Shri MO Inasu, an Ex-Servicemen was re-employed in Central Govt Services
in Kerala and had retired prior to Jan 2006. He filed a case in CAT Ernakulam,
challenging the rule of 33 years. He pleaded that since this rule is not
applicable for post-2006 retirees as also in accordance with the judgment of
Hon’ble Supreme Court in Maj Gen SPS Vains Vs UOI case, the same benefit should
also be extended to pre-2006 pensioners. CAT Ernakulam ruled that the said Rule
of 33 years violates Art 14 and 16 of our Constitution as such should be
abrogated. After a prolonged legal battle the H’ble Supreme Court upheld the
judgment of CAT Ernakulam.
Therefore those officers/JCO and ORs
who cannot mark up their QS for 33 Yrs even by including the rank
weight-ages, such that all Sepoys who serve upto 15 years (extended by
two years), Naiks and Havildars who cannot serve up to 33 years minus the
Rank Weightage (Sepoy = 12 years; Naik = 10 years; Havildar = 8 years) as
also who proceed on premature retirement would benefit in pension by knocking
down this rule. Ministry of Personnel, Pensions and Public
Grievances has therefore been in the process of obtaining Govt sanction to
remove this restriction of 33 years to all Pre–06 retirees for over 8 months
which has so been obtained.
The Govt
has finally issued orders to delink the Rule of 33 Yrs for Pre-2006
Retirees in line with the Recommendations of the 6th CPC for Post
-2006 retirees which is placed below. The signed copy can also be downloaded
through the link as placed there. PCDA(P) will soon issue implementation
Circular for the Armed forces personnel. It has already issued Circular C-149
(Placed Below) for payments to be made to Defence Civilians.
The principle behind delinking of QS for revision of pension for Pre 2006
retirees is the Supreme court ruling that "NO PENSIONER WILL
GP and MSP" corresponding to the rank and group of
pensioner, as for the post 2006 retirees. There will thus be no pro rata reduction
below this "MP in PB". It means that the pension cannot be less than
half of one's emoluments should he/she retire soon after being promoted or
without earning any increment what so ever on completion of minimum qualifying
Therefore where
ever one is getting pension lesser than this half of
"MP-in-PB" the same stands to revision upwards. These figs
of MP-in-PB must be known to every one from various
instructions. The QS however still remains linked for pensions which are
more than the MP-in-PB like the pensions of Post 2006 retirees and the
pensions under the OROP Scheme.
Consequently PCDA(P) will soon issue instructions to Banks for the revision of
the pension of all the Fauji PMR cases or where the officers, JCOs and ORs have
not completed 33 yrs of service before retirement. It means that all Pre - 2006
retirees will get the same pension irrespective of the Qualifying Service
(QS) they had rendered upto the time the OROP scheme got implemented. To
cite an example the full pension of a Lt Col with 28+5=33 years of service with
rank weightage under 6 CPC has been Rs 26265/-pm, therefore, those who took
premature retirement with less than 28 years of service will also get Rs
26265/- per month as Basic Pension upto 30 Jun 2014. The difference in pension
paid and payable will be arrears from 01 Jan 2006 to 30 Jun 2014. With
these provisions the Table given in PCDA (P) Circular No 500 will reduce to 2
lines only as below.
HOW TO WORK OUT ARREARS. We have endeavoured to give a very simple method of
knowing your arrears that may accrue both for JCOs and ORs as
well as for Officers. The first and foremost is to know your basic pension
what you are getting. Most of the pensioners would know the same however
one can easily calculate or verify the same 'Without Tears' as
follows in case its not sure:-
1. Note
down the pensions from your pass book you got for the months of Jun,
Jul, Dec 2015 and Jan-2016 before deduction of any TDS. The amount
credited for Jun and Jul-15 should be same as also for Dec-15
and Jan-16. In case your commutation payment is still being deducted please
note the figure per month for the purpose of understanding let us suppose this
amount to be Rs 4422/- pm. In case you have already paid for
the commutation take this figure to be ZERO in place of 4422/- . Hypothetically
let us also assume that you received Rs 44741/- for
Jun as well as for Jul 2015 and Rs 46125/- for
Dec-15 and Jan 16.
2. You
will calculate your basic pension with this data as under :-
From Jun & Jul - B P = (44741+4422)/2.13 =
(b) From Dec & Jan – B P = (46125+4422) divided by 2.19 = 23081
(Here 2.13 and 2.19 are constants corresponding to DA rates at that time)
(b) From Dec & Jan – B P = (46125+4422) divided by 2.19 = 23081
(Here 2.13 and 2.19 are constants corresponding to DA rates at that time)
3. Hence
you basic pension entitled is Rs 23081/-(This is, by the way,
the fig for Lt Col with
QS 22 Yrs as given in PCDA (P) Cir No 500.)
4. In
order to work out your arrears proceed as under:-
(a) Difference 26265
- 23081 = Rs 3184 PM
Arrears from 01 Jan 06 to 30 Jun 14 with DA incl =
3184 x 143.40 = 456586/-(143.40 is
a constant - For details see CONSTANT M.F Below).
TOTAL = Rs 456586/-
5. Similarly
by the said method any one can work out his own arrears, The full Pension for
various Ranks of Pre-2006 Vintage under 6 CPC (PCDA (P) Circular Number 500)
are given in succeeding paragraphs.
"HAPPY - खुशयां मनाओ और सुप्रीम कोर्ट का शुक्रिया करो "
order to avoid month wise complicated calculations either manually or using
Excel Sheets in Microsoft Office in Windows OS which is not every ones cake,
our Maths Wizard has simplified the long Array of each month and the DA rates
from time to time (t2t) has derived the constant factors together for a
particular period. Constant 143.40 is
for the period from 01 Jan 06 to 30 Jun 2014. The constant for the entire
period of 6th CPC for 10 years from 01 Jan 06 to 31 Dec 2015 has been worked
out to be 181.74 which can be used by the
affected pensioners mostly our Civilian Pensioners.
