former JAG officer writes to Defense Minister Manohar Parrikar, asking him to
ensure 'Indian Military Veterans like me command respect and dignity in my own
country too, just as we do, ironically, in other democracies'.
Shri Manohar Parrikar,
I write to you today after attending Veterans Day celebrations
in Washington DC on November 11, 2014, as a former Indian Army Veteran. I would
rather prefer calling ex-servicemen as ‘Veterans’ without giving them a feeling
of gender bias or being left out as the term ‘ex’ conveys.
Having served the Indian
Army, given my youth to the nation and being a third-generation Army officer I
am proud to say that the qualities of ‘guts and glory’ run in my blood.
With this open letter, I
intend highlighting the fact as to how Veterans are respected and revered in
the United States of America, which I never witnessed back home in my own
country. This, I say with conviction after having a first-hand experience at
various events, which reflect the honor meted out to the Veterans of the Armed
Forces. The country and its citizens do not give any differential treatment to
non-US Veterans like me. Rather the kind of attention and respect I have
received here as a Veteran is applaudable.
The Veterans Day
Celebrations made me feel how American citizens (including civilians) were
proud of their soldiers who defend their borders. Each person who knew that I
had served my nation came to appreciate my role and hugged me. I wonder why our
Indian civilian population would not pay attention to the soldiers who have
sacrificed their youth for India. The root cause for all this is that we do not
glorify the important role of our Armed Forces in the World Wars and respective
wars in the annals of history in the curriculum taught at school level.
Are our men and women in uniform only to be remembered for a
short attention span? They are called only on occasions such as Republic Day
and when in dire straits especially during natural calamities like floods,
cyclones and earthquake for relief work. Not to mention the ‘aid to civil
authority’ in times of domestic turmoil just because the local police and
administrative authorities (the so called babus) could not
handle the situation.
I would like to emphasize
that USA has special programs and scholarships (yellow ribbon program) to
encourage veterans to continue their higher studies. Please note that this
scheme is alike for officers and troops. One such example is yours truly.
I am presently pursuing my Masters of Laws in a top ranking US
Law School and the University has awarded me at par scholarship as a foreign veteran.
There are various networking events and recruiting workshops that are conducted
only for the veterans.
The US Veterans face the
same myths of ‘irrelevant experience’ and ‘rigidity in thought and action’
while moving to the civilian world however the US government and its policies
make the transition simpler. The US Department of Veterans Affairs and other
authorities as well as universities make the Veterans’ ride smooth to move from
the battlefield to the boardroom. US Companies receive tax benefits on hiring
Veterans. It is pertinent to mention that US troops (not just officers) have
been making a mark in the corporate arena by displaying their leadership
My concern at this point
in time is that why our Armed Forces personnel are not glorified for their
heroic acts. Our soldiers have been fighting in the toughest terrains possible
in this world.
Why are the Veterans treated
like a ‘burden’ by the serving officers and the Ministry of Defense? Why does a
Veteran have to struggle to get his paltry sum of disability pension by
resorting to long drawn and expensive litigation doing rounds of Armed Forces
Tribunal and higher Courts? Why are the majority of appeals filed by the
Ministry of Defense in the Supreme Court against their own disabled soldiers
and old pensioners? Why are you- the decision makers, shielded and insulated
from the real problems suffered by the veteran stakeholders and made to sign on
the dotted line wherever the military or civilian bureaucracy wants resulting
in unilateral decisions which are forcibly imposed?
Why do you not directly get to hear the authentic voice of the
Veterans and the problems that they are facing? Why is the status of military
personnel on a constant decline in the official pecking order? Why are there
not enough continuing legal programs for our soldiers except the antiquated
vocational courses of Director General of Resettlement? Why is the Kendriya Sainik Board not being pro-active on policies on
Veterans? Is showing an agenda on paper enough?
I say this not as a
disgruntled Veteran but as a responsible former officer of Judge Advocate
General’s Department who has served in the Integrated Headquarters of Ministry
of Defense and worked with these institutions closely.
May I also remind you
that your party in its manifesto had promised minimizing appeals against
soldiers with respect to the rulings rendered in their favor by judicial bodies,
an issue which was also strongly raised by Ms Smriti Irani when she was in
opposition, however sadly nothing seems to have moved in that direction, there
being not even an iota of change in the attitude of the Ministry in the said
I request you, as the new
Defense Minister, to implement progressive policies for all Armed Forces
personnel (not just officers but also the troops) and Veterans of the three
As for the Indian
citizens to look up in awe towards the Indian soldier and appreciate the role
of Armed Forces at all times, this change in attitude and thought has to be
instilled in the minds of the younger generation by highlighting the glory of
the Forces. This is also the reason for the low rate of selections in the Armed
Forces in the past few years at the Commissioned Officer level.
My country has the third
largest Army and an equally capable Air Force and Navy, that craves for
attention and respect for the valor it has shown over the ages.
It is for you to take a call on this Raksha Mantri Ji,
it is for you to ensure that Indian Military Veterans like me command respect
and dignity in my own country too, just as we do, ironically, in other
Kaur Mann
Former Captain,
Judge Advocate General’s Department
Indian Army

Kaur Mann is a former JAG officer of the Indian Army. She has conducted various
Courts-martial independently and handled critical litigation on behalf of Union
of India before the Armed Forces Tribunal and Supreme Court of India. Currently
she is pursuing her International Legal Studies LLM at Georgetown University
Law Center in Washington DC. Her focus is on War Crimes and International
Criminal Procedure. She has been nominated as the Global Teaching Fellow 2015
and will teach the Laws of Terrorism and Asylum.
Brave salute to Cap.Good write up
ReplyDeleteCaptain, You have brought out the negligence of GOI towards Defense Veterans.Very nice writeup. Salute you. Wish some more writeups.