The government on Saturday evening "indicated" that premature retirees will not be left out of the 'One Rank One Pension', thus addressing a major contentious issue between the two sides.
This was conveyed to a delegation of ex-servicemen led by major general (retd) Satbir Singh who met defence minister Manohar Parrikar and minister of state for information and broadcasting, Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore.
Speaking to reporters after the meeting, Satbir Singh said they were "satisfied" with the government's clarification on "VRS" which would affect at least 40% of defence personnel. Both sides still differ on a few other major features of the government's OROP announcement.
"Defence minister has confirmed that there is no VRS in defence services and so OROP will be applicable in PMR (pre-mature retirement). An official note would be given in a day or two after having a word with the Prime Minister. Parrikar has confirmed that he would give a clarification tomorrow evening or day after tomorrow. As far as defence minister and we are concerned that clause goes," Singh told reporters.
Minister Rathore said, "Any premature retirement which is valid and legally acceptable to the armed forces will be given 'One Rank One Pension'."
PTI quoted Singh as saying that the core group of agitating army veterans would take a fresh call on continuing with their agitations. But TV channels reported there would be no rethink as the government had not conceded to the other demands.
The confusion over "VRS" came after Parrikar said defence personnel who take "voluntary retirement" will not be covered under OROP.
OROP, that implies uniform pension for armed forces personnel retiring in the same rank with a same length of service, would be implemented from July 1, 2014 on the basis of calender year 2013.
Arrears, estimated to cost between Rs 10,000 crore to Rs 12,000 crore, would be paid in four half-yearly instalments. However, all widows, including war widows, will be paid in one instalment.
The pension would be revised every five years, while the ex-servicemen are still demanding a yearly review.
The veterans are also unhappy over the government's decision to institute a one-member judicial committee to report within six months after examining various aspects. They want a five-member panel comprising mostly ex-servicemen.
Ex-servicemen who have been on an agitation for the past 84 days, took no time in rejecting the government's announcement and declaring that they will continue the stir. They also announced a massive rally on September 12.
(With inputs from agencies)
Now DM says there is no such thing as VRS in military - that means Finance ministry babus prepared the draft and got it approved from FM? How would PM know whether there is VRS in military or not, he is in Delhi only for 18 months. So the draft should have gone to defense ministry where military advisers are there! Military advisers are not allowed in PMO (what is the need NSA will take care).
Who are your advisers Mr Modi? Veterans have so much respect for you but you certainly do not have good advisers? Draft OROP was discussed with DM, who is head of department for veterans?
The real BOSS is out on visit to Turkey. Now if general Viz is complaining why RM did not take corrective measure on draft OROP (conveniently leaked to media) after meeting veterans - how could he ? FM had approved the draft after he got the draft prepared from his minions and handed over to PMO before he left for Turkey? Now RM told veteran leaders that he will talk to PM to get the draft corrected on VRS (RM has already promised that VRS in draft was a mistake) ? Is it so - but how come PM authorize any corrections in draft in the absence of BOSS, who is still on tour abroad? So much for the so called dictator PM? The BOSS delivered DELHI ( - Amit Shah had no idea about credentials of Delhi CM candidates) and now in 2019 he will deliver INDIA (!

In the armed forces, every person has to serve a minimum number of years to become eligible for pension. Once that person meets that requirement, he is eligible to put in his papers to quit and retire with a pension. This is the legally acceptable situation. So there is no VRS in the armed forces. You can call it VRS only if the personnel quit the service before completing their minimum number of years of service to become eligible for pension. Armed forces are pyramidal in structure. Unlike in the civil service, where there are scores of secretaries, commissioners and other chiefs in various departments, in the armed forces there can be only one general, admiral or air chief marshal and all others will be eventually passed over for promotion. Further the armed forces are required to be lean, mean, young and active. So, those who could not make it to higher ranks or have no more hope of future promotions will opt out to retire. Otherwise they will be eventually serving under their juniors who would have overtaken them. That situation is the most dreaded one and nobody wants to be in that situation. .
NDA announced OROP and still did not earn the goodwill and respect of the Veterans and the Serving Military men.
No one can ever be perfectly satisfied. Same is with OROP. However people in defense services would agree that this is a HUGE step by Modi government . All Congress did was talk for decades!