The amount of difference multiplied by this
constant will give you the total amount for the period having taken into
account the DR rates for each month pertaining to the period.
FAMILY PENSION - There will be no
change for Ordinary Family Pension since the same had already been de-linked
from the 33 yrs of Rule for full pension and was termed as Min Guaranteed
Family Pension (MGFP).
the OROP Scheme has equalised the pensions of all retirees prior to 2014 this
new development of delinking the 33 Yrs rule will effect only up to 30
Jun 2014
JCOs & ORs . Since the pensions of
JCOs & ORs were not based on minimum pension of pay in pay band wef
July-2009 as given in PCDA(P) Circular number 430, it is not yet clear as to
how this will affect their pensions. However we have tried to give a simple
method of knowing your likely arrears as mentioned in the succeeding paragraphs
in case one has been getting pension lesser than the "MP-in-PB" figures
shown in charts and tables in this post.
It may have
shortcomings as such we will seek input and views of veterans who are in better
picture on the issue of JCOs and ORs. It is requested that further feed back on
this be posted under the COMMENTS in this post. Please do write your Rank, Name
and Email ID at the end of your comment as otherwise our reply may not be

These are the minimum figures of Pension based on 50% od
the Pay in Pay Band in respect of officers as given in PCDA (O) Circular Number
500 including Grade Pay and Military Service Pay. The Rank Weightages are shown
under the Qualifying Service Figures in brackets as for for various
case of Medical Officers the figures as given in circular number 24 be taken as
the 50% of Min of the Pay in Pay Band and arrears calculates as above. An
extract of the table is placed below:-
This data pertaining to minimum of pay in pay band ("MP-in-PB") for
all groups and categories of JCOs and ORs and their equivalent ranks Navy and
Air Force has been extracted from Circulars of PCDA (P) issued during the
currency of 6 CPC is placed below in the table for the convenience of All
Ranks other than officers.
These then are the figures of Minimum Pension for a Rank, Group and Categories irrespective of the years of service rendered by various ranks. In case one is getting more than these figures will continue to do so, however, where ever one has been getting lesser than these figures will be entitled to the benefit of this Delinked Rule, Full Pension for PMR Cases.
All other tables corresponding to 6th CPC are
also available in this blog site and can be viewed under the post "PENSION
OF ARREARS OF JCOs & Ors:- With coming of this rule
the arrears will be due to those persons who have been receiving Pension lesser
than the 50% of "Minimum of Pay in Pay Band" wef 01 Jan 2006 to 30
June 2014 ie upto the date of implementation of the OROP Scheme.
2. Hence the first and foremost item to know is the
"Min of Pay in Pay Band" pertaining to your Group and Rank. The
above chart has been derived from various Circulars issued by PCDA(P). Do
intimate in case there be some changes and modification is needed.
3. The amount by which you have been getting lesser than this amount is the Basic difference now payable per month.
4. In case of JCOs & ORs three Circulars ie 547, 430 and 501 are important. There will thus be three differences corresponding to periods as under :-
(a) Difference between MPinPB and figures in 547 from 01 Jan 2006 to 30 June 2009.
Difference between MPinPB and figures of circulat 430 from 01 Jul 2009
to 23 Sep 2012.
(d) Difference
between MPinPB and figures of Circular 501 from 24 Sep 2012 to 30 Jun 2014.
5. Note down these figures where ever they are less than the MPinPB. However in case they are higher than the MPinPB these are not to be taken into account and the difference be taken as Zero.
6. Multiply these three differences with Multiplication factors as under to add period and DA:-
(a) 01 Jan 2006 to 30 Jun 2009 = 46.02.
(b) 01 Jul 2009 to 23 Sep 2012. = 57.62
(c) 24 Sep 2012 to 30 Jun 2014. = 39.76
7. Add the results these are your likely Arrears:- Let us understand with the help of example of "Nb Sub / JWO / CPO" of "Y" Group. retired with 20 Yrs of service.
The "MPinPB"
for Rank & Gp is Rs 16660/- hence the BASIC PENSION is half of it i.e
Rs 8330/-
Pensions as per Circulars
= 547 is Rs 6311, 430 is Rs 8088/- & 501 is Rs 8088/-
Differences (1)
8330-6311= 2019, (2)
8330-8088= 242,
(3) 8330-8088= 242
NOTE - In case the
pension figs of the Cicular are more than the "MP-in-PB", No
arrears are due in such a case for the period and the current pension
which is more than "MP-in-PB" will
Arrears :-
(1) 2019X46.02=92914,
(2) 242X57.62= 13944,
(3) 242X38.76= 9622,
TOTAL = 116480 Its simple , Isn't it.

****************** **************** ************** ******** ******* ******
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Toll Free No. 1800-180-5321
Circular No: C-149
No:-Gl/C/0198/Vol- V/Tech
O/o the Pr.C.D.A. (Pensions)
Draupadighat Allahabad -211014
Dated: - 08/04/2016
Subject: Revision of pension of Pre-2006 pensioners - reg.
Attention of all Pension Disbursing
Authorities is invited to above cited circulars wherein instructions had been
issued for implementation of GOI, Ministry of P,PG and pensions, Deptt of
P&PW OM No. 38/37/08-P&PW(A,) dated 28 January, 2013 w.e.f 01.01.2006.
According to these orders "The revised pension of the pre-2006
pensioners shall not be less than 50% of the minimum of the pay band+ grade
pay, corresponding to the pre-revised pay scale from which pensioner had
retired, as arrived at with reference to the fitment tables annexed to Ministry
of Finance, Department of Expenditure OM No. 1/1/2008-IC dated 3oth August,
2008, subject to the pension so arrived will be reduced pro-rata, where
the pensioner had less than the maximum required service for full pension as
per rule 49 of the CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972 as applicable before 1.1.2006 and
in no case it will be less than Rs. 3500/- p.m".
