Disaster relief operations in Nepal by the Army as part of the National response continues. As part of the ongoing operations, Indian Army Medical Teams, Army Aviation Helicopters and Engineer Task Forces(ETF) reached out to affected population. The command and control centers at Kathmandu and Pokhara are being augmented by additional officers. Army Relief Convoy moving by road is likely to reach Gorkha tomorrow.
Following stores have been/ are being inducted by the Army :-
(a) Army Aviation Helicopters have carried out Casualty evacuation of 110 people and rescued 120 stranded people on 29 Apr. A total of 49.4 tonnes of relief material has been disbursed on 29 Apr and 15.3 tonnes on 30 Apr, by Army and Air Force Helicopters. One additional ALH was inducted today to Pokhara (total 5 ALH as of date) and two Cheetah helicopters are standby at Gorakhpur.
(b) Three Field Hospitals are providing medical succor to the affected population. Operation Theatre, Lab, x-Ray, Triage Centre and Dental facilities have been activated. Mobile Medical Teams out of these hospitals are located at Barpak, Rajdalgarh and seven more locations in Gorkha district. A total of 1,740 persons have been provided medical aid till now (210 patients treated including 20 surgeries performed today).
(c) A total of three ETFs have been inducted into Nepal. The Engineer team at Barpak are opening roads to establish road communication and have also extricated 6 Casualties. The ETF at Jorbat & Basantpur is involved in clearance of collapsed buildings and debris.
(d) One Aircraft is being sent with blankets, Tarpaulins, tents and plastic sheets, while another aircraft will carry similar stores to Kathmandu tomorrow. Vehicle convoy from Kanpur will reach Gorkha tomorrow with 4,950 blankets, 525 tents, 50 tarpaulin and 800 plastic sheets.

Col Rohan Anand, SM
PRO (Army)
(SOURXCE - PIB - Release ID :121064)
Impossible is being tried with hope to achieve. For fauj, provided national will, nothing is impossible. To my gorkha and Nepali friends- aayo re gorkhali. We together shall challenge the life
ReplyDeleteDear sir,
ReplyDeleteI am 63 years old, if government allows me I can go to earth quake affected area and give my services to the grief stricken Gurkhas brothers and I can takepart in the relief and rescue work for the cause of man kind.
Please Forget OROP, as per my view OROP is not going to implement in our Generation as Bureaucrat Lobbies are played like that so I feel ashamed on my self as In India it is happening if it is happened any another Country the Bureaucrat firstly goes to jail because of non welfare mentality to their Defence Forces. I hate Indian Bureaucrats forever. I also wish to say that in future I will not visit any polling booth either for voting to Assembly Election or to Main Election. Our Foreign Prime Minister is always out from India and could not see the real problems of Ex Serviceman and their families . I also predict that if OROP is planned to implement by the Government then it may be happened long back but they do not want to implement,. Wait for 2019. I assure that next Election NDA Government will ruined like anything . We have to wait for another 1460 days. I am counting that de-day Very very bad, very very shameful. At present Kissan and Jawans has no values at all. During Earth Quake, Flooding, Terrorist Attack, War then only remembered for Jawans thereafter forget and Officers, Bureaucrats is taking advantages. Jawans work like anything but fruits to Officers and Bureaucrats,
ReplyDeletenice post thanks
ReplyDeleteDDA Recruitment 2015