a) Until 3rd pay commission the Pension for Officers were 50%, JCO/OR-70% and Civilian-33%.
b) The basis of this was that maximum no. of JCO/OR retires at 35-40 years, Offrs at 45-55 Years and civilians at 60 years.
c) In 3rd pay commission, it was made 50% for all with some mathematics !!!!
d) The actual looser are JCO/OR- 70% to 50%
e) Therefore the maximum benefit should accrue to JCO/OR from the OROP.
2. What is the present formula for OROP? And is it beneficial to JCO/OR??
a) Let me submit that Present formula was simple arithmetic i.e. Rank & Year of service.
b) Later on our Leaders (IESM, United Front of Ex-servicemen etc.) also included Trade/Group which actually saves considerable amount to the ex-chequer. For example:-
S. MAJ 28 18000 17000 16000 18000 18000 17000 16000
SUB 25 15000 14000 13000 15000 15000 14000 13000
N SUB 25 13000 12000 11000 13000 13000 12000 11000
HAV 25 11000 9500 8000 11000 11000 9500 8000
NK 18 9000 8500 8000 9000 9000 8500 8000
SEPOY 15 8000 7500 7000 8000 8000 7500 7000
(c) We don't have problem with this also as the money is saved by the Govt. BUT the real problem is this kind of groupism is created to rule the system on English policy. Actually there is huge money saved and it is used as bargaining tools to benefit the Officers.
• Earlier Gp-1 was given Diploma Certificate. This actually enabled them to get JE equivalence. That's why withdrawn in Fifth Pay commission under the garb of rationality among the groups.
• There is no such difference exists outside (civilian) then why inside??
• Actually they want to divide also and keep minimum manageable gap.....A stupid HR tactics.
(d) Now the present formulae has a dependency on the present and future promotion policies of the JCO/OR which is not rationalised across the three services vis-a-vis SSC 10+2 recruits of Central Govt. Also to note that -- not in a single instance the time scale of promotion of JCO/OR has been reduced since independence whereas for officers who used to get retirement as Captain of Major after 20 years gets sure shot time scale promotion to Lt Col in less than 12 years and at 20 years they retire as Col (same pay band).
• Earlier in IAF, people used to get retired as min JWO in 20 year as they got promoted to JWO in 16 years. Now the min length of service for JWO is 19 years and it may so happen 3-4 years down the line that there is no JWO retiree in 20 years in that rank or trade. Then what will be the increment in the pension of the old JWO who retired in 20 years as per present OROP??? Just think the trap!!!!!
• Whereas a retired Officer who got his Lt Col in 18 years and retired in 20 years (only two increment) will get the Pension of Lt Col with 8 increments as presently Lt Col promotion is in less than 12 years. And 3-4 years down the line some XYZ commission may recommend further reduction in time scale of promotion of Officers.
3. What was the observation put by Min of Finance???
(a) Exactly the same (to the best of my knowledge), that instead of length of service there should be years of service in that particular rank of the retiree so that it is delinked with the present and future promotion policy. We ESM of JCO/OR rank don't have our say in present & future promotion policy of JCO/OR whereas ESM officers do have some affect (may not be directly) as these policies are recommended by some commission constituted by parliament and it consists of old veterans also.
(b) The IESM is not ready to accept the proposal but they tell some different story in media and elsewhere.
4. So what is our demand with regard to OROP?
a) Please restore 70% pension of JCO/OR as it is an injustice to the "SECOND CLASS" Exservicemen.
b) Please include our members in the delegation team to represent our case.
c) We want OROP to be implemented immediately in the form which accrues max benefit to the ORs.
d) The Family Pension to be reviewed and be made equal to Normal service pension considering the cost of leaving and the general background of the JCO/OR retirees.
e) Enhancement of Disability pension.
f) To implement court order granting enhanced rate of pension to jcos/ncos/ors from 01 Jan 06 instead of 24 Sep 14.
g) Equal of military pay to all rank – Every soldier to be treated equal for military pay as risks involved are same for all.
5. What are our related issues?
(a) Anti Discrimination Core (ADC) is formed two years ago to look into the matters related to discrimination with ESM (JCO/OR)
(b) We, on behalf of ADC also demand:-
a) Improvement of Services of ECHS by creating representation for 80% PBORs in governing and regulating the ECHS.
b) Canteen funds instead of being in local commanders' hands, to be utilized for raising medical colleges and engineering colleges where wards of serving and retired jcos/ncos/ors to be educated free of cost.
c) Licences for security, CNG station, Coal transporter should be given to all the ranks. They should not be reserved only for officers, as is current status
d) The untouchability and ghetto system practiced by all Armed forces/Ancillary services to be abolished. e.g. AWHO projects have separate enclaves for Officers and PBORs, even though cost of of the dwellings are same for both.
e) Elimination of sewadari system from Army. Soldiers are for Fighting wars – not domestic servants
f) Fee concession should be provided to children of jcos/ncos/ors at par with SC/ST in all the professional and academic courses like MBBS/BDS/Pharmacy, MBA, Engineering, IITs, MCA, Law, B.Ed etc.
g) JCOs/NCOs/ORs should have their representation in ECHS, District Soldier Board, Rajya Sabha board , kendriya soldier board, DGR as per ratio. Currently all these posts are dominated by officers, leaving them at the mercy of their mechanizations, nepotism and discrimination. OIC of these organisation should not be reserved for officers rank only.
h) Discrimination prevalent in armed forces should be eliminated. Forces have become VVIP racism hubs with almost every facility being reserved for officers, including toilets.
i) Transparency in awarding gallantry and other medal. Here too 80:20 rule is prevalent. For 80% brave acts of PBOR, 80% gallantry awards are cornered by Officers.

I am fully agree with your views. In this regard we JCOs/OR should fought with unity without getting any help from officers and should made separate League.
ReplyDeleteDon't blive OROP no implemented from BJP govt to ESM this is onley bluff
ReplyDeleteTrue picture of defense forces......analytical one. Nation must wake up to build a strong military barricade by honest,professional and patriotic forces to guard the border by giving up the discriminating british policy where Officers intend to rein supreme and enjoy emperor's lifestyle . Many Airmen /air warriors have witnessed the beautiful pictures of Engineering (Technical) Officers (commissioned) working on the floor/aircrafts when the Pay commission representatives/any other dignitaries visit any maintenance/ops base of IAF. But do they really work in their day-to-day working hours of IAF? More importantly, this aspect of befooling the nation is encouraged by non-other than a pilot who happens to be the Commanding Officer/ Stn. Commander who invariably adopts many measures to ensure that, pay-commission representatives would get the glimpses of the hard and bitter life of commissioned officers working in the hot summer and chilled winter; and the real workforce (Technicians) are pushed to a corner with strict instruction not to speak any of the to outsider during these days. The rest is befor one and all.