देश की सरहद की रखवाली करने वाले हमारे फौजियों को घटिया खाना परोसा जाता है। ये खुलासा नियंत्रक एवं महालेखा परीक्षक (कैग) की रिपोर्ट में हुआ है। सीएजी (कैग) की रिपोर्ट में सामने आया है कि पाकिस्तान और चीन की सीमा पर तैनात भारतीय सेना के जवानों को ताजा खाना नहीं दिया जाता है। साथ ही ये भी खुलासा हुआ है कि फौजियों को भरपेट भोजन भी नहीं मिलता है।
फौजियों को नहीं मिलता भरपेट खाना
कैग ने अपनी रिपोर्ट मौजूदा मानसून सत्र में पेश किया है। रिपोर्ट में खुलासा हुआ है कि पाकिस्तान और चीन के बॉर्डर पर तैनात फौजियों को ताजा खाना नहीं दिया जाता है। साथ ही यह भी खुलासा हुआ है कि इन फौजियों को भरपेट खाना भी नहीं मिलता है।
68 फीसदी जवानों ने कहा- घटिया खाना मिलता है
कैग का कहना है कि खुद सेना द्वारा कराए गए सर्वे में खुलासा हुआ है कि फौजियों को घटिया खाना परोसा जाता है। रिपोर्ट में कहा गया है कि करीब 68 फीसदी जवान परोसे गए खाने को संतोषजनक या फिर घटिया मानते हैं। रिपोर्ट में सामने आया है कि सैनिकों को निम्न-गुणवता का मांस और सब्जी खाने को दी जाती है। साथ ही राशन की मात्रा भी कम दी जाती है और जो राशन दिया जाता है वो स्वाद अनुसार भी नहीं होता है।
रक्षा मंत्रालय की कार्यशैली पर सवाल
कैग ने अपनी रिपोर्ट में रक्षा मंत्रालय की कार्यशैली पर भी सवाल खड़े किए हैं। रिपोर्ट में कहा गया है कि आर्मी हेडक्वॉर्टर द्वारा तैयार किए गए राशन-एस्टीमेट को रक्षा मंत्रालय ने 20-23 प्रतिशत तक कम कर दिया। जबकि सेना ने ये राशन फिल्ड-एरिया में तैनात बटालियन और रेजीमेंट्स की वास्तविक खाद खाद्य क्षमता और उपलब्ध स्टॉक के आधार पर तैयार किया था।
क्या है रिपोर्ट के आंकड़े?
रिपोर्ट में उदाहरण के तौर पर कहा गया है कि जहां कमांड मुख्यालयों ने 2013-14 में मात्र 3199 मैट्रिक टन चाय की पत्ती की मांग की थी, डीजीएसटी ने उस मांग को खुद बे खुद बढ़ाकर 2500 मैट्रिक टन कर दिया। वहीं, कमांड्स ने जब 2014-15 में करीब 46 हजार मैट्रिक टन (45,752) दाल की मांग की थी, तो डीजीएसटी ने उसे घटाकर 37 हजार मैट्रिक टन कर दिया। रिपोर्ट में ये भी खुलासा हुआ है कि सेना को ब्रांडेंड आटा तक नहीं मिलता है।
(Source- Indian News)
It have cleared today in investigation of CAG report' But in my Experience during period of my services 'Was same thing. Modi Govt yet not issued a circular in connection De-linking 33 years service'Which in this connection circular has already been issue for civil counter part 4 month ago' but MoD yet not been issue after Expiry of 4 month in compare of Civilian. Moreover' in regard 7th commission MoD Notification yet not been issue'and same has already been issued for civil counter part of central employees. HAMARI HISAB MEN TO '' FOUJIYON KE SATH HI ''ASHAHISHUDTA'' JAYDA HAI , 9670210000
ReplyDeleteComplete welfare beninifits extended by all ministries should be unnder DBT. (Aadhaar/NPR BASED) NOTONLY lpg. All money transactions should be made cashless. Then the govt will have lot of money notonly for to implement OROP, ONOT but to disburse welfarepension to the all the eligible citizens.
ReplyDeleteYes, this is the truth, jawans are working as labour ( sewadar) in the houses of retired army offices in civil areasunder the nose of army corps HQ . if any one has any doubt ,he can see reality in nearby areas of jalandhar cantt . sena ki jawano k kitni ijjat ho rahi hai civilian public me.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteCAG report is correct.Even BSF jawans are served better food rather than Army
ReplyDeleteCAG report is correct.Even BSF jawans are served better food rather
ReplyDeletethan Army
whose fault is it anyway?Make a secret report to defence minister.
DeleteBecause military persons means foujis not considered as central govt,servant by this govt.thats why every things was delayed to issu the orders,matlab ye ho gaya pahile sab ko bato uske bad tukda bachta hai fouji ko bato ya samne fek do sub chup ho jayenge konki ye kuch bole nahi sakte ya strike nahi kar sakte,ye policy is govt,ne apnayi hai yeisa lag raha hai
ReplyDeleteModi sarkar only talks. They will get the results in the forthcoming assembly elections as well in 2019
ReplyDeleteVery unfortunately Govt can't understand this issue. Vitaminised food should be served to our soldiers on top priority.
ReplyDeleteThis is also a kind of cannibalism. MANKIND MAY FORGIVE BUT DEFINITELY NOT THE GOD. There won't be better quote for the third rated category of these ras.......call who beat the stomach of our JAWANS. Soldiers true enemy they are.
ReplyDeleteIf the Army is getting bad food why blame Modi. What about Army Supply Corps and assorted authorities who are actually responsible for feeding the Army. Modi bashing has become a fashion. It is time others are also held accountable.
ReplyDeleteThe allegation against Modi govt is baseless. The food quality in the defence, especially Army, has been very poor since Independence. I, myself, am an ex-serviceman, having rendered 30 yrs of service.
ReplyDeleteWhen the Military personnel are treated like 2nd rate citizen, not having facility for voting,many civil rights are curtailed then obviously this is on expected line that military is half fed & left to defend the country like dog is sincere to his master. That is the status granted by the bureaucracy imposed over the Military & The Political leadership is happy having taken care of the soldier. A BIG SHAME ON THEIR PART.
ReplyDeletethey just belive in speak ,speech ,
ReplyDeletebcoz he told already he is gujrati and gujrati is busimen
his policy jo dikhta hai woh bikta hai
yehi policy last election mein apnayi
agar dhyaan se dekho pichle do saal mein ya kiya
pehle to ""ghar wapsi"" abhiyaan chalyaa
kuch time yeh chala
phir ""bharat mata ki jai ""shuru hua kuch time yeh chala
phir ""gau hatya"" shuru hua
phir ""dalit hatya"" shuru hua
nxt will be ????
so plz guys think twice net time i have wasted my vote last time ,,just tv dekh kar
so i request to all people
plz think about ur family ,future to vote next time
this cag report is old one , and those who dine the mess specialy for the pb 1 , pb2 catagory peoples well knowing the truth .
ReplyDeletelet it be any govt , from starting onwords it is like that only .
And our own brothers also looting from our breads ,they are taking butter from our bread .
In regard (Helper) No doubt' Officers already knowing' Starting points nb/sub to COAS. I had seen during period of my service with our JAWAN' Had Conducted Summary court martial Due to Individual had genteelly denied to him Adjutant for nor attending him detainment of SEVADAR.
ReplyDeleteShame on BJP Govt who is cutting down the food budget of the soldiers and expect everything from them. This is an ante soldier, anti farmer and ante poor govt. This govt is pro Corporate who is not taking any action against NPA of big corporate.
ReplyDeleteDon't blame the government this or previous. Certain things are rotten here in the army system itself.I had the privilege in dining three services mess of pbors.I find AF mess has some standards and if the food is not good, airmen always complain to the authority the same itself and the mess always adheres to the menu. Navy mess is somewhat okay, but army mess are horrible and treat the jawan like cattles. In army the good stuff always go to officer and JCO mess.But in AF the NCO i/c mess duly collect the ration which is authorised to them and protests whenever there is un hygienic food and many times whenever unhygienic supply comes they report to the higher ups and get it investigated by the medical officers.So I sincerely feel the problem and corruption is within us and need not blame to the government.
ReplyDeleteNow probably the time has come for reforms in defence.This I am talking of reform in service conditions not economic reform which is already on.The huge difference in service conditions between officers and men must be must be shortened.Because both have equal importance.
ReplyDeleteWhat's the question? No one has ever been happy with the food provided.
ReplyDeleteThe question better be how and when?
This is to say of present and past treatment of soldier.
As regards value of food provided, the soldier has tried paying back to its last count.
So let him be and support Indian fauj.
If our system failure in three services' Who are responsible' System ? Why should not change by our Govt with circular/ Notifications in connection of poor system. Officer's always had controlled ration through QMH. Hence' Policy should change by Govt/ Mod with transparency for our solderer's. Are you all know's NDA Govt has change/ Modified bill'Where are corruption' All of you knows all officers need ( SEVADAR/HELPER) to our SIPAHI. It not means' Our higher & competent authority are not knowing about this which are posted Nearby HQ/AHQ. Henec' it should attempt by officers for avoided for Soldiers( SEWADAR).
ReplyDeleteIf our system failure in three services' Who are responsible' System ? Why should not change by our Govt with circular/ Notifications in connection of poor system. Officer's always had controlled ration through QMH. Hence' Policy should change by Govt/ Mod with transparency for our solderer's. Are you all know's NDA Govt has change/ Modified bill'Where are corruption' All of you knows all officers need ( SEVADAR/HELPER) to our SIPAHI. It not means' Our higher & competent authority are not knowing about this which are posted Nearby HQ/AHQ. Henec' it should attempt by officers for avoided for Soldiers( SEWADAR).