Saturday, December 3, 2016

01 DEC 16 : 1st meeting of the National Anomaly Committee (ARMED FORCES)

The 1st meeting of the National Anomaly Committee was held on 01.12.2016 on the anomaly of calculation of the disability pension for Defence Forces Personnel as per the recommendations of the 7th CPC. The representative of the Armed Forces made a presentation in the meeting demanding that the recommendations of the 7th CPC to grand disability pension on a slab system if implemented will lead to an anomaly between the civilian side and the Defence Forces Personnel because the civilian side will continue to be governed under a percentage based system. After studying the presentation, the Staff Side of NC-JCM has suggested that the slab system will be beneficial to the lower Rank personnel and hence both the slab system and percentage system may be accepted by the Govt. on an optional basis, alternatively the slab amount recommended by 7th CPC can be increased to avoid the anomalous situation. Secretary (P) informed that the issue would be further studied in consultation with CGDA.


  1. Instead of broad classification as offr/ mns/ jco/ or, rank wise rates subject to revision along with orop can be a viable solution.Exercising option not feasible since it involves retired persons and getting option from them is not easy.

  2. Col Vijay writes
    Today's hero soldier is tomorrows disabled veteran. The disability payment for soldiers is reduced to a slab system not related to his pay whereas for the civilian it continues to be a percentage of his pay. At 50% disability, it is 13500/- for a senior Army Officer and 33500/- for a senior civilian officer. Is this just or fair? Whereas some figures have been shown to indicate a rise a disability, should not the effort have been to understand why this has happened medically instead ?? If officers percentage in disability is high, it is a function of their command and having to lead from the front. And do you have figures for disability for the civilians? why not a slab system for all??? Please admit that soldiers are being cheated again.

  3. Exercising option is not a solution. The slab sytem amount or the percentage based amount whichever is higher to be taken ffor payment. Hope this suggest in will be accepted.
