Oct 25 2016 : The Times of India (Hyderabad)
Surgical strikes notwithstanding, many outstanding issues with respect to India's armed forces remain - by Robin David.

The cross border raid into Pakistan last month has given the impression that things have suddenly improved between the Armed Forces and India's Civilian Govt. But talk to serving and retired defence personnel and you will get a queasy feeling that all is not well. That there are a number of unsolved and sensitive issues that need to be dealt with if India is serious about having a more assertive approach to dealing with Pakistan and its terrorists.
In fact, our soldiers have not taken too kindly to politicians taking credit for the surgical strikes and arm-twisting film producers into donating money to them as compensation for using Pakistani actors. Many of them feel politicians want to use them for votes but don't want to resolve their many complex and pending issues.
Everyone seems to have forgotten that just before terrorists killed 18 of our soldiers at Uri, one of the nerve centres of the Indian Army the Western Command had gone without a Chief for nearly 50 days. Lt Gen KJ Singh retired on July 31 and Lt Gen Surinder Singh took over on September 17. In between, two officiating officers ran the Affairs of the Command leading to speculation and heartburn on the reasons behind the delay. Exactly 11 days after the New Chief stepped in, terrorists struck at Uri. Although Uri is under the Northern Command, the Western Command is responsible for most parts of the border with Pakistan.
Retd Army Gens say they have never heard of a situation where the Western Command had a stop-gap arrangement for such a long period. Traditionally , a new chief is announced months before an incumbent is to retire.
Today, it is common for senior army officers to talk of merit being ignored while making crucial appointments as they sip on their scotch at dusk. They will talk about how there have been instances of the Appointments Committee of the Cabinet being ignored while giving out crucial defence postings.
General VP Malik, the man who led the Army during the Kargil war in 1999, has often spoken of the need for a Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) to sort out the higher decision-making processes of the forces. Malik and others also say today that before appointing a CDS, more pressing needs should be addressed immediately, including greater interaction between the three service chiefs and the Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS). At present, the chiefs are called in only during crises.
This desire to have more say in security issues of the country is a long-pending demand of the men in uniform who are more comfortable with political control over themselves rather than bureaucratic control. Civilian control over the armed forces was one of the key measures that the Indian Govt, put in place after Independence to prevent the kind of coups that Pakistan saw after 1947. Both countries had inherited the same army when the British left and India has obviously done something right if it has seen no coups in the last seven decades and Pakistan has seen 3 coups and numerous failed attempts. Besides, Pakistan's Civilian \Govt often comes across as more of a puppet in the hands of the Generals.
However, much water has flown since the initial years of Independence and it is perhaps time we trusted our Defence officers a little more. Also, generals who have fought wars will tell you that instead of chest-beating over surgical strikes, they would prefer that politicians of all hues forget their differences and help in modernising the forces besides resolving issues of welfare, like pay anomalies and the controversy over the disparity in disability pension.That isn't really asking for much at a time when we are facing some very serious challenges both on the Pakistan and China borders.
ReplyDeletenormally officers after retirement may not have such financial hardship as other ranks face problem in domestic affairs, the other ranks are having life span shorter than other category, mostly they hail from poor family having no supplementary income to prop a well developed family having children's education and marriage commitment of children, to make the situation worse they become the victim of alcohol
I am a social worker, meeting atleast 10 members a day to resolve their pension related matters writing letters to banks, some family are suffering very badly. I am poorly educated not much knowledge in english. one major's wife came to me and helped her to get her pension
we 15 demobees were released from army before 26 years only four are alive, remaining all met early death
Our recent counter to Pakistan's misadventures were considered a win for the top bureaucrat and the politicians who ordered it and not for the executioners. For the mistakes of the politicians banning the Pakistani artists, a film maker wants to compensate the martyr's sacrifices, and this got the encouragement by a CM of a state government. The top echelons in the military setup must wake up to reality instead of counting their post retirement benefits. Where has the chivalry of the Generals gone.