(2) Now, GOI, Ministry of P, PG and
pension, Dept of P&PW have further issued order under their OM No. 38/ 37/ O8 P&PW (A) dated
6th April, 2016, that "The revised consolidated pension of
pre-2006 pensioners shall not be lower than 50% of the sum of minimum of the
pay in the Pay Band and the Grade Pay (wherever applicable) corresponding to
the pre-revised pay scale as per fitment table annexed to Ministry of Finance,
Department of Expenditure oM No. 1/1/2008-IC dated 30th August, 2008 without
pro-rata reduction of pension even it they had qualifying service of less than
33 years at the time of retirement." Accordingly, Para 5
of the OM dated 28.01.2013 would stand deleted. The arrears of revised pension
would be payable with effect from 01.01.2006.
(3) In case the consolidated pension
calculated as per Para 4.1 of OM No. 38/ 37/ 08-P&PW (A) dated 01-09-2008
is higher than the pension calculated in the manner indicated in the OM dated
6th April, 2016, the same (higher consolidated pension) will continue to be
treated as basic pension.
(4) All other conditions as given in OM
No. 38/37/08-P&PW (A) dated 1.9.2008, as amended from time to time shall
remain unchanged.
(5) All pension disbursing
authorities (PDAs) are therefore, requested to revise the
pension in affected cases in terms of Govt. OM No. 38/37/08-P&PW(A),
dated 06-04-2016 w.e.f. 01.01.2006. Payment made w.e.f. 01.01.2006will
be adjusted against the arrears now being paid and these cases may be reflected
in the monthly account sent to this office as ‘change item’.
(6) Where the PDAs are in doubt in
regulating the payment of revised pension under these orders, the cases with
full details of pensioner and PPO number etc. may be referred to Audit Section
of this office for advice and further action.
(Dr. Upinderbir Singh)
Dy.CD A (P)
***************************** ***************************
**************** *******************************************
No. 38/37/08-P&PW (A)
Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan Khan Market, New Delhi-110 003. Dated the
06th April, 2016
Snb:- Revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners - delinking of revised pension from qualifying service of 33 years.
The undersigned is directed to say that as per Para 4.2 ofthis Department's OM
of even number dated 1.9.2008 relatingto revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners w.e.f.1.1.2006, the revised pension w.e.f. 1.1.2006, in no case,shall be lower than 50% of the sum of the minimum of pay inthe pay band and
the grade pay thereon corresponding to the pre-revised pay scale from which the
pensioner had retired. A clarification was issued vide DoP&PW OM of even No.d/d 3.10.2008 that the
pension calculated at 50% of the minimum of pay in the pay band plus grade pay would be calculated at the
minimum of the pay in the pay band (irrespective ofthe pre-revised
scale of pay) plus the grade pay
corresponding to the pre-revised pay scale.
2. Several petitions were filed in the Central Administrative Tribunal, Prl Bench,New Delhi inter alia claiming thatthe revised pension of the pre-2006
pensioners should not be less than 50% of the minimum of the pay band + grade pay, corresponding to the pre-revised pay scale from which pensioner had retired, as arrived
at with reference to the fitment tables annexed to Min of Finance, Department of Expenditure OM No.1/1/2008-IC d/d 30.8.08
Hon'ble CAT,Principal Bench,New Delhi vide its common order dated 1.11.11 in OA No.655/2010 and 3 other connected OAs directedto re-fix the pension of all pre-2006 retirees w.e.f. l.1.2006 based on Resolution d/d 29.8.08
of the Department of Pension &Pensioners'Welfare and in light of observations of Hon'ble CAT in that order.
3. Orders were issued vide this Deptts OM of even number dated 28.1.2013for stepping up of pension of pre-2006 pensioners w.e.f. 24.9.2012 to 50% of the minimum of pay in the pay band and GP corresponding to pre-revised
pay scale from which the pensioner retired. Para 5 of this OM provides that in case the consolidated pension/family pension calculated as per para 4.1 of 0.M. No.38/37/08-
P&PW (A) dated l.9.2008 is higher than the pension/
family pension calculated in the
manner indicated in the O.M. d/d 28.1.2013 the same (higher consolidated pension/familypension) will continue to be treated as basic pension/family pension.
4. Subsequently, in compliance of order dated 1.11.2011of the Hon'ble CAT Principal Bench in OA No. 655/2010,order dated 29.4.2013 of Hon'ble High Court of Delhi in WP (C) No. 1535/2012 and order dated 17.3.2015of Hon'ble Supreme Court in SLP (C No.36148/2013, order were issued vide this Depts OM of even
number dated 30.7.2015that the pension/Family
pension of all pre-2006 pensioners/family pensioners may be revised in accordance with this Dept's O.M. No.38/37/08-P&PW(A) d/d 28.1.2013 w.e.f.1.1.2006 instead of 24.9.2012.
5. In accordance with the order issued in implementation of the recommendation of the 6th CPC,
the pension of Govt servants retired/retiring on or after 1.1.2006 has been delinked from qualifying service of 33 years. In OA No.715
/2012 filed by Shri.
M.O. Inasu, a pre-2006 pensioner, Hon'ble CAT, Ernakulam Bench, vide its order dated 16.8.2013 directed that the
pension w.e.f. 1.1.2006 under para 4.2 of OM dated 1.9.2008 would not be rreduced based on the qualifying service of less than 33 years. The appeals filed by Department of Revenue in the Hon'ble High Court of Kerala and in
the Hon'ble Supreme Court have also been dismissed. Similar orders have been passed by Hon'bleCAT/High Court in several other cases also.