Ahh! UPA Ulluks did not get a chance to come in between to stir it up!
I am a civilian and saw the drama by the Sardarji who was leading the veterans.
He could not get anything from all the previous regimes but knowing fully well that this government will fulfill the demand, made a such a show of rejecting all the promises like a trade union leader.
He forgot that everybody in this country serves the nation and if defence is important, so is the farming,medical, transport or sweeping the roads.. Don'r forget that people working in other sectors are equally serving the nation. What will the defence alone do if everybody stops working and start demanding things on gunpoint?
In defence people lay down the life for others...... Every job is important but to be ready to lay down life is a different thing all together
Great work! Had I been PM or Defense Minister, I would have paid since independence, no matter whatever would have been the burden. Armed forces are cheated in this country. Why had armed forces getting lower pension when other government employees were entitled to higher pension? Modi has not broken the promise and paid from 1st July, 2014. Believe me or not but something will come out on black money also before next general elections.
It was disgusting to see mafia gang ex ministers Mr Clean Antoney and Mr zero Sibal appeared as Congress item girls to spin the news.
Great work by govt. NDA always known to solve long pending issues like border issues with Bangladesh. Opposition should co-operate with PM. Next GST
Why mafia people will cooperate with us or PM. Any we need to support this PM during tough times otherwise gangs will come back and loot us. Next time we will not be having any option and it will become like Syria, Iraq , Pakistan, Sudan , Egypt etc . So I request my fellow citizens to be careful
Modi Govt delivered a bonanza to veterans. It is an open secret that officers are biggest beneficiaries. Thus they were leading the agitation. Now these veteran shall come out with other reform in armed forces, Equal Ration to all soldiers/officers, no mate/domestic aid to officers, no liquor from CSD. Do they have courage?

The GOVT should also consider woes of other employees who are worst sufferer of GOVT APATHY. The retired Coalmine employees are getting onetime fixed pension for whole life where there is no provision of DA & its increase in basic pension according to inflation as admissible to other retiree in govt. This is gross injustice done to COAL EMPLOYEES WHO ARE ALSO SACRIFICING THEIR LIFE FOR NATION by living in remotest area with so many health hazards which is causing several dreaded diseases. The working conditions in underground mines are very haphazard which can not be visualized by politicians & bureaucrats sitting in air conditioned chamber in Delhi. So the govt must consider REVISION OF PENSIONS of retired Coal Employees with variable DA to offset galloping inflation prevailing in this country by wide spread corruption prevailing in every walks of life which is beyond control of govt. Otherwise Coal workers have also to resort to similar agitation as done by ex-service men or may call for indefinite strike in COAL Mines. This matter needs to be vigorously followed by COALMINES WORKERS FEDERATION IN FUTURE WAGE AGREEMENT WITH GOVT WHICH IS DUE NOW. THE GOVT MUST EXTEND PENSION AT PAR WITH GOVT EMPLOYEES. The trade unions for Coalmine Workers should fight for this demand.
Shame on Mr Anthony. What he was doing when he was defence ministers. He enjoyed cars, bungalows and AC rooms and sit in the house and make meaningless, worth less comments. Shame sir, U made Ex service men suffer all these years. U will also suffer like them one day. It is the curse of 50 lakhs military people and their widows.
60 years of congress rule created problems of the Himalayan proportions and now people blame modi for finding the solutions!!!!. We are a ungrateful nation.
Very well said. Indians are ungrateful.
They r not people, most of them r Congi blood s@cking vampires , naxalites of AAP and their gang of followers.
Government has insulted and denigrate the Veterans. They seem to be begging for everything which should have been the fundamental right.
Oh! Your father was begging for 40 years you Paki?
Shame on the part of Veterans for blackmailing Government on the pretext of ex-service men. Were they sleeping alll these 20 years. Why no dharna or Demonstrations during congress regime? Which party is running this show in the Capital? Stop this nonsense and insulting the people. Modi government has done maximum justice to these so called sacrificers by announcing OROP. It is time they stop wandering on the roads. What message they are sending to the school going children. Is this the sacrifice? Monemongers.
Congrats on upvoting yourself.
