The idea behind this blog is to educate/help/enlighten and not to create controversy or to incite. The opinions and views expressed on this blog are purely personal. Please be soft in your language, respect Copyrights and provide credits/links wherever possible.The blog team indemnifies itself of any legal issues that may arise out of any information/ views posted by anyone on the blog.
Tuesday, June 20, 2023
Monday, April 10, 2023
SPARSH Data update for All Pre 2016 Pensioners
Rectification or Update of your personal data in your Pension Profile held with PCDA can now be done at your own through SPARSH Portal. You need not to approach the Zila Sainik Board any more. SPARSH Data update for All Pre 2016 Pensioners is now can be done easily.
If you can do it at your own may do so using smart phone or computer or may get it done with the help of any Cyber Cafe/CSC. Min of Def has already established SPARSH Service Centre at your nearest city to help you to make effective use of SPARSH Portal by all defence pensioners.
Initially the document update system was not feasible in your Profile being pre 2016 Pensioner. But from 1st April 2023, the PCDA has given you full access of SPARSH Portal to update personal data of pensioners. Now, you may update/add/ rectify all of your personal data including :
(i) Name and date of birth of SPOUSE
(ii) Name and date of birth of your Dependents
(iii) Change of Home address
(iv) Change of Reemployment Status
(v) Update Service Details
(vi) Nomination details etc
(vii) Aadhar Number & PAN Number
(viii)Mobile Number, Email ID & Bank A/c details
(ix) Any other information related to family and profile of self
You need to upload the supporting documents to change or rectify the data i.e Electricity Bill for Change of Address etc. To initiate update your data, you need to login to SPARSH portal then go to My documents

A large number of pensioners are still waiting to get their user ID and password for SPARSH Portal. To get user ID and password, you may lodge a grievance using the grievance redressal system available in SPARSH Portal.
You may Read this information in hindi in our another website
A large number of Defence pensioners are yet to be migrated to SPARSH. Migration of their pension is still under process. Work is under progress at PCDA. However, you may lodge a grievance as per instructions available on the SPARSH portal or contact PCDA as details given below. Must keep your mobile number and email functional ( the contacts which is connected to your Pension account in bank) to get information regarding SPARSH from PCDA :
1. Details of Nodal Officers –
2. Lodge your grievance – then click on services then Grievances.
(Source : By ESM Info Club (Bikash De)
Saturday, April 1, 2023
Sgt Sushil Kumar Choudhary, Veteran Missile Fitter (L), Filed a Case in HSC : MA 499/2023 for table 7 & 8 of OROP2 related issue, alongwith 10 others (Vet MBC Menon & Vet P Vigneshwar Raju)
Dear Veterans,
Once more, I am informing you that I have filled the petition in Hounarable Supreme Court bearing diary no. 10538/2023 & Case no MA 499/2023 for table 7 & 8 of OROP2 related issue on individual capacity with the help of My friend Adv Shri Amitesh Chandra Mishra. Since the cause of this case is related with lakhs of veterans & their families across the country, I involved petitioners also across the country with various age group and trades so that HSC should realise that this is not the problem of a single veteran but the problem of veterans across the country. I thanks all other 10 petitioners alongwith Veteran MBC Menon & Veteran P Vigneshwar Raju who have given valuable contribution in collection of various documents for finalisation of petitions. Again I am informing you that in this case, there is no need of money and in future if there is any need of money, I will intimate you. Till now, please beware of cheaters and don't contribute any money to any group or individual Veterans. If anybody has any type of queries related to this petition, please contact me on 9560926001. Please spread this message across the all veterans group so that no veteran should be cheated by anyone. Jai Hind, Jai Bharat 🇮🇳🙏
Sgt Sushil Kumar Choudhary, Veteran
Missile Fitter (L), MF(25) Entry,
Mob. 9560926001
(Source : Voice of Pensioners blog)
Friday, March 31, 2023
Dated: 31 Mar 2023
Dear Veterans,
Letter to Hon’ble Prime Minister, Copy to Hon’ble Raksha Mantri, three Chiefs and Secy (ESW) dated 31 Mar 2023 on the above subject is enclosed herewith for your information and widest circulation please.
With Regards,
Maj Gen Satbir Singh, SM (Retd)
Advisor United Front of Ex Servicemen &
Chairman Indian Ex-Servicemen Movement (IESM)
Mobile: 9312404269, 0124 -4110570
Dated: 31 Mar 2023
Shri Narendra Modi
Prime Minister of India
Prime Minister’s Office (PMO)
Delhi – 110 001
Hon’ble Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi Ji,
1. Please refer to the Indian Ex-servicemen Movement (IESM) letter dated 28 Jan and 07 Feb 2023.
2. In the letters referred above your attention was drawn to following major issues which are affecting morale of ex-servicemen and serving soldiers.
(a) That there are many anomalies in the pension tables made by MOD for payment of OROP arrears. These need to be corrected at the earliest. These tables have still not been corrected and no communication has been received on action taken, if any, to correct these tables. Our observations on the tables are given in succeeding paragraphs.
