Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Circular No.608 d/d 26.10.18 : Defence Pensioners 7th CPC Notional Fixation Order: 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th CPC Concordance Tables for Revision of Pension of Pre-2016 Pensioners

Office of the Principal CDA(Pensions)
Draupadi Ghat, Allahabad-211014
Circular No.608 
The Officer-in-Charge
ROs/ PAOs (ORs)
Subject: Revision of pension of pre-2016 pensioners/ family pensioners in implementation of Govt. decision on the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission concordance tables-regarding.
Reference: (1) This office Circular No. 570 dated 31.10.2016 and No. 585 dated 21.09.2017.
(Available on the website of this office
(2) GoI, MoD letter No.17 (01)/2017/(02)/D(Pension/Policy) dated 17.10.2018.

Attention is invited to Para-4 of Gol, MoD letter No. 17 (01)/2017/(02)/D(Pension/Policy) dt 05.09.2017 circulated vide Circular No. 585 dated 21.09.2017, wherein it has been mentioned that revision of pension! family pension of all Armed Forces Personnel who retired! died prior to 01.01.2016 under first formulation was to be revised by notionally fixing their pay in the pay matrix recommended by the 7th CPC in the level corresponding to the pay in the pay scale! pay band and grade pay at which they retired! died. This was to be done by notional pay fixation under each intervening Pay Commission based on the formula for revision of pay. The revised rates of Military Service Pay, Non Practising Allowance, where applicable, and ‘X’ Group pay Classification Allowance for JCOs/ ORs, if applicable, notified in terms of 7th CPC orders, also to be added to the amount of pay notionally arrived at under the 7th CPC pay matrix and termed as notional reckonable emoluments as on 01.01.2016. The higher of the two Formulations i.e. the pension/family pension already revised in accordance with Gol, MoD letter No. 17(01)/2016-D(Pen/PoI) dated 29th October 2016 and modified vide letter No. 17(01)/2017 (01)/D(Pen/PoIicy) dated 04.09.2017 or the revised pension/ family pension worked out in accordance with Para 5 above, shall be granted to pre-2016 Armed Force Pensioners as revised Pension/ Family Pension w.e.f. 01.01.2016.

2. GoI, MoD vide letter No. 17(01)/2017/(02)/D(Pension/ Policy) dated 17.10.2018 has issued concordance tables to facilitate fixation of notional pay of pre-2016 defence pensioners! family pensioners by the concerned Record offices and attached Pay Account Offices in case of JCO/ORs of the three Services and PCDA(O) Pune/ Naval Pay Office, Mumbai/ AFCAO New Delhi in case of Commissioned Officers of Army/ Navy/Air Forces respectively. A copy of ibid Gol, MoD letter dated 17.10.2018 enclosed herewith for further necessary action, which is self-explanatory.

3. In view of the above, Record Offices are requested to prefer/forward the claims for revision of pension in respect of Pre-1.1.2016 pensioners/family pensioners in accordance with the instructions given in this office Circular No. 585 dated 21.09.2017 by using this concordance table for fixing the notional pay of the pensioner. However, it is informed that the LPC-cum-Data Sheet circulated in Circular No. 585 dated 21.09.2017 is under modification along with amendment in the software programme. An utility programme in this regard is also under development. The same along with detailed instructions will follow shortly.

No. Gts/Tech/7th CPC/0181/Vol-VII 
Dated: 26.10.2018 
(Sandeep Thakur)
Addl CDA (P)

To View DESW Order:

(Source :  ) 

Saturday, October 27, 2018

PCDA Circular 607 : Revision of pension in respect of Personnel below Officer Rank (PBOR) discharged prior to 01.01.2006


Circular No. 607                                                                                             Dated: 01/10/2018
1.The Chief Accountant, RBI, Deptt. Of Govt, Bank Accounts, Central Office C-7,Second Floor, Bandre- Kurla Complex, P B No. 8143, Bandre East Mumbai- 400051
2. All CMOs,Public Sector Banks.
3. The Nodal Officers, ICICI/HDFC/AXIS/IDBIBanks
4. All Managers, CPPCs
5. Military and Air Attache, Indian Embassy, Kathmandu, Nepal
6. The PCDA(WC),Chandigarh
7. The CDA (PO),Meerut
8. The CDA Chennai
9. The Director of Treasuries, All States
10.The Pay and Accounts Officer, Delhi Administration, R K Puram and Tis Hazari, New Delhi.
11.The Pay and Accounts Office, Govt of Maharashtra, Mumbai
12.The Post Master Kathua (J&K) and Camp Bell Bay.
13. The Principal Pay and Accounts Officer Andaman and Nicobar Administration Port Blair.
Subject:- Implementation of Govt. decision on the recommendation of the Cabinet Secretary’s Committee – Revision of pension in respect of Personnel below Officer Rank (PBOR) discharged prior to 01.01.2006.
Reference:- Circular No. 430 dated 10.03.2010.
Complaints/representations are being received in PSAs regarding revision of pension w.e.f. 01.07.2009 by various PDAs in respect of three trades of Air Force viz. ACH GO, Catering Assistant and MT Driver in Group Z instead of Group Y inspite of up gradation of these trades w.e.f. 10.10.1997.
2. Now, it has been decided by the competent authority vide MoD letter no. 1(4)/2012/D(Pension/Policy) dated 08.03.2018 that revision of pension of under mentioned trades be carried out as per pension revision tables meant for Group Y under Ministry’s letter no. PC 10(1)/2009-D(Pen/Pol) dated 08.03.2010.