You are right, the previous governments have insulted and denigrated the vets. The servicemen who defend the country from "Pakistani" terrorists deserve better.
Ignore him. He's a notorious Paki pest.
This is really great from Modi Government. Modi Govt is sincerely trying to fulfil all its promises but they do not have strength in Rajya Sabha which has become hurdle for Nation's Development.
Congratulations to both Government and Servicemen for coming to agreement. This government has achieved what the previous governments have completely ignored. Our servicemen deserve the best. This may not be the best but it is sure is the first step towards the country paying back to the servicemen.
OROP issue could have been solved years ago ( by congress government) but left for NAMO to resolve. Every issue that is taken up by congress are those which were once with them, but failed to resolve.This is how congress is helping BJP to get more votes in the coming elections of all nature - state / center.Wish bkp wins any coming election with thumbing majority.
Government divided all exserviceman on the basis of full service and VRS its just a devide and rule game of government .its not a justice To all EX- servicemen we are against It
ReplyDeleteHitech EX- servicemen
Anil kumar
This is how policy/orders are drafted and made/drafted , by bureaucrats.How VRS was planted in the draft!
ReplyDeleteEvery body has to scramble and run around to correct it .In this mela fundamental issues get relegted .efforts get tired of series of struggles .Deliberate dirty tricks.
Serving persons in ARMED FORCES cannot get premature retirement as and when they require, as it happens in case of other than ARMED FORCES/civil service. If some one from Armed Forces choose any other job in civil for betterment and applied for premature retirement, he may have to wait for years, by that time he may loose the chance for which he applied for premature retirement. The approval of premature retirement depends upon manpower position hence it may take 6 months or 6 years to get approval even they may reject the request and a soldier have no right to challenge the same.
ReplyDeletePersons of Armed Forces are not entitled for any other benefits other than their PF(his own savings), entitled Gratuity, Leave encashment, Pension (based on the rank/length of service as applicable), and Commutation of Pension. Where I understood the VRS is a scheme which govt will announces time to time by giving some package as compensation for the services which he is leaving before his entitled service. A serving solder is not getting any package while proceeding on Premature Retirement. Hence there is no meaning of non applicability of OROP when persons coming on discharge from service/premature retirement. It is not understood that how and on what basis the govt is deciding the clause of non applicability of OROP to the persons proceeding on premature retirement.
For example a Havlidar is requesting for premature retirement at the service of 21 years he is entitled of Pension/Gratuity for 21 years and not for 24 years for which he can serve in that particular rank
After going through NEWS channels,NEWS papers,Govt dealing staff and public comments. Veterans have woken up to their entlements and past foolling by IAS lobby. It is crystal clear that IAS selection after UPSC merit list, they should also go through Service Selection Boards so that they are tested in 13 QR required in Army/Air Force/Naval officers. It is my presumption that 95% IAS selected individuals will not be selected and recoommended either for Armed Forces. They must serve in armed forces at lease one year with Infantry Battalions deployed in J&K, or Eastern States. All MPs must be made to stay with troops for one month orientation course. Only then they will learn what defence veterans were doing during War and they deserved highest Salary & Pension. Other countries who are paying over and above their civilians are not fool. They under gone World Wars I & II and III to be anticipated. Now PAK & China our immediate neoughbours are Neucliar counties. Please stop unwanted comments on Defence forces troops serving/retired.
ReplyDeleteModi only has implemented OROP to Defence Forces If Congress is there then no OROP. Now they are playing the foul game . Some Retired Officers are also involved in this aspects. Government has done some many things. Please co-operate . I am also an Ex Serviceman. No other Country is following increase in every 5 year after a pay commission of 10 year in which that has also done by NDA Government . Excellent. if some body done good thing please praise them . Please do not criticise them. If bad say straightly. This has done so many things. Once again thank you very much to NDA/Rss
ReplyDeletethe announced orop can be measured only after the mod orders and new basic pension tables r issued rank wise.... till such time fingers r crossed......
ReplyDeletethe modality concerning quantum is very complex and says base calendar year 2013 and average of min and max of pen paid to be taken so the resultant figure will not satisfy the basic concept of orop.....
Will personnel be eligible for orop when retiring from service after 19 years with NOC from CO.