6. The matter has been examined in consultation with the Ministry
of Finance (Dept of Exp). It
has also been decided that the revised consolidated pension of pre-2006 pensioners shall not be lower than 50% of the minimum of the pay
in the Pay Band and the grade pay
(wherever applicable) corresp- onding to the pre-revised pay scale as per fitment table without pro-rata reduction of pension even if theyhad qualifying serviceofless than 33 years atthe time of retirement. Accordingly, Para5 of this Department's OM of even number dated 28.1.2013 would stand deleted. The arrears of revised pension would be payable with effect from 1.1.2006.
7. Ministry of Agriculture, etc. are requested to bring the contenwot'these orders to the notice of Controller ofAccounts/Pay and Accounts Officers and Attached and Subordinate Offices under them for revising the pension ofall those pre2006 pensioners who had rendered less than 33 years of qualifying service at the time of retirementin the manner as indicated above on top priority. Revised Pension Payment Orders in all these cases may also be issued immediately.
8. All pension disbursing offices/banks are also advised to prominently display these orders on their noticeboards for the benefit of pensioners.
9. This issues with the approval of Ministry of Finance, Deptt. of Expenditure vide ID Note No. 2(9)/EV/2015,dated 15.3.2016.
I0. Hindi version will follow.
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India

1. All Ministries/Depts of Govt of India. (as per standard mailing list).
2. All SCOVA Members
3. All identified Pensioners Association
Copy to
(i) NIC Cell for uploading on the website of the Department.
(ii) AD (OL), DoPPW for Hindi Version
Dear Veterans,
1. We at Signals-Family Portal are ordinary people in various matters concerning serving and Retired Govt Personnel, as such, do heavily bank upon inputs from our readers. Kindly do add, comment and give your observations on this or any other post aimed at improving the posted contents for the benefit of the veterans community.
Dear Veterans,
1. We at Signals-Family Portal are ordinary people in various matters concerning serving and Retired Govt Personnel, as such, do heavily bank upon inputs from our readers. Kindly do add, comment and give your observations on this or any other post aimed at improving the posted contents for the benefit of the veterans community.
Kindly post these under the comments, we will much appreciate your contribution
in this regard.
3. In
order to avoid spam and unwarranted or mischievous posts, only such entries
will get published where the Person has given his RANK, NAME @ EMAIL ID at the
end of his/her text.
4. We will
do our best to post our response as quickly as possible after getting the facts
vetted from offrs, JCOs and men who are more knowledgeable on particular
best wishes
Sincerely yours,
Brig Narinder Dhand (Veteran)
Sincerely yours,
Brig Narinder Dhand (Veteran)
s ana said...
SIR,your notes above on jco and OR inadequate. My doubt is the full pension wef
Jan 2006 as per the above circular if exceeds the one given in july09 and Sep
12 they have to pay us till Jun 2014.In my case full pension ie without prorata
wef Jan 06is 6420 but paid wef Jan 06 rs 4186, wef Jul 09 rs4840, wef Sep 12 rs
5301/- and OROP rs 7550/-.PLEASE ENLIGHTEN ME.Thank you Sir.
Narinder Dhand (Veteran) said...
Reply to
above Note :-
As I have
already mentioned in the last para we are not sure how the MOD will work out
the figures to "Not less than min of 50% of the Pay in Pay Band"
because the pensions paid presently are not the Minimum of the Pay in Pay Band
for JCOs and ORs unlike the pensions of Officers. These are pro-rata of the
maximum pay (Top Of the Entitlement) of the Rank and Group in Pay Band.
However you are right once we know as to what is that figure it will be paid for the period from Jan-06 to Jun-09, Jul-09 to 23 Sep 2012 and lastly from 24 Sep 2012 to 30 Jun 2014.
I thus will not like to give out a figure which is not authentic, it may be too immature to that presently.
Brig Narinder Dhand
Narinder Dhand (Veteran) said...
current pensions of JCOs and ORs are already above the minimum of the Pay in
Pay Band for the Rank and Group as such I am apprehensive of the out come of
these provisions.
I shall be grateful in case some one can give us the "Min Pay in Pay band" for each Rank in respect of JCOs and ORs and their equivalents in IN and IAF as per Special Instructions as applicable for 6th CPC.
I shall be grateful in case some one can give us the "Min Pay in Pay band" for each Rank in respect of JCOs and ORs and their equivalents in IN and IAF as per Special Instructions as applicable for 6th CPC.
s ana said...

Afternoon Sir.... 50% of Minimum the Fitment table for Capt = 16145 and Grade
pay = 6100,therefore the Revised Pension of Capt = 16145 + 6100 = 22,245 is
this calculation Correct... kindly advise... thanks... Capt. Sher
There have been numerous mails on the Min of Pay in Pay Band in respect of JCOs and ORs and their equivalent Ranks in Navy and Air Force incl some special categories in these two services.
I am happy to obtain the authentic figures and upload in this web post. Please note that your pension will not be less than this irrespective of the length of your service before retirement provided you did the minimum pensionable service.
All the
best, you can now get a fair idea of the arrears you will get once the MOD
letter and the PCDA(P) circular is out, which again you will find here on this
Brig NK Dhand (Veteran)
Krishnan said...
PCDA has
issued the circular for civilians, immediately, why they take so much time of
the uniformed category?
Narsimharao said...
You have been very helpful to many officers and soldiers in a big way.Had this system of communication existed from a combined services team 40 years back,we would not have been at Jantar Mantar today.Better late than ever,today many are more well informed and are getting involved.
You have been very helpful to many officers and soldiers in a big way.Had this system of communication existed from a combined services team 40 years back,we would not have been at Jantar Mantar today.Better late than ever,today many are more well informed and are getting involved.
