No. 36034/2/20 17-Estt.(Res.)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 31st December, 2021
Subject: Nomination of Liaison Officer for implementation of orders of reservations relating to Ex-Servicemen in the posts and services of the Central Government -reg.
Ref: OM No.36035/8/92-Estt(SCT) dated 10.11.1994 as mentioned at Chapter 10 of Compendium of Instructions on Reservation for Ex servicemen (as available at dopt.gov.in> Notifications>OMs&Order>Estt(Reservation)>Ex-servicemen).
The undersigned is directed to say that instructions have been issued by the Department of Personnel and Training, from time to time, with regard to nomination of Liaison Officers for different categories to ensure that the reservation policies of the Government of India are implemented in letter and spirit. The said instructions also specify the role, duties and responsibilities, etc., of the Liaison Officer.
2. After careful consideration of the matter and in consultation with major Ministries/Departments, it has now been decided that instructions regarding appointment of Liaison Officer, at least of the rank of Deputy Secretary, to look after the reservation matters relating to Ex-Servicemen be re-circulated. Accordingly, in each Ministry/Department/ Attached and Subordinate Office, the Deputy Secretary in charge of administration (or any other officer at least of the rank of Deputy Secretary) should be designated as a Liaison Officer in respect of matters relating to representation of Ex-servicemen either exclusively or in combination (the Officer already appointed as Liaison Officer for other categories, may be appointed as Liaison Officer for Ex-Servicemen also), depending upon the availability of Officer of the requisite rank. The particulars and contact details of liaison officer, so appointed, may be intimated to the Department of Ex-servicemen Welfare.
3. The details of roles and responsibilities of Liaison officer are enclosed in the Annexure.
4. All the Ministries/Departments of the Central Government are requested to bring the contents of this O.M. to the notice of all the appointing authorities and also attached and subordinate offices under their control.
5. This issues with the approval of Hon’ble MOS(PP).
6. Hindi version will follow.
(Debabrata Das)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
- The Liaison Officer is especially responsible for:
- Ensuring due compliance by the Ministry/Department and subordinate appointing authorities with the orders and instructions pertaining to the reservation of vacancies in favour of the ex-servicemen and other benefits admissible to them.
- Ensuring timely submission of ex-servicemen reports on appointment/representation by each appointing authority in the Ministry/ Department concerned and ensuring scrutiny and consolidation of the above reports in respect of all establishments and services in and under the control of the Ministry/Department and sending the consolidated reports in the prescribed proforma to the Department of Ex-servicemen Welfare;
- Acting as Liaison Officer between the Ministry/Department and the Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare for supply of other information, answering questions and queries and clearing doubts in regard to matters covered by the reservation orders.
- Cases of negligence or lapse in the matter of following the reservation and other orders relating to Ex-servicemen coming to the light through the inspections carried out by the Liaison Officer or otherwise, should be reported/ submitted by him/her to the Secretary/Additional Secretary to the Government of India in the respective Ministry/ Department or to the Head of the Department in respect of offices under the Heads of Department, as the case may be. The concerned Secretary/Addition Secretary/Head of the Department shall pass necessary orders on such reports to ensure strict compliance of the reservation orders by the appointing authority concerned.
- In order to ensure due compliance of the reservation orders of the Government, the Liaison Officers may periodically visit/inspect the offices/organizations under them. They should ensure that reservation for Ex-servicemen has been implemented properly. Liaison Officers should carry out their duties in relation to reservation by calling for the records from them and by convening the meetings of the officer of such organizations who are responsible for ensuring reservation in organizations under their control.
- If Liaison Officers of Ministries/Departments notice that there are complaints against any officer of harassment or deliberately manipulating things to damage the interests of the ex servicemen, they should feel free to report such lapses to the Secretary/ Addl Secretary of the Ministry/Department concerned.
- Each CPSE, Statutory and Semi Govt Body, Autonomous Body/ Institutions including Municipal Corporations,Co-op Institutions, Universities, Voluntary Agencies receiving grants-in-aid from the Govt connected with appointment of the Ex servicemen should appoint Liaison Officer in the same manner as is existing in the Ministries/Departments.
- The appointment of Liaison Officer in the CPSEs, does not, however, dilute or alter or curtail the responsibilities of the Liaison Officer of the administrative Ministry/Department in regard to implementation of reservation policy in the CPSE.
- Liaison Officers of the Ministries/Departments have special responsibility to monitor implementation of reservation in their attached and subordinate offices, Autonomous Bodies, CPSEs, etc., under . the administrative control of the concerned Ministry/ Department and voluntary agencies, which are getting substantial grants-in-aid from the Government of India.
(Source: DoP&T PDF )
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