Following Were present on, JS (ESW), Additional CGDA, PCDA (P), Brig Rao from Pay Commission Cell, and One Vice Admiral.
All the agenda points forwarded by Voice of Ex-Servicemen Society were included for discussion.
1. Circular 568 Wrong Fixation - point was discussed in length and CGDA in the last said that we are just implementing authority. ( in another words they given an indication to knock the door of the court to get relief).
2. Non Implementation of Govt orders for Enhanced Rate of Family pension age limit from 65 to 67. - Rajeev Behal has given the live proofs by submitting his own Corrigendum Ppo of 6th CPC,, CGDA replied that they will look into and necessary orders will be issued and all the widows who were deprived of their entitlement will be paid with arrears.
3. Errors in OROP Tables - Errors were shown in person to CGDA and PCDA (P), and they asked us to meet separately and will be discussed on each table and will be rectified.
4. Revision of Disability Pension and 7th Cpc second option - JS (ESW) informed the house that both the files are completed in all respects and are pending with Defence Minister, and hopefully by next week letters will be issued for these two issues.
5. Development of Software to issue pension correctly as per rules and on time - This point was raised by Rajeev Behal during under payment of pension to many pensioners and widows. Since it is the duty of Govt to pay correct pension and a blame just cannot be thrown on banks. On this CGDA and JS(ESW) informed that, tenders are already flotted, today and will be implemented by next year. And even customer/ pension care centers will be setup.
6. Issue of PPOs under 7th Cpc - CGDA replied they are working and e-ppos will be issued and can be downloaded from the website once government orders are issued.
7. On Payment of Interest for Late payments by DPDO - they were not able to answer and deliberately they changed the topic to escape, by saying once digitisation will be done this kind of problems will eliminate.
8. Audit of Pensions- This point was raised by Rajeev Behal and asked them how, Audit Cards system which is mentioned in Office Manual of CGDA has been discontinued and what is the new system. CGDA were astonished to listen this, once question on thier internal working was raised and they quickly scrolled to next slide. And later during lunch, he said me, Sir, you are asking to fix responsibilities and questing something beyond his powers.
9. War Widows- Pension case was raised by Capt Liyakat Ali, and CGDA, assured once we will be given time to discuss OROP this also will be discussed. It was also apprised to JS (ESW) that wrong tables are effecting our pension under 7th cpc too.
10. One Man Judicial Commission Recommendations and Implementation - CGDA informed that thier office and DESW is working on the same and this will see the day light soon.
11. Issue of master circular - Arjun Singh ji suggested that whenever a revision is taken place, a master circular should be issued which should show previous entitlement and new entitlement.
12. And many issues were later raised with CGDA staff by Liyakat Ji regarding Hony NB SUB, and Hony Lt & Hony Capt.
Following Members of Voice were Present.

1. Bir Bhadur Singh Ji
2. Arjun Singh Ji
3. Liyakat Ali Khan
4. Ram Singh Ji
5. Kishore Singh Ji
6. BK Jha Ji
7. Shambu Singh Ji
8. Rajeev Behal
CGDA staff was very cooperative and assured for continuing this kind of conferences in future too.
Voice also thanked them for providing the platform so that our grievances could reach them.
In nutshell today's whole show was stolen by Voice Team.
Rajeev Behal
Coordinator Punjab and Member Legal Cell
Voice of ex serviceman society
9357172728 Whatsapp
(Source- From FB A/c)
MOD officials as well as PCDA staff are experts in lip service but hardly visible on ground. Let us see how soon their assurances turn into reality.