Dear All,
Two good news articles in the aftermath of Uri Attack, that I found worthwhile reading.
Charu Sharma (A fauji kid)
Uri terror attack: Dear govt, if you choose to strike, keep media jingoists out - By Akshaya Mishra
As provocations go, this is as big as it can get. The attack on the infantry battalion at Uri in Baramulla district, which claimed lives of 17 soldiers, stands out for its brazenness and in-your-face quality. “Yes, we have done it. We will do it again, and again. What can you do?” This, clearly, is the question and statement as well, from the perpetrators to the Indian authorities. Now, it’s for the government to respond. If the response is not adequate and proportionate to the damage caused, then it could end up with egg on its face.

Smoke rises from the Army Brigade camp in Uri on Sunday. PTI
While it is being called a terror attack, it almost looks like an act of war. Blaming non-state actors backed by the Pakistani establishment won’t suffice anymore. Producing a bulk of literature to indicate Pakistan’s direct or indirect involvement in the attack won’t help either. We have been through this drill before. It has taken us nowhere. It is also obvious that the aggressive posturing of the government towards the country, at least in words, has not changed the ground realities a bit. According to media reports, infiltrations bids have increased – 90 till June end this year compared to 29 the corresponding period last year and attacks on security personnel have been more audacious.
The strategy to shame Pakistan before the global community for its support to terrorist groups has its limitations. This is for the simple reason that the global community may not have the same eagerness as earlier in intervening in conflicts in this region. Most countries are caught in their own domestic problems, particularly on the economy front, and are not likely to go beyond lip service. The countries that actually matter – China and the US – have vested interests, geopolitical and economic, in Pakistan and are fully aware of its character. So, by raising Balochistan orhuman rights violations in PoK repeatedly in international fora, India would not be winning too many tactical points.
After the Uri provocation, the government needs to go beyond the routine response. If it does not, it would end up looking miserable – the mismatch between its rhetoric and reality would come across stark. So what’s the response going to be? The war option may look impressive to the government’s captive, hungry-for-macho-action audience but it’s never an easy one. Hot-pursuit could be a consideration. Whatever it is, the response has to be tough, tactically sound and finally, effective. Before the government and security think tanks confabulate on it, here’s a piece of advice.
Follow a course of action, by all means, choose your time to strike if strike you must, but don’t let media jingoism guide or cloud your line of thinking. The hankering for muscular action and irrational rant on Kashmir appears to have hurt the country badly. By bracketing the Valley with Pakistan persistently and virtually running a hate campaign against the Kashmiri agitationists, a section of the media might actually have brought both into a closer embrace than earlier. It didn’t help that this view was endorsed directly or indirectly by a section within the ruling establishment. That the Kashmir situation threatens to go from bad to worse to unmanageable – the direct result of the sense of alienation created by these forces – is difficult to dispute.
To handle the matter, the government requires a policy more than rhetoric. And every policy requires a sense of discretion. Those involved must display it by keeping the bunch of chest-thumping patriots out of the scene. Foreign policy and neighbourhood diplomacy are serious matters. The government must realise this.
Will The Uri Attack Mark The Point Of Change Of Modi’s Pakistan Policy?
17 soldiers of the Indian Army were killed today (18 September) in attack on army camp in Uri, in Baramuula district of Jammu and Kashmir. The Indian army has said that the attack was carried out by the Jaish-e-Mohammed and that all those involved were foreigners.

The Uri attack is being described as an act of war. The Indian response, thus, has to keep in mind this reality. The only appropriate response in this situation has to necessarily be sustained & unequivocal.
India can’t meet the challenge of an unreasonable and rabid, anti-status-quo Pakistan by offering compromises and goodwill. Pakistan has to be defeated both psychologically and militarily. You don’t win against a fascist force by signing “peace in our time” deals. With Pakistan, which is dedicated to bleeding us with a thousand cuts, peace is not even an option – except for the photo-ops, which have their own value. So far the war has been fought on Pakistan’s terms; it is time to prosecute the war on more even terms.
The immediate question that follows is: what will Pakistan do once we pursue this policy? Will whatever we do increase the risks of formal war or reduce it?
No policy is without risk. India’s current stand on not doing anything has, in fact, raised the level of Pakistani ambition – leading it to believe, as it did in 1948 and 1965, that it is winning the war. “Hans ke lenge Pakistan, ladke lenge Hindustan” is still the dream of Pakistan’s delusional army.
Risk-aversion, thus, increases the risk of Pakistani aggression, even assuming this aggression is only through non-state actors.
