7th Pay Commission has recommended the new pay structure for Defence Personnel with minimum of Rs.21700 and maximum of 250000.

NOTE :The Govt approved upward multiplication factor for 12A, 13 and 13A @2.67 in place of 2.57 recommended by 7th CPC.
Dear Veterans, in this pay matrices three stages have further been approved by the gazette notification, for lt col and cols. The pay matrices displayed here do not contain those three stages. Rest multiplication factor of 2.67 is most welcome.
ReplyDeleteThe notifications mentions 2.67 for Level 13A only. Where it is mentioned for 12A and 13?
DeleteDear Veterans,
DeleteOnce again there has been a down-gradation of Lt Cols. Lt Cols with a Grade Pay of Rs.8000/- (in Pay Band IV)have been equated with Civilians with a Grade Pay of Rs.7600/- (in Pay Band III).
Dear Veterans,
ReplyDeleteFurther to my last comment above. The pay matrix table given here does not contain MSP.
Sir,The sight is meant for the welfare of veterans but no words mentioned about the pension in 7 CPC.
ReplyDeleteSome one must develop a pension calculator (for both the options) for the ESM. The disability factor and family pension must be incorporated without fail. In the footnotes, the anomalies not included can be incorporated.
DeleteThe aspect of rationalisation factor of 2.67 has been upgraded oly for Brigs. This means that the first cell under 13A will become 52290 x 2.67=139700. The other cells down the line will increase by 3%. Two cells will be increased at the lower end of Brig and Col. Lt Cols will have three more cells increased. Thus Lt Col will go upto stage 21, Col upto 18 and Brig upto stage 16. Fitment Factor for all remains at 2.57!!!!
ReplyDeleteWhere is pension table ? We are concerned about pension, not pay.
It is very dissapointing. How is the chronology of previous cpc notifications and formalities? Was it same like this as no mention about pension revision? Kindly find out the official actions towards pension revision and post in the spot please.
ReplyDeleteCol MS Raju
ReplyDeleteYou will be happy with multiplication factor of 2.67 but what about a sepoi whose factor is 2.57. This is what you people were doing right from day one to down grade your subordinates. India will never improve...
ReplyDeleteMultiplication factor 2.67 is only for Briggs for cols&it cols it remains as 2.57.I think we will have to wait foŕ letter from mod on this.
Veterans r not going to get vii th cpc pension awards untill 2019 unless SC orders pension revision every yr in orop suit.FM is all out vindictively to punish veterans for his last election defeat against a veteran.
ReplyDeleteVeterans r not going to get vii th cpc pension awards untill 2019 unless SC orders pension revision every yr in orop suit.FM is all out vindictively to punish veterans for his last election defeat against a veteran.
ReplyDeleteI'm also on the same opinion. We'll be pleased to see the pension table for defence pensioners. Hope to be published soon. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteHow the pay matrix are beneficial to civilian Central Govt employees than Military personnel are shown below:- The matrix are prepared based on the grade pay group for both by multiplication factor of 2.57,2.62,2.67,2.72 and 2.81 and 2.78 respectively to arrive the figure in the minimum of the each cell. A sepoy equalent to civilian of grade pay group 2000 in the pay band 5200-20200 starts at 21700 and ends at 40th index level up to 69100 where as in the case of sepoy starts with 21700 and ends after the 24 th index level at 43100. Military personnel is entitled for additional pay of MSP of 5200 which will be added to the paymatrix for calculation of pension entitlement.Thus the total comes to 43100+5200= 48300. In the case of civilians, they can go upto 69100 and he becomes entitled for pension as half of 69100.Military personnel from sepoy to Sub Maj of pre 2006 is entitled for pension wef 24.9.2012 based on the half of notional maximum of among the three services pay scale of
ReplyDeletepre 2006 multiplied by 1.86 factor. Military personnel is down graded in the pay matrix of each grade group restricting to the figure of 24 th index level on the plea that military personnel are entitled for the extra benefit of MSP. Now take the matrix of grade group of civilian and military personnel at the indexlevel of 24 th cell it can be seen that both the level is 43100 in the grade group 2000.Civilian by earning increnent reach at the level of 48500 at the index level where as Military personnel get staginated at 43100 at 24 th level with additional MSPof 5200 he pay matrix reaches only up to 48300. Civilians earn additioional increment from 28 to 40 and reaches up to 69100.Erlier the categorization Govt employees were done on the maximum of the each pay scale and later on this system got changed. Now the sepoy pay matrix is 21700-43100 and that of civilian of the same grade group is 21700-69100.It indicate the status of Militar personnel is brought below of level of Central Govt employees of the same grade pay group on the existing pay band of 5200-20200 as was fixed in the 6th pay commission implemented wef 1.1.2006. The above case is an example and the formula is applicable for all grade pay group as per the new pay metrix with diference in the rate of MSP for officers 15500 instead of 5200 for JCO s OR. The pay cell functioning at Service HQ should study the case and present to committee formed to look into the anomalies. This my views a requests.
