Rectification or Update of your personal data in your Pension Profile held with PCDA can now be done at your own through SPARSH Portal. You need not to approach the Zila Sainik Board any more. SPARSH Data update for All Pre 2016 Pensioners is now can be done easily.
If you can do it at your own may do so using smart phone or computer or may get it done with the help of any Cyber Cafe/CSC. Min of Def has already established SPARSH Service Centre at your nearest city to help you to make effective use of SPARSH Portal by all defence pensioners.
Initially the document update system was not feasible in your Profile being pre 2016 Pensioner. But from 1st April 2023, the PCDA has given you full access of SPARSH Portal to update personal data of pensioners. Now, you may update/add/ rectify all of your personal data including :
(i) Name and date of birth of SPOUSE
(ii) Name and date of birth of your Dependents
(iii) Change of Home address
(iv) Change of Reemployment Status
(v) Update Service Details
(vi) Nomination details etc
(vii) Aadhar Number & PAN Number
(viii)Mobile Number, Email ID & Bank A/c details
(ix) Any other information related to family and profile of self
You need to upload the supporting documents to change or rectify the data i.e Electricity Bill for Change of Address etc. To initiate update your data, you need to login to SPARSH portal then go to My documents

A large number of pensioners are still waiting to get their user ID and password for SPARSH Portal. To get user ID and password, you may lodge a grievance using the grievance redressal system available in SPARSH Portal.
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A large number of Defence pensioners are yet to be migrated to SPARSH. Migration of their pension is still under process. Work is under progress at PCDA. However, you may lodge a grievance as per instructions available on the SPARSH portal or contact PCDA as details given below. Must keep your mobile number and email functional ( the contacts which is connected to your Pension account in bank) to get information regarding SPARSH from PCDA :
1. Details of Nodal Officers –
2. Lodge your grievance – then click on services then Grievances.
(Source : By