TRADE : ACH GD, Catering Asst. And MTD

w.e.f.  ; 10.10.1997

Pay Group IV  : equated to Group Y

3. In view of above, it is requested that such type of cases where PDAs are unable to revise pension due to change of group of trades, the same may be referred to the PSAs concerned through Record Office (who in turn will provide certificate/document showing trade of individual at the time of entry and also at the time of discharge) so that Carr. PPO, if necessary, may be issued in case to case basis.
4. All other terms and conditions shall remain unchanged.
5. The above amendments shall take effect from date of implementation of their respective orders. Arrears in affected cases shall be released by the Pension Disbursing Agencies.
6. This circular has been uploaded on this office website www.pcdapension for dissemination across the all concerned. 
(Sushil Kumar Singh)
(Jt. CDA(P)
(Source:  or )

Monday, October 22, 2018

Concordance Tables (Revision of pension/family pension) with effect from 1.1.2016 in respect of Armed Force pensioners

No. 17(1)/2017 (02)/D(Pension/Policy)

Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare,
New Delhi, dated: 17th October, 2018
The Chief of the Army Staff
The Chief of Naval Staff
The Chief of the Air Staff
Sub: Revision of pension of pre-2016 pensioners/ family pensioners in implementation of Government’s decision on the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission Concordance tables- regarding.
The undersigned is directed to convey that instructions were issued for revision of pension/family pension with effect from 1.1.2016 in respect of Armed Force pensioners/ family pensioners who retired/ died prior to 1.1.2016 vide this Ministry’s letter No. 17(01)/2017(02)/ D(Pension/Policy) dated 5.9.2017. As per the same, revision of pension for pre-2016 Armed Force pensioners/ family pensioners under first formulation, was to be done by notionally fixing their pay in the pay matrix recommended by the 7th Central Pay Commission in the level corresponding to the pay in the pay scale/ pay band and grade pay at which they retired/died. The notional pay fixation in 7th CPC pay matrix has to be arrived by fixing pay under each intervening Pay Commission based on the formula for revision of pay. The revised rates of Military Service Pay, Non Practicing Allowance, where applicable, and ‘X’ Group pay & Classification Allowance for JCO/ORs, if applicable, notified in terms of 7th CPC orders, shall also be added to the amount of pay notionally arrived at under the 7th CPC pay matrix and shall be termed as notional reckonable emolument as on 1.1.2016 for determining the revised pension/family pension in terms of para 5 of this Ministry’s letter dated 5.9.2017.
2. Based on past instructions on fixation of pay in various pay commissions, concordance tables for fixation of notional pay for Armed Force personnel who retired/died in various ranks during the 4th, 5th and 6th Pay Commission periods (including 3rd Pay Commission for Sailors only) have been prepared and the same are enclosed herewith. In the case of commissioned officers who retired/ died in harness before 1.1.1986, these concordance tables may be used based on their notional pay as on 1.1.1986, which was fixed in accordance with this Ministry’s letter No 1(3)/98/D(Pen/Policy) dated 27.5.1998. Concordance tables for JCO/ORs who discharged/ died in service prior to 1.1.1986 (prior to 1.1.1973 for Sailors), are under preparation and shall be issued separately.
3. These concordance tables have been prepared to facilitate fixation of notional pay of pre-2016 pensioners/family pensioners by the concerned Record Offices and attached pay account offices in case of JCO/ORs of the three services and PCDA(O) Pune/Naval pay office, mumbai/AFCAO New Delhi in case of commissioned officers of Army/Navy /Air Force respectively. Due care has been taken to prepare these concordance tables based on the fitment tables for fixation of pay from 3rd to 4th (only for sailors), 4th to 5th, 5th to 6th and 6th to 7th pay commission. In case of any inconsistency in the concordance tables vis-a-vis the relevant rules/instructions, the notional pay and pension/family pension of pre-2016 pensioners/ family pensioners may be fixed in accordance with the rules/instructions applicable for fixation of pay in the intervening pay commission periods.
4. The pension/ family pension of pre-2016 Armed Forces pensioners/family may be revised using the appropriate concordance table in accordance with the instructions contained in this Ministry’s above quoted letter dated 5.9.2017.
5. This issues with concurrence of Ministry of Defence (Finance/Pension) vide their UO No.Part.file 1 to 30(01)/2016/Fin/Pen dated 27.09.2018.
6. Hindi version will follow.
Yours faithfully,
(Manