3 rd floor, Zonal Office, New Building, Hazaratganj, Lucknow (U.P.)- 226001 | cppc [@] allahabadbank.in | PH: 0522-2286489 |
16 | Andhra Bank, Andhra Pradesh | Andhra Bank (CPPC) Head Office, Andhra Bank Building, 5 th floor, Koti, Sultan Bazar, Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh) - 500195 | abcppc [@] andhrabank.co.in | PH: 040-24757828 / 24757153 |
| Bank of Baroda New Delhi | CPPC, Bank of Baroda 13 th floor, Buliding 16 Parliament Street New Delhi- 110001 | cppc.ho [@] bankofbaroda.co.in govtbusiness.ho [@] bankofbaroda.com gb.delhi [@] bankofbaroda.com | Chief Mgr.(Baroda) -0265-2225899 |
| BOI, Maharashtra | Bank of India (CPPC) Bank of India Building, 87-A, 1 st floor, Gandhibaug, Nagpur (Maharashtra) - 440002 | cppc.nagpur1 [@] bankofindia.co.in ho.gbd [@] bankofindia.co.in headoffice.gov [@] bankofindia.co.in | SK Ganju(GM) – 022-66684471 PH: 0712-2764341/ 2764091-95 |
| Bank of Maharashtra, Maharashtra | Bank of Maharashtra (CPPC) 1177, 2 nd Floor, BudhwarPeth, Janmangal, Bajirao Road, Pune (Maharashtra) – 411002 | bom1407 [@] mahabank.co.in | Ms. Kuber (Mgr)- 022-24467937/38 |
| Canara Bank Karnataka | Canara Bank (CPPC) Chitrapur mutt complex, 15 th cross malleswaram Bangalore, (Karnataka) -560001 | cppc [@] canarabank.com | PH: 080-25596693 |
| Central Bank of India, Maharashtra | Central Bank Of India (CPPC) 2 nd floor, MMO Building M.G. Road, Fort, Mumbai (Maharashtra) – 400001 | cmcppc [@] centralbank.co.in cppc [@] centralbank.co.in | PH: 022-22703216/17 |
| Corporation Bank Karnataka | Corporation Bank (CPPC) Pandeshwar, Mangladevi Temple Road, Manglore (Karnataka) – 575001 | hogovt [@] corpbank.co.in | PH: 0824-2426532 / 2441425 |
| Dena Bank Maharashtra | Dena Bank (CPPC) Mumbai Main Office, 17, Hornimon Circle, Mumbai (Maharashtra) – 400023 | gbd [@] denabank.co.in ro.newdelhi [@] denabank.co.in kapoorramakant [@] gmail.com joshianandp [@] gmail.com | Mob.- 09594942594 |
| IDBI Bank Maharashtra | IDBI Bank (CPPC) Government Business Operations, Corporate Park, Unit No.-2, Behind Swastik Chambers, SION-Trombay Road, Chembur, Mumbai (Maharashtra) -400071 | pradnya.mandhare [@] idbi.co.in bp.patil [@] idbi.co.in v_acharya [@] idbi.co.in | Ms. Pradnya (Mgr) – 022-66908489 PH: 022-66908405 |
| Indian Bank Tamilnadu | Indian Bank Centralised Pension Processing Centre, 4 th Floor, No. 66, RajaJi Salai, Chennai (Tamilnadu) - 600001 | cppc [@] indianbank.co.in | Phone : 044- 25231756/25231757 FAX : 044 - 2523 1751 Cell No : 9445030401 / 2 |
| Indian Overseas Bank Tamilnadu | Indian Overseas Bank Central Pension Processing Centre, Central Office,763, Anna Salai, Chennai (Tamilnadu) - 600002 | cppc [@] iobnet.co.in | PH: 044-28889383/ 28519433 |
| Oriental Bank of Commerce, Haryana | Oriental Bank of Commerce (CPPC) Corporate Office, Plot No.-5, Institutional Area, Sector-32, Gurgaon (Haryana)- 122001 | cppc [@] obc.co.in pnd [@] obc.co.in | PH: 0124-4126379 (AGM) /4126527(DGM) |
| Punjab & Sind Bank, New Delhi | Punjab & Sind Bank (CPPC) H.O. P & D Department, A-25, 1 st floor, Community Centre, JwalaHeri, PaschimVihar, New Delhi – 110063 | cppc [@] psb.org.in | PH: 011-25271585/ 25281210 |
| PNB, New Delhi | Punjab National Bank (CPPC) 1 st floor, Gurudwara Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi – 110055 | cppcdel [@] pnb.co.in hogbd [@] pnb.co.in bo4421 [@] pnb.co.in | Chief Mgr. - 08527707999 / 09910900706 |
