NEW DELHI – With the Indian government not being serious in resolving the highly sensitive natured issue of the Indian armed forces that refers to high level disparity in the pay scales as it is reluctant to accommodate the request of all the three Services Chief to include a representative of the armed forces in the committee that was formed last month to address the issue, the Indian armed forces are set to be hit by serious command and control implications, reveal the findings of The Daily Mail.
According to The Daily Mail’s findings, there are serious issues of pay disparity of serving personnel the Indian Armed Forces with serious implications for command and control and morale, both of which are vital to India’s national security.
These findings further indicate that an anomaly in the grant of non-functional upgradation (NFU) to defense forces raised after implementation of 6th Central Pay Commission (CPC) has been turned down by the defense ministry. Three reasons given as grounds for this were: (a) The service conditions of Armed Forces are quite different when compared to civilian employees. (b) Ample benefits in the form of military service pay and various allowances are available to armed forces officers and (c) Government orders are for Organized Group A Services and armed forces do not have such set up.
The investigations reveal that the core issues raised for parity have been overlooked. The benefit of the NFU has been extended to the Group A services whose officers work with the armed forces in a supporting role. Armed forces officers are also posted to these organizations, such as the Indian Naval Armament Service, Indian Ordnance Factories Service, Indian Defense Service of Engineers (MES), Defense Aeronautical Quality Assurance Service, Defense Quality Assurance Service, Defense Research and Development Service, Survey of India Group A Service, and the Border Roads Organization.
Further, while Indian Police Service (IPS) Officers posted to Central Police/Paramilitary Organisations like Border Security Force, Assam Rifles and Indo-Tibetan Border Police functioning under Army formations in counter insurgency operations and also deployed on Line of Control/Line of actual control with the Army were granted NFU, the Armed Forces were left out. This has resulted in serious command and control and functional problems which is resulting in a demoralizing effect on the officer cadre of the Armed forces.
The qualifying attributes of Organized Group A Services were that at least 50 per cent of the posts in JTS (junior time scale) should be filled by direct Recruitment, highest post in the cadre should not be below SAG (special administrative grade) Scale, all Standard Pay Scale should exist and all the posts up to scale of `18,400-22,400 should be filled only by promotion.
The Daily Mail’s findings further indicate that a major implication of not extending NFU to Defense Forces is that while all civil service officers making it to the post of Joint Secretary by selection would transit into the Higher Administrative Grade (HAG) Scale and definitely retire with the pension of that Scale, a Major General who is senior in protocol and retiring at the rank would continue to draw pension in Pay Band – 4, would drop to the minimum Pay Band-4 while transiting to next Pay Commission. Examples of disparity as a result of not granting NFU to Defense Service Officers are: While a director from the Organized Central Group “A” Services draws Senior Administrative Grade Pay Scale at 22 years of service, the defense services officers with same service holding similar appointment draw a pay scale of `37,400-67,000 with grade pay of `8,700. A director from the Organized Central Group “A” services will be drawing HAG Scale at 32 years of service while defense services officers with same service and holding similar appointment will be drawing a Pay Band-4 scale of `37,400-67,000 with grade pay of `8,700. This leads to differential treatment in pay and allowances granted to organized central group “A” services/All-India Services and Defense Services officers performing similar appointment in the same HQ/formation/ unit under identical circumstances.
With the benefits that accrue from NFUs, a director from organized central group “A” services with 33 years of service would be drawing a pension of `36,500 per month whereas officers of defense service, holding similar appointments with 33 years service, will be drawing a pension of `32,920 per month on retirement.
A Major-General having 33 years of service working as additional director general in integrated HQs in ministry of defense will draw a SAG pay scale service working under him will be drawing HAG scale. The major-general will be eligible for a pension of approx `33,170 per month and the director will be eligible for a pension while the director from organized central group “A” service with 32 of `36,500/-.
The BSF sectors are deployed on LoC with Army. The Sector Cdr of BSF will be drawing equal pay as his superior, i.e. Maj. Gen. commanding a force/division, resulting in severe command and control problem. Similar problems arise where BSF is operating with Army in counter insurgency operation. It needs to be examined whether the application of doctrine of equal pay for equal rank enshrined in the directive principles of state; policy in chapter IV of the Constitution and accepted by the Supreme Court on Fundamental Right to Equality has any significance where pay of a senior officer is less than the junior officer in rank and service.
Service conditions of armed forces are harsher and tougher that organized group A services. These service conditions include restriction of fundamental rights and strict disciplinary codes, separation from families, truncated careers, stringent promotion criteria, bleak career prospects, undefined and unlimited working hours, effect of continuous exposure to hazardous situations, and threat to life. None of the personnel from the Organized Group A services face these issues.
The Daily Mail’s findings further reveal that regarding parity with IPS, it may be recalled that the 3rd CPC on basis of the Raghuramaiah Committee Report, 1960 vide 8 of Chapter 50 (Appendix A) elucidated the basis on which a linkage/relativity in terms of pay structure of the Armed Forces was established with Class I services of Central Government particularly IPS. This was the first pay commission to handle the pay of civilians as well as the armed forces personnel. The 4th and 5th CPC had also continued to broadly maintain the established parity of the Armed Forces with the IPS. Sth CPC recommended the NFU to organized group A services only, while it was extended to IPS and IFS. The parity of Armed Forces with IPS also-got disturbed due to non grant of NFU to armed forces.