From: annada sankar
Sent: Thursday, 28 April, 2016 12:22 PM
Subject: full pension or pro-rata pension Good morning sir
I get your email id from signal paribar blog
sir i exserviceman indian navy retire on 31.01.2001(15 years 01 month service) ex petty officer(HAV).
sir i am eligible for arrear from 01.01.2006 to 30.06.2014.
sir pcda circular c149 for defence civilian already issued. for defence personnel when mod or pcda circular issued.
sir please reply i am eligible or not?
thanking you
REPLY As under :-
I understand that you are referring to the Premature cases.
The pensions of JCOs, NCOs and ORs were enhanced wef 01 July 2009
based on maximum of pension of the group and rank and not the minimum
pension as earlier.
We will have to wait for the Govt orders on payment which are under
processing presently.However, if you look up the minimum pension for a Petty Officer in my blogpost under PMR cases, the min basic pension figures are given there as 6420 for Y gp and 6035 for Z group. Therefore, in case your pension during this period had been less than this figure you should be entitled for the arrears of difference.
Brig NK Dhand
Sent: Thursday, 28 April, 2016 12:22 PM
Subject: full pension or pro-rata pension Good morning sir
I get your email id from signal paribar blog
sir i exserviceman indian navy retire on 31.01.2001(15 years 01 month service) ex petty officer(HAV).
sir i am eligible for arrear from 01.01.2006 to 30.06.2014.
sir pcda circular c149 for defence civilian already issued. for defence personnel when mod or pcda circular issued.
sir please reply i am eligible or not?
thanking you
REPLY As under :-
I understand that you are referring to the Premature cases.
The pensions of JCOs, NCOs and ORs were enhanced wef 01 July 2009
based on maximum of pension of the group and rank and not the minimum
pension as earlier.
We will have to wait for the Govt orders on payment which are under
processing presently.However, if you look up the minimum pension for a Petty Officer in my blogpost under PMR cases, the min basic pension figures are given there as 6420 for Y gp and 6035 for Z group. Therefore, in case your pension during this period had been less than this figure you should be entitled for the arrears of difference.
Brig NK Dhand
pls refer to my earlier mail on delinking of pension with 33 yrs... as per the
GOI letter dated 06 Apr"16 The pension would be 50% of the minimum of the
fitment table + Grade pay... consequently for a Capt. 50% of the minimum of the
fitment table = 16145 and Grade pay = 6100 hence pension of Capt - 16145 + 6100
= 22,245 w.e.f. 01 / 01 / 2006.. Is this calculation correct ? Please advise.
Narsimharao said...
Delinking of 33years of service was announced by Supreme Court close to a month.While civilian received their orders including PCDA(P)
Pensioners .What stop the PCDA (P) from working out the arrears.The calculation are simple and straight,were is the hitch.Time the Govt wake up and start toning the administration.Looks like only the court can step in and order.
Delinking of 33years of service was announced by Supreme Court close to a month.While civilian received their orders including PCDA(P)
Pensioners .What stop the PCDA (P) from working out the arrears.The calculation are simple and straight,were is the hitch.Time the Govt wake up and start toning the administration.Looks like only the court can step in and order.
Net said...
Good morning
first of all I like to thank you for your efforts to bring up such a good blog and articles. now to the point. sir GOI not implemented the cpc recommendation SL No 12 in its true spirit so all these litigation are come up and present OM is also a result of it
now also if goi gives a single FIG as MGP to a particular Rank irrespective of LS(from 15-33) again it leads to litigation as the cpc not recommended 50%(MGP) compulsory to all and not recommended removal of prorata also for pre 06 in its recommendations
the cpc recommendation states that the consolidated pension (with MF 1.86) should not be less than MGP so in my opinion the CP which is a prorata pension to be reversed to non prorata and then it should be compared with MGP and which ever is higher to be paid
thanks for giving opportunity to write
please correct me if Iam wrong
Good morning
first of all I like to thank you for your efforts to bring up such a good blog and articles. now to the point. sir GOI not implemented the cpc recommendation SL No 12 in its true spirit so all these litigation are come up and present OM is also a result of it
now also if goi gives a single FIG as MGP to a particular Rank irrespective of LS(from 15-33) again it leads to litigation as the cpc not recommended 50%(MGP) compulsory to all and not recommended removal of prorata also for pre 06 in its recommendations
the cpc recommendation states that the consolidated pension (with MF 1.86) should not be less than MGP so in my opinion the CP which is a prorata pension to be reversed to non prorata and then it should be compared with MGP and which ever is higher to be paid
thanks for giving opportunity to write
please correct me if Iam wrong
Narinder Dhand (Veteran) said...
Can any
of the readers respond to the above comment by Bhawani Net.
Narinder Dhand (Veteran) said...
Narinder Dhand (Veteran) said...
A fine approach and useful info to veterans. Thanks to Brig.As a keen analyst and observer of facts in past 5 decades - point of serious concern to veterans - why so much of delay every time on matters of soldiers ??? Whereas ,def civilians circulars / orders were issued on 8 April 2016.
ReplyDeleteNow ,with this the little edge derived after so much of 40 years struggle has simply lost .jaise the.back to same place !
The mind set approach of " benefit " has to be addressed by intellectual analysis by veterans like .....Brig D.
Ibid comment from IC -14283 ,Lt Col,A B REDDY of Signals.
ReplyDeleteThis requirement was not noticed.
Thus ,sent.
Further add -great contributions in u blog to veterans.