| State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur, Rajasthan | State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur Centralised Pension Processing Centre, 2 nd floor, S.M.S. Highway, Jaipur (Rajasthan) –302005 | cppcjpr [@] sbbj.co.in sbbj10016 [@] sbbj.co.in | PH: 0141-2227758/ 5172259 |
| State Bank of Hyderabad, A.P. | State Bank of Hyderabad (CPPC) 1 st floor, Methodist Complex, Opposite Chermas, Abids, Hyderabad (A.P.) - 500001 | cppc-hyd [@] sbhyd.co.in | PH: 040-23387414/ 23382881-882 |
| State Bank of Mysore, Karnataka | State Bank Of Mysore (CPPC) | cppcmangalore [@] sbm.co.in | PH: 0824-2496073/75 |
| State Bank Of Patiala Punjab | State Bank Of Patiala Centralised Pension Processing Cell, SCO 114, 1 ST Floor Urban Estate, Phase-II, Patiala (Punjab)-147002 | infocppc [@] sbp.co.in | PH: 0175-2302817 / 2283322/2280272 |
| State Bank Of Travancore, Kerala | State Bank Of Travancore (CPPC), Chembikalam Building 3rd floor, Vazhuthacaud, Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala) - 695014 | cppc [@] sbt.co.in | PH: 0471-2326525 / |
| Syndicate Bank, Karnataka | Syndicate Bank (CPPC) Central Accounts Department 2 nd Floor, SYNDICATE BANK H.O.- Manipal, TQ- UDUPI, (Karnataka) – 574104 | syndcppc [@] syndicatebank.co.in | PH: 0820-2575402 / 2571196/2574075 |
| Union Bank Of India, Maharashtra | Union Bank Of India (CPPC) Government Banking Division, PBOD, 12 th floor, Union Bank Bhavan, 239, VidhanBhavanMarg, Nariman Point,Mumbai (Maharashtra) –400021 | nkramachandran [@] unionbankofindia.com govtbusiness [@] unionbankofindia.com puneetrai [@] unionbankofindia.com bansal [@] unionbankofindia.com | PH: 022- 22896677/22896678/ 22020242-43 022-22896600/ 22838824 |
| United Bank of India West Bengal | United Bank Of India CPPC, 4 th floor, Head Office, 11,HemantaBasuSarani, Kolkata (West Bengal) -700001 | homail [@] unitedbank.co.in cmcppc [@] unitedbank.co.in | PH: 033-22622549/22621042 |
| United Commercial Bank, Maharashtra | United Commercial Bank (CPPC) Somalwar Bhavan, 1 stfloor, Mount Road Extension, Sadar, Nagpur (Maharashtra) – 442001 | cppcna [@] ucobank.co.in cppcna [@] gmail.com | PH: 0712-2559919/60 |
| Vijaya Bank, Karnataka | Vijaya Bank (CPPC) Merchant Banking Division, Head office, 41/2, M.G. Road, Trinity Circle, Banglore (Karnataka) – 560001 | mbd.pension [@] vijayabank.co.in cmmbd [@] vijayabank.co.in mbddgm [@] vijayabank.co.in | PH: 080-25584644 |
| Axis Bank Ltd. Maharashtra | Axis Bank Ltd. (CPPC) Centralised Reconciliation & Settlement Cell 4 th floor, Gigaplex Building No. 1, Plot No. I.T. 5, Airoli Knowledge Park, Airoli, NaviMumbai (Maharashtra)- 400708. | cpu.pension [@] axisbank.com gupta-vikas [@] axisbank.com | DebrajSaha (AVP) – 011-43506532 PH: 022-24253687 |
| HDFC Bank Limited, Haryana | HDFC Bank Limited(CPPC) 4 th floor, Vatika Atrium, Block-A, Golf Course Road, Sector-53, Gurgaon (Haryana)- 122002 | suraj.tiwari [@] hdfcbank.co.in | PH: 012-44664000/44664503 |
| ICICI Bank Ltd. Maharashtra | ICICI Bank Ltd. (CPPC) ICICI Bank Tower, 6 thfloor, Autumn Estate, Chandivali, Andheri East, Mumbai (Maharashtra) – 400072 | pawan.mantri [@] icicibank.com maya.shanbag [@] icicibank.com vaibhav.sin [@] icicibank.com | Mr. nMantri: 022-61375108 Ms. Maya Shanbag: 022-26537358 |