It will be seen from the defence pay matrix that the index is as under
ReplyDelete1. for level 3 to 5 it is 2.57
2. for level 5A to 9 it is 2.62
3. for level 10 to 11 it is 2.67
4. for level 12A to 13A it is 2.57
5. for level 14 to 16 it is 2.72
6. for level 17 it is 2.72
obviously at 4 above some error is there.
Taking this into consideration the index should be 2.67 for LtCols,cols and Brigs.
can someone clarify this ???
The civilian pension portals developed the pay and pension calculators for the 7CPC matrices. Will somebody evolve similar calculators for Defence pensioners for use by the ESM, specially by the PBOR. It may be based on either the 6CPC (amended) scales or the OROP pension scales based on the PCDA (P) Circular 555, which ever be relevant.
ReplyDeleteIt is difficult to understand as how much pension we will get as matrices are not self explainatory.we have to wait till moderation is done by the pcda.
ReplyDeleteWhat is ratio for pbor 2.57 or2.67
ReplyDeleteits amusing to see that higher the pay higher the multiplication factor... means higher pay higher wanting hahahahahahah
ReplyDeleteThere is no mention anywhere for multiplication factor of 2.67 for Lt. Col and Col. leaving aside first, all ranks in def forces have multiplication factor of 2.67 and above except level 12a and 13 pertaining to Lt. Col and Col. why are they left out and they alone are discriminated? it will be shame if they alone are discriminated in this manner.
ReplyDeleteNot considering Hony Sub Maj in 7th Pay Commission is dishonour of this rank. This must be considered for financial benefits as is done in case of Hony Nk, Hony Hav, Hony Nb Subs.
Can any one please post Pension Table for Ex-servicemen as per 7thCPC ?
ReplyDeletenotification for retired soldier not yet done.
ReplyDeleteVery bleak chances of gtg 7 pc benefits for EXM retired before June 2014.our pension will be revised only in 2019.shame on the part of this govt.They have cheated us while giving orop and same thing will be repeated in future.
ReplyDeleteHello sir dis is Devanarayana reddy. K as per 6th Pay commission i have getting approximately 19194 so please confirm my concern is as per 7th (Category) (2581439L)
ReplyDeleteMajor and its equivalents have been given a very raw deal by sixth pay commission and same has been carried forward to 7th pay commission. From 2004 on-wards, a Major has automatically become Lt.Col on completion of 13 years of service , then why not those Majors who retired before 2004 with 20 years of service should be treated as Lt.Col with 7 increments in the salary.
ReplyDelete@Krishanlal Jaspal-Discrimination removed by Govt-
ReplyDeleteRevised 7th CPC Pay Matrix Table for Central Govt Employees – Finmin Resolution issued on 16.05.2017
(1) The Defence Pay Matrix, (except Military Nursing Service (MNS)), which has 24 stages shall be extended to 40 stages similar to the Civil Pay Matrix;
(2) The Index of Rationalisation (IOR) of Level 12A and 13 of Defence Pay Matrix shall be enhanced from 2.57 to 2.67. The Defence Pay Matrix (except MNS) shall, accordingly, be revised;
So there is no discrimination now.