Respected Sir, Here I would like to express some of my views connected with pension entitlement of officers,JCOs and OR and equivalents.Many of my colleagues have different views and there fore I seek permission from all the veterans to accept the points if it is in the correct interpretation and if not ignore as if invalied presentation. First of all we may consider the figures of pension reflected against each rank after the implementationof 6th CPC with effective date as 01.01.2006. There were some wrong calculation,in my opinion,for fixing the pension entitlement of pensioners of pre 2006 for X and Y Group. Prior to 2006 pay scale of each group and each rank were different. The X group personnel were drawing more pay and pension than Y group personnel. I mean a Sub Maj of X Group was drawing pay in the pay scale of 7250-200-10050 where as Sub Maj of Y Group was drawing pay in the pay scale of 6750-200-9550. The difference in the maximum of the pay scale of Sub Maj of X and Y group is 500. When the pension was revised wef 1.1.2006 an additional benefit in the form of difference in the pre 2006 payscale between X and Y group was extended to the pensioners of X group.Whether agree or not my view are in the wrong side. How it is as follows. The difference in the maximum of the pay scale of Sub Maj X and Y group is 500 as explained above. While fixing the revised pension wef 1.1.2006the X group pensoners became eligible for double benefit, one in the difference in the pay between X and Y and the other one is X group pay of 1400 in other sence total of 1900. Pay scale of JCOs as per 6th CPC is 9300-34800 as common. X group personnel are entitled for X Group pay of 1400 and not total benefit of 1900.This created a huge difference in the pension entitlement of X and Y group of each rank wef 1.1.2006. When the case was represented it was not addressed by the higer authorities. Later on when the fitment table was brought in to practice for fixation of minimum pension and PCDA (P) Issued circular No 547, I had noticed some difference in the fixation of pension of Lt and Capt. As per SAI 2/S/2008 there pensiin were to be fixed @ 13500 and 15350 where as Circular 547 there pension was found fixed at 15465 and 16145 wef 1.1.2006. Lt and Capt became entitled for arrears for the period from 1.1.2006 to 23.9.2012 amounting to 2.00 to 2.35 lakhs. I had sought clarification on the anomalies but there was no response. Now the table appeared above clearly shows the minimum pension of Lt is 13500 and that of Capt is 15350.This needs to be verified for the correctness.Pre 2006 pay scale of Lt is8250-300-10050 and No Rank pay. Pre 2006 pay scale of Capt is 9600-300-11400 plus Rank pay 400.By applying multiplication factor of 1.86(fitmement table for the minimum of pre 2006 pay scale) they are entitled for pension @ 13500 and 15350 only. This may also kindly be verified for the correctness. There were three changes in the pension entitlement for veterans of pre 2006 retirees. First wef 1.1.2006 second wef 1.7.2009 and the thired on 24.9.2012.In addition OROP wef 1.7.2014. If the delinking of 33 years is applied wef 1.1.2006 how the difference in the pension is going to be regulararised is not clear.Service personnel are entitled for pension based on the maximum of the pre 2006 pay scale wef 1.7.2009 and highest maximum of the pre 2006 pay scale among the three service wef 24.9.2012 and can not be equivalized at par with civilian counter parts.Service personnel to be given the benefit of maximum of the pre 2006 pay scale for calculation of pension and arrears to be paid for the period from 1.1.2006 to23.9.2012. In my opinion arrears from 24.9.2012 to 30.6.2014 will not be affected much. With regrads and respects. JC 86658 F Sub Maj and Hony Lt AK JAYARAJAN. A ritiree of 1994.
ReplyDeleteplease check out for 40% discounts on air tickets, exclusively for Indian Armed Forces and ex-servicemen. please share with friends and group members.
ReplyDeletewhat happens if one has served for more then 33 yrs. because as we understand the 33 years was worked for the civs whose average entry age was 25 yrs and 58 years for retirement as per the old retirement age. the same had been made applicable for servicn personals without going in to the demerits of the issue. I services there may be a large no of people particularly the offrs cadre who would cross the 33 years limit even without weightage. With weightage and former govt service the no of offrs crossing 33 yrs of Q S would be much more . Could you pl elaborate
ReplyDeleteEverything is hotchpotch. An Officer who got Lt Col rank in 13 years in 6th CPC (01 Jan 2006) having 7 years pre-commissioned service retires after 20 years and he gets basic pension of Rs 26265/- per month and also an officer (Lt Col SG) (me only) with 38 years of service also gets basic pension of Rs 26265/- wef 01 Jan 2006 and from 01 Jul 2014 both these officers will get same basic pension of Rs 34765/-. WHERE IS THE JUSTIFICATION. Two Officers of same ranks with different length of service (20 years and 38 years) are getting same pension, is it called OROP?. Officers having longer service must get their due over and above the shorter service officers, otherwise this 33 yrs QS and OROP have got no meaning.
ReplyDeleteSir thanks a lot for the vital information over arrers to pre 2006 retirees.
ReplyDeleteI am little bit confused to Calculate my pension: Being pre 1996 retiree.
Cir 430 fixed my pension wef. JAN 2006 @ ₹9324 BASIC.
CIR 471 FIXED 50 % OF (9300-34800)P B WITH GP 4200 & M S 2000
@ 11970.
CIR 501 CONFIRMED @ 11970 as revised wef 01-07-2009.
Cir 547 fixed @ 9440 wef 01-01-2006
kindly oblige to illustrate my status of arrers.
Q S 28 Y.MY ID-raghbir.sub@gmail. Com
Mr jayarajan why you are comparing x and y group there is huge difference in working culture of x and y group. In civil aviation a technician who gives airworthiness certificate for the aircraft or plane they get 80000 ₹ to 100000 ₹ monthly and in our armed forces the technician only get x gp pay 1400 ₹ only for the same job. So how you can compare x and y group. If any veteran not agree with my comment then give me genuine reason.
ReplyDeleteMr yadav you people from X group certainly deserve a higher pension that is half of x group pay I.e. rs 700 pm
DeletePbors in parent Y group never cribed when pbors from lowest H group were brought in Y group
U just can't undermine the job of any pbor whatever group or trade one worked in
U should not forget that all technical trades are recruited with same qualification and imparted same training in Air Force and other two services.It is only the conversion course that places an airman in X group and for X group pay is given.
Certain trades like SEW.AFSO.Met Asstt did not any chance for conversion
Except X group pay any difference in pay and pension is just unjustifiable
In 7 the CPC this anomaly has been corrected and uniform pay scales have been recommended.only X group pay is given separately
So be little considerate and logical and avoid mud slinging at a time when whole pbor community is fighting for legitimate OROP
Read the full arrival. Very encouraging.I have only 15 yrs
ReplyDeleteService from NAVY. Do I get my
Pension fixed as per delinkage
& arrears.
ReplyDeleteWhat if a JCO did not serve for the required 10 months on the rank and having been sanctioned pension of the lower rak?
Sir I am K NAGESWARA REDDY,N/SUB,21.5yrs Service.
ReplyDeleteMail ID:
If any benefit for me with this circular
This is only for civilians not Military persons. I have confirmed this with PCDA Allahabad pensioner helpline Tool free number.
ReplyDeleteIf 21 YRS HAV gets equal with 24 YRS HAV pension
ReplyDeleteDear all veterans. JCOs/ ORs & equivalent can refer PCDA circular No 502 dated 17 Jan 2013. In which it was actually issued by PCDA mentioning for Enhanced rate of family family pension & ordinary rate family pension. The table is correctly showing the 50% of min of pay in pay band + grade pay + MSP + X pay if applicable to those are getting less. Other wise our min pension is figures shown for full service in tables of PCDA circular No 547 dated 11 Sep 2015.If I am wrong, please advice me.
Prakash Pattar
Ex Sub Maj
Email ID -
Mr Gavin is an advocate and experienced veteran.He should have used the sentence "minimum pay in the fitment table Or running pay band".
ReplyDeleteYou all are educating the MOD and PCDA how to misinterpret the Court verdict.
ReplyDeleteSrinivasan,MCPO-I (RTD),Indian Navy
Respected Mahesh Yadhav Sir, I am extreamly sorry to mention here that we the veterans community are demanding OROP and not ONE GROUP ONE PENSION.I fully agree that the group and trade and their works and nature of duties are different from one to other when they perform their trade work. Some of our colleagues join the service with the qualification like Non matric,Matric,Plus 2 and Plus two with mths science with civil diploma ,Graduate and even post GRraduate. Some of our colleagues obtain Diploma through service insttution after joining the service. Every body perform their duties as per their trade. There should not be superiority complex between the trade as in the case of Commissiined officers.Let me clarify the following. In indian army there were 8 groups ie A to H prior 1973, it reduced to 5 wef 1.1.1973,further 5 reduced to three as XY Z wef 10.10.1997 again on 1.1.2006 these 3 reduced to 2 as X and Y. A veterans served and retired prior to 1973 belongs to H group is now drawing his pension as applicable to Y group as on date without performing the duties of Y group.In other words a H group veterans is now drawing the pension of Y group. All the Y group trades man are not Un qualified,un skilled, semi skilled or Skilled worker.For supervisory cadre most of the ranks are equalted and they are placed in the common pay band of 9300 to 34800.In my knowledge is correct direct entry diploma holders are placed in the higher grade pay group or higher rank and they get the service benifit for further promotion and ACP up gradation. Other than X Group personnel perform their duty as per their trade after completing technical/non technical specifiedtraining through service institution.This is views. May or may not be accepted by all. With regars. SUB MAJ AND HONY LT AK JAYARAJAN EMAIL ID ignore if i am wrong any where.
ReplyDeleteGp X and Y should be applicable for serving soldiers only for which Soldier contribute during his service. After retirement Soldier is recognised by rank and not by X and Y gp. Exserviceman does not contribute an Gp X and Y. Hence, I suggest gps for exservimen should not be kept functional after retirement and should be known by rank. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThe MOD letter and the PCDA(P) circular in this respect has not come into light. Is there a valid reason for this. This aspect is creating mistrust among the ESM. Can somebody clarify the reason for this delay? Is the OROP order conflicting with this amendment?
ReplyDeleteIt is only for Defense Civilian not for PBOR otherwise when letter is out for Def Civ why not PBOR.
DeleteFor pbor cir 471 should be 50% pension cir not cir 547 prediction.
ReplyDeleteThere is nothing for pbor, as the minimum/maximum fitment table for JCOs/OR has already been given vide circular 547.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion group should be conciderd only while in service. Once out from service only rank and service should be considered.No group for veterans.
ReplyDeleteMinimum/maximum fitment table confused because we are pbor and pbor means pbor, if the boss is happy understand all are happy pbor are getting 30% pension and boss are getting 75%.
ReplyDeleteKindly clarify me, what will be the basic pension of same group 20 years Nb/sub and 28 years Nb/sub as per new rule of de-linked from QS 33 yrs.
ReplyDeleteThis is applicable for those who discharged on completion 20 years or more service read circular No C-149 carefully not below the 20 years service.
ReplyDeleteI was released from IAF on 31-3-1981 on fulfilling the initial term of engagement on completion of 15 yrs 4 days of service.
ReplyDeleteI was promoted to the rank Sgt wef 1.1.1981 and did not complete 10 months service to become eligible for pension for Sgt rank and getting pension of CPL.
One JWO has challanged this policy in Chennai AFT who has ruled that even one has served for even one dayin the promoted rank is eligible to get pension for the promoted rank.
I contacted AFRO Veterans Dte on the matter who has said that the AFT's orders have been challenged in SC.
May I know if anybody has got latest information on the matter.
I will be thankful for the information.
279439 Sgt Y.R. Singh veteran
Mob No. 9793279300
Kindly look at OROP table no -7 ,wherein the Basic pension of a Nb/Sub Gp- Y with 20 yrs of QS is Rs 8755/- while for 28 yrs of QS the pension BP is Rs 10742. Now since the QS of 33 yrs has been de-linked,will his basic pension shall be enhanced to 10742/- w.e f July 2014 and arrears paid accordinly ?