The truth is this: avoiding risk is the riskiest strategy of them all.
(This piece is based on an earlier piece published in Swarajya.)
(Source- Via e-mail from A Sunder Rajan, Vet)
No war. Let us have 4 to 5 round talks with them. That is the only solution. It may take with in 3 - 4 months. If nothing happens we may talk further. Jai Hind
ReplyDeleteHow many round of talks India had with Pakistan till date from the day of bifurcation?.Let better and common sense prevail over serious issues.They had killed 18 of our young soldiers.It is disgusting to hear you like people saying about rounds of talk.I do not understand your sarcastic and irresponsible commend on such a national loss.Let GOD save you like gentlemen.
DeleteNo war. Let us have 4 to 5 round talks with them. That is the only solution. It may take with in 3 - 4 months. If nothing happens we may talk further. Jai Hind
ReplyDeleteOur PM dreams of ingenious ideas of his own to engage the enemy. The MEA believes in diplomatic solutions, the MoH believes that its police force is enough to neutralize the terrorists, the MoD silently watches as its Jawans are mauled with their hand tied at their back by own government. Everyone state that the perpetrators of violence will be punished, many PMs said so in the past, never the culprits were punished and never we retaliated Everyone is ineffective in their own way.
ReplyDeleteBut the moot question is who is responsible & accountable for the political and /or military solution. With so much money , material and precious life wasted in last 69 yrs .. Will anything change now? With fauj mauled , insulted , emasculated and made to live in penury whenever/ if goes home ... are any parents and their children willing to join military. Will they sacrifice their life and then for whom & why. The establishment mafia of bureau-polity wants this country to be defended with the lives of other people’s children and that too cheaply . Martyrs widows and children then suffering penury , hunger and no one to turn up to.
ReplyDeleteLast time in 1971 .. a war was won but the cheated soldier went home with a reduced pension , salary , respect and jobless. Officers children do not opt for fauj now , JCOs son are now opting out and soon eunuchs or the babus will have to be found as replacements. Know any VIP , Babu or Judge .. whose kid is in uniform? Nation has to decide soon else it will be divided & wonded India.
Enough of lip service. Jago doston jago.
Not only the N S A but the H M probably who has very little role to play on the present raid on the Army camp at URI is on the center stage. It is not a law and order problem. The R M and the Chief should be handling the this issue but they have been kept behind the curtain. (Watch Cmde Udaya Bhasker a well known defence expert of a national standing in yesterdays India To Day Debate) It seems it is another pre planned move do downplay the defence forces by the vested interests. What can the investigation by N I A as ordered by the GOI can bring out the GOD only knows. it has never happened in the past. the so called various int agencies and the J K police ( as per the PRESS) has already started blaming the army by saying that they had already passed on the info about the attack to the Bde HQ. It is all lies. We know how the majority of int agencies including police int work. They work like the press reporters of various news agencies who gather in the Press Club/ Coffee House every evening and share the news to be published the next day. Generally the source of all the int collection agencies is the same in the given area, who earns a hefty amount by passing same info to all the agencies . The info is passed on the int collection center for collation. As the info in question has come from three different int collection agencies, though the source is generally one in a particular area, it becomes a hard actionable int( Info). If the things go as per the int there is a race to get the credit. If the int is false and people on ground have acted on it and wasted time and efforts, no one even bothers about it. Most of the times the sources developed by the int collection agencies are double agents. Generally if some thing goes wrong as what happened at URI one finds all sort of James Bonds come up and say "Hamne to Bata Dia Tha' It is nothing but a bundle of lies. There is a race to take credit only. These people dont save a sinking man but put some boulders on top of him so he sinks for ever. Yes exceptions are always there. So please let the army do its job which it is capable of handling . Such things have happened in the past all over the world and will happen in future too.
ReplyDeleteDear Countrymen,Pl have faith in Modi ji,he is one of the best and most esteemed leaders in the world today,the best PM India ever had, in any case, most suited for the present situation.Pakistan as also those using Pak to keep India tied down are destined to get a taste of India this time.The sacrifice of our Jawans will not go waste, not this time.This is the watershed moment and I have a strong feeling India will emerge far stronger power in the world. Pak would be silenced for good long time and in that while Pak will at least give birth to two new nations-Balochistan and Sind. Wish good luck to these emerging countries and buy extra crackers for this deepawali as apart from the return of Ram Bhagwan ji u would also be celebrating the arrival on the world stage, of a more robust, self assured and powerful MOTHER INDIA.