Lt Col BR Malhotra said on Saturday, March 13, 2010, 8:35
The Punjab Government desreves praise for revising its previous orders regarding Pre 2006 Pensioners. Most of the Cental Government Pensioners were at the maximum of the Pay scale when they retired but their Pension has been restricted to the Minimum of the Pay Band of the revised 2006 scales. In case of employees who were in service on 1/1/06 and were even at the minumum of the pay scale in the pre revised scale, their pay was not fixed at the minimum of the pay band but was fixed many stages upward. It is unfortunate that the officers of Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare only looks after their own welfare and has the most negative bias against old pensioners. It is a matter of fact that the Officers of that department relish at the prospect of old and infirm pensioners going to Administrative Tribunals. Even when they get relief from thr tribunal, the department files appeals right upto the Supreme Court. If you see the past record of the cases, the department lost 90% of cases but in the process delayed the implementation by several years in which many pensioners pass away. I suggest that the Department should be renamed as the Department of Pension and the Suffix Pensioners Welfare dropped because they are only known to make Anti Pensioners Rules and even the judgments are interpreted negatively. It is a sad fact that Senior IAS officers in that department hardly apply their mind and merely act as rubber stamps to the subordinates who get sarcastic pleasure in denying Pensioners even their legitimate dues.
Dear Gavini I feel you must dail Maj Navdeep Singh ji phone No 09316132817 and ask up date on HC orders and final dismissed Govt petion on 25/1/2010 by SC. that will serve your reqirement and thru RTI the correct Govt stand can be known. If you feel we can once again start usefull chat with positive state of mind. Thanks.