(Source- Vasundhara Blog)
This is the right time for all the Chief of Armed Forces to get our men in the pay commission panel. Though they are fighting for their own benefit now, this will help in the future for the ESM community also. I would like to request all the three Chief of Armed Forces not to miss this opportunity if they fail to put pressure on them then the entire forces morale will be let down which will definitely have negative implication on the future generation.
ReplyDeletePardon me if I am wrong.
Modi PM must be held for accountability on OROP and not allowing defence personal in pay commission panel. Both DM and FM must quit.
ReplyDeleteYou are still not late this is outcome of your planted tree once upon a time
ReplyDeleteThe degradation of the Military commenced since Independence when the Military brass accepted reduced pay scales for all except themselves resulting in the debacle of 62 . The will to fight was just not there and same policy of Me only continues The Military brass is highly disciplined and will uphold the Constitution of India ie the Govt's will at the cost of their officers and Jawans. They support the bureaucrats and follow their dictates fair or unfair like good soldiers .Apparently loyalty to own subordinates is a forgotten issue long buried in after the sojourn in the Academies.Let's not trouble them over pay , parity and pension and let them be happy in their cantonments
ReplyDeletemodi sarkar jab se bani ye sab easa he Fank rhe hai inke dil me khot hai esley 1feb.ko sabi esm jantar man tar chalo
ReplyDeleteAre the technical airmen in the Indian Air Force less paid? It seems so. The last two pay commissions have neglected the technical airmen. Now, 7th Pay Commission also didn’t hear them. Why? They can’t form any union; even some of their fundamental rights are also restricted. Is it the reason that they don’t need to be looked after?
ReplyDeleteI never understood why every pay commission has degraded the status and pay of the Technical Airmen (especially the technical Sgts) in the Indian Air Force. Technical Airmen in the Indian Air Force are either a civil diploma holder or 10+2 in Science and after their training they become equivalent to a civil diploma engineer, but the reason is unknown why they are placed in the lowest pay band (5200-20200) with a ‘X’ group pay of 1400/- only. Whereas the civil diploma holders are directly placed in PB2 with a Grade pay of 4200/- This is totally injustice with the technical airmen.
Further, a civil diploma engineer becomes equivalent to a Degree in Engineering and gets promoted, at least, to the position of an Assistant Engineer or an Engineer in 10 to 12 years, but for a technical airman, even to get a diploma engineer’s scale, he has to complete a minimum of 13 & ½ years of service and becomes a SGT. Yes, this is the rank, from when, a technical airman becomes eligible to get a diploma engineer’s scale but, does he get the actual diploma engineer’s scale then also? Let me compare and the picture will be cleared to all of you.
1. In 5th Pay Commission: Civil diploma engineer: 5000-150- 8000 / Pay of technical SGT 4670-85- 5945. Later upgraded to 5000-100- 6500 (Reason? to give less pension?)
2. In 6th Pay Commission: Civil diploma engineer: 9300-34800 with a grade pay of 4200/ Pay of technical SGT (fact but true) 5200- 20200 with a Grade pay of 2800/- only.
Why this sort of discrimination and injustice? There is less chance that before leaving the service (initial bond) a technical SGT will get any further promotion. That means a technical airman, being a diploma engineer, will join in the Pay Band 1 and complete the service in the same pay band. Thanks God, the attained basic pay can't be reduced.
There are no sort of good politicians and bureaucrats in our country. Why they have not intervened so far? There can’t be any argument that higher ranks deserve higher pays, but does that mean the subordinate staffs need to be paid less?
Another thing pained me a lot. What does the ‘Military Service Pay’ means? The JCOs (Class II Gazetted Offr) & the other ranks placed below the Commissioned officers are less military than the military nursing offrs? Why a non combatant staff will get more MSP than the combatant personnel? This is gross injustice and completely illogical. Please think for them also. Is there anyone who is listening?
Key words: OROP (One Rank One Pension), Equal work equal pay for the technical airmen of the Indian Air Force, Indian Air Force SGT's pay scale, PBORs, Pay parity/disparity: technical airmen vs. civil diploma engineer, 7th Pay Commission recommended MSP for the armed forces,
While pursuing my BSc I was lured by the attractive advertisement of the Air Force. Immaturity of my age drew my attention to join in the Indian Air Force as a Technical Airman. Now, look at the benefits of joining in the Indian Air Force as a technical airman:-
ReplyDelete(a) My discharge book says, I am released from the Air Force after completing my initial bond. That means, although I am drawing a government pension, I was on a contractual job, not a permanent job. (Long sigh!)
(b) Being recruited as a diploma qualified person, I was called a ‘Fitter’ in the Indian Air Force.
(c) I was an OR in the service and after the retirement also facing the same discrimination whenever I visit to a CSD canteen or an ECHS polyclinic. Still I am recognised as an OR in those places.
(d) I served in the Indian Air Force for twenty years as a group ‘X’ technical airman (equivalent to a diploma engineer) and thereby did the servicing, maintenance and repair of two modern aircrafts but enjoyed the restriction to remain in the lowest pay band throughout my career. Now, I am drawing very less pension accordingly.
(e) I am now thinking that was it difficult for me even to get a clerical job, in which I could have reached to the Pay band 3 or pay band 4 in due course, whereas the highest rank of an airmen also can’t reach in pay band 3.
(f) I am now cursing me for spoiling my life by taking the decision of joining in the Indian Air Force as a technical Airman.
(g) I am not thinking of OROP or Pay Commission because increase of my pension will be very minimul unless the pay anomalies of the technical airmen are removed as early as possible.