ReplyDeleteRamesh Yadav Ex-JWO
It will be benefited only when Min of PayBand in OROP is greater then any time from Jan 2006 to Jun 2014.
DeleteIs there any work going on in PCDA ex servicemen service de linking of 33 years, as this is supreme court order to bring pre 2006 ex servicemen with post 2006 ex servicemen
ReplyDeleteHareesha K Ex MCERA 11
Sir,I left navy in 1992 as a po y gruop after 15 years. In 6th pay commission my basic pay was 3636.As per circlar 430 it is 4840. Circulr 501 it is increased to 5301.After orop my basic pension is 7550. Am I elegible gor this 50% minimum pension.NOTE
ReplyDeleteRespected Brig. Sir,
ReplyDeleteMy sincere thanks and gratitude for the service you are rendering to the veteran community.
What is more heartening is your effort to helping the always neglected lot called "PBOR" I have always felt that the abbreviation is synonymous to the status of untouchables in the society. The less said about these the better; let it rest.
As I mentioned at the beginning you have taken the trouble of explaining how the pension arrears to be calculated in respect of Sepoy to JCO.
From your blog it is understood that the QS of 33 years is delinked and the retiree is entitled for 50% of MP in PB + GP
The example cited is for the service rendered for 20 years. What for those who were transferred to pension establishment after 15 years of service.
I retired as JWO(Flt.Sgt) in II group (present Y group) after 15 years of service in the year 1971. I am curious to know if the yard stick for calculating arrears is applicable in my case also.If not what is the formula for calculation in my case. There may not be too many veterans coming under the category of JCO with 15 years service; hence, I cannot look forward to seeing a general calculation criteria for arriving at arrears. In short am I, too, entitled to the benefit of 50% MP in PB.
Thanking you
with highest regards
215360 JWO(Flt.Sgt.) Sukumaran RV (veteran)
De-linking QS for33 yrs- order issued for central govt civilians and non combatants only.
ReplyDeleteorder for the disabled pensioners are published let us hope orders of de linking 33 years service for 50% pension will be issued soon
ReplyDeleteHareesha K ex MCERA II
My rank aaw2 indian navy basic as on 1/1/2006 rs 5122 will i get any arrears pl reply on email id raj.rajadhyaksha@gmail.
Sir, why is there no order issued yet for paying pension and Arrears to the ex-servicemen w e f 1.1.2006 after delinking 33 years QS for full (50% ) pension as on date?
ReplyDeleteDear Sirs,
ReplyDeleteI hope Organisation is doing well to defend the rights of PBOR in getting their entitled dues. However, I take this opportunity to inform you that GOI, MOD vide letter No. 17 4/2008/D Pen/Policy dated 11.11.2008, has revised pension of Pre 2006 Armed Forces Pensions/Family Pensioners under 6th Pay Commission and the same was ordered by PCDA, Allahabad vide Circular No 397. This pension was further improved vide GOI, MOD letter No. PC-10 1/2009-D Pen/Pol dated 08.03.2010 and No. 1 13/2012/D Pen/Policy dated 17.01.2013 effective with effect from 01.07.2009 and 24.09.2014 respectively.
Based on judicial pronouncements, Govt. of India, Ministry of Personnel, PG and Pensions, Department of pension and Pensioners Welfare vide OM No. 38/37/08-P and PW A dated 30th Jul 2015 decided that the pension/family pension of all pre-2006 pensioners/family pensioners may be revised in accordance with their OM No. 38/37/08-P and PW A dated 28.01.2013 with effect from 01.01.2006 instead of 24.09.2012. Accordingly, GOI, MOD vide letter No. 1 04/2015 II-D Pen/Pol dated 03.09.2015, has prepared separate Annexure A for Army, Annexure B for Air Force and Annexure C for Navy, authorising disbursing authority to step up pension/family pension wef 01.01.2006 instead of allowing of pension tables as given in GOI, MOD letter dated 17 Jan 2013.This seems to be totally incorrect and cheating to PBOR. Pension shown in Annexure to GOI, MOD letter dated 3rd Sep 2015 is much less than what was given in GOI, MOD letter dated 11 Nov 2008 i.e. initial fixation of pension of PBOR under 6th Pay Commission.
For example, in my case, my pension was fixed as Rs. 8937/- initially wef 1.1.2006 and then improved to Rs. 10157/- wef 01.09.2009, whereas this annexure shows my pension as 8010/- less Rs. 927/-. So, here is no arrear for me.
In case of officers, order issued vide GOI, MOD letter No. 1 04/2015 I-D Pen/Pol dated 3rd Sep 2015, para 4 states that revised tables indicating minimum guaranteed pension/ordinary family pension for Indian Commissioned Officers which is annexed with GOI, MOD letter No. 1 11/2012-D Pen/Policy dated 17.01.2013 shall be effective with effect 01.01.2006 instead of 24.09.2012.
It is not understood why GOI, MOD has not allowed PBOR to draw their pension as per tables given in MOD letter dated 17.01.2013 wef 01.01.2006, whereas, separate Annexure has been prepared for PBOR to draw their pension wef 01.01.2006 which is much less than the pension initially granted to them as on 01.01.2006 under 6th CPC setting aside the decision of Honourable Supreme Court. Why PBOR are not given the pension which was fixed as on 01 Jul 2009 and 24 Sep 2012 respectively to enable them to have arrears wef 01.1.2006.
To deliver natural justice to PBOR, May I request you to kindly look into this and take up this issue with GOI, MOD to remove this anomaly.
I shall be remained grateful to you.
Yours faithfully,
Sub Bir Singh Retired
Total confuson my rank aaw2 indian navy what about me