(i) As per MoD letter no 1(13)/2012/D (Pen/Pol) dated 17 Jan 2013, Pension of JCOs and ORs is to be calculated at Notional maximum of the scale of the ranks and group across the services. But, as per OROP letter dated 7 Nov 2015, pension of JCOs/NCOs and ORs has been fixed at a mean of max and min pension of the year 2013 (for OROP I) and 2018 for (OROP II equalization of 2019). This has resulted in no increase in pension of JCOs/ORs and hence no arrears for them. In some cases, the reduced pension has been shown in the tables issued by GoI. JCOs and ORs constitute 97% of fighting manpower of armed forces and their morale will directly affect fighting capabilities of our armed forces. We have not received any reply regarding action taken on the issue.
(ii) As per MoD, DESW letter No 12(1)/2014/D (Pen/Pol)-Part II dated 7 Nov 2015, only those ex-servicemen who had retired post 7.11.2015 were not entitled for OROP. However, in the GoI letter dated 20.01.2023 (being withdrawn under order of HSC dated 9.1.2023), ex-servicemen who had taken premature retirement w.e.f 01.07.2014 have been denied OROP arrears in OROP II (equalization 2019). This is against natural justice and must be corrected. IESM has not received any communication and any action taken on this issue. IESM hopes that this anomaly will be corrected while issuing fresh orders for payment of arrears for OROP II.
(iii). IESM has also not received any communication regarding implementation of recommendations of One-Man Judicial Committee (OMJC). We request that recommendations of OMJC be made public and implemented at the earliest please.
3. Apart from above, some more anomalies have been noticed in the tables forwarded by GoI/ PCDA. These anomalies are listed below and need correction at the earliest.
a. It has been noticed that pay structure of JCOs/NCOs and ORs has been reduced in post 7 CPC tables (CDA circular 555). This has resulted in the reduction in pay and subsequently pension of the JCOs/NCOs and ORs. This is directly affecting the morale of serving soldiers. This is against natural justice wherein pay and allowances for serving soldiers’ post 7 CPC have been reduced as compared to past soldiers. This has resulted in reduction or no increase in pension of past soldiers in OROP I and II (Higher pensions are protected as per GoI letter). Reduction in pay of serving soldier’s is violating the spirit of 7 CPC and also status of armed forces JCOs/NCOs and ORs as compared to their civilian counterparts.
b. CGDA has informed vide their letter Gts/Tech/182/Vol XVIII dated 13.3.2023 (letter attached for easy reference), that after implementation of 7 CPC Gp X has been divided in two groups that is Gp X Rs 3600/ and Gp X Rs 6200/. Therefore, two separate tables for Gp X personnels have been promulgated under GOI letter dated 20.1.2023. Table No 8, of GoI, MoD letter dated 20.01.2023, is applicable for the personal retired on or after 1.1.2016 with X Gp pay of Rs 6200/. CDA has further confirmed that Gp X has been split in two groups on the instruction of MoD vide ID No 1(1)2019/D (P) dated 8.4.2022. This is against the natural justice as 7 CPC was formed to recommend an increase in pay and pension of serving soldiers and pensioners. Any recommendation of 7 CPC for reduction of pay and pension for Gp X soldiers (if correct) is not legally correct stand. Pension of all past pensioners of pre-1.1.2016, Gp X retirees have been reduced because their Gp X pay has been reduced from Rs 6200/ to Rs 3600/. This should not have been accepted by GoI. IESM therefore, requests the GoI.
(i). To issue only one table with Gp X pay of Rs 6200/ for Gp X soldiers and pensioners and correct this anomaly at the earliest.
(ii). PCDA is still referring to the GoI letter dated 20.1.2023, which is under withdrawal as per orders of HSC dated 28.2.2023. New Govt letter, replacing 20.1.2023 letter, must be issued without delay.
4. Sir similar anomalies have been noticed in the pension of officers in the tables issued by MOD. Pension Table issued on 20 Jan 2023 shows same pensions for Major from 12 to 21 years’ service, whereas in the table of OROP-I dt 03 Feb 2016 there was increase in pension upto 21 year services. Similarly in the case of Lt Col the table shows the same pension from 26 – 33 years of service, whereas in the table issued for OROP I on 03 Feb 2016 the pension of these officers was increasing till 33 year of service. Similar mistakes have been noticed in the tables for Colonels. This is not only demoralizing for veteran officers but has killed the soul of OROP.
5. Increase of Widow Pension. When ESM expires, the widow pension is reduced to 60% of ESM pension. The logic given is that the family expenses get reduced. This is contrary to the real situation. The fact is, the problems of widows increase manifold. Infact her pension should be increased by 20% of the ESM pension. .
6. Reservist Pension. Reservist Pension has been increased from Rs 9000 to Rs 11420 vide Armed Forces Tribunal, Hyderabad judgement in the case O.A.No. 156 of 2017, dated 29th day of January, 2019. This increase has not been reflected in the Tables issued for Pension of Reservist soldier. IESM requests that tables issued vide circular 555 w.e.f 01 Jul 2014 and equalisation 2019 tables issued may be corrected to show pension of a reservist soldier, to be not less than 2/3rd of the pension of Sepoy, i.e Rs 11420 w.e.f 01 Jul 2014 and Rs 12530 w.e.f 01 Jul 2019.
7. Military Service Pay (MSP). MSP had been recommended by 6 CPC to compensate for the difficulties faced by Military personnel while facing enemy, terrorist and other difficulties like posting in field areas where families are not permitted. It is important to understand that all personnel are exposed to the same dangers and difficulties while in Military Service. MSP as approved by GoI is Rs 15500/ for Officers, Rs 10500/ for Military Nursing Service (MNS) and Rs 5200/ for JCOs/NCOs/ORS. JCOs of Indian Armed Forces are class II gazetted officers. They get this rank only after going through deep screening. The wide gap of MSP between officers, Military Nursing Service and JCOs/NCOs/ORs is hurting the psyche of the JCOs/NCOs and ORs. They are getting a feeling that they are being given a step child treatment by GoI. JCOs are the bridge between soldiers and officers and have a very important role to play in war as well as in peace. Number of JCOs and Soldiers in the Indian Armed Forces is almost 97% and the same is the case for past pensioners. It is unwise to keep such a large force unsatisfied and with a feeling that justice is not being done to their sacrifices/services to the Nation. This case had been taken up by Armed Forces HQ for an increase of MSP for JCOs/NCOs and ORs but has not been approved by the Government. IESM therefore very strongly recommends an increase in MSP for JCOs/ORs .
8. Disability Pay. This is another cause of heart burn for JCO/NCOs and ORs. All soldiers are important and their lives and limbs are dear to them. Military personnel willingly go into battle with an assurance that the motherland and Government of the day will look after them and their families in case they are killed or wounded and declared handicapped. Disability pay linked with the percentage of basic pay depending on the disability declared by doctors is not rational in the present environment. IESM request the Government that a minimum disability pay of Rs 15000/ be fixed for all ranks and thereafter it could be linked with basic pay. A disabled soldier will be entitled to higher of the two methods of calculations.
9. Non Payment of OROP II arrears: As per GoI Order 1st instalment of arrears accruing out of OROP were to be paid by 31 Mar 2023. However, IESM has received information that thousands of ex-servicemen have not received their first instalment as of today 31 Mar 2023. Further all family pensioners and gallantry award winners are supposed to get full arrears by 30 Apr 2023, so for none has got full arrear.
10. IESM therefore request the Government:-
a. Remove all anomalies in pension tables and issue corrected tables.
b. Fix pension of JCOs/ORs to be calculated at Notional maximum of the scale of the ranks and group across the three services as per MoD letter no 1(13)/2012/D (Pen/Pol) dated 17 Jan 2013.
c. Give benefit of OROP to all PMRs as promised by Honourable PM in Faridabad Rally in 2015.
d. Implement recommendations of OMJC at the earliest.
e. Calculate pension of Gp X pensioners at the rate of Rs 6200/ -
f. Increase MSP for all JCOs/NCOs and ORs.
g. Streamline disability pay for all soldiers as requested by IESM.
h. Fix pension of officers for the rank of Major/Lt Col/Col and equivalent in three services as recommended above.
j. Increase pension of Reservist soldiers as Para 6 quoted above.
k. Increase widow pension by 20% of ESM pension. .
11. IESM requests GoI to issue fresh OROP pension tables after incorporating the suggestions of IESM.
With Regards,
Maj Gen Satbir Singh, SM (Retd)
Advisor United Front of Ex Servicemen &
Chairman Indian Ex-Servicemen Movement (IESM)
Mobile: 9312404269, 0124 -4110570
Gp Capt VK Gandhi, VSM (Retd) Hony Lt K Pandey (Retd)
Vice Chairman IESM
Mob No: 9810541222
Copy to:-
Sh. Rajnath Singh | For information and positive consideration please. |
General Manoj Pande PVSM, AVSM, VSM,ADC | With request as above. |
Air Chief Marshal VR Chaudhari | With request as above. |
Admiral R Hari Kumar, PVSM, AVSM, VSM, ADC, Chief of the Naval Staff & Integrated HQs of Ministry of Defence (Navy) South Block, New Delhi -110011 | With request as above. |
Shri Vijoy Kumar Singh,IAS Secretary (ESW) 5A South Block New Delhi -110001 | With request as above. |
With Regards,
Maj Gen Satbir Singh, SM (Retd)
Advisor United Front of Ex Servicemen &
Chairman Indian Ex-Servicemen Movement (IESM)
Mobile: 9312404269, 0124 -4110570
Gp Capt VK Gandhi, VSM (Retd) Hony Lt K Pandey (Retd)
Vice Chairman IESM
Mob No: 9810541222
(Source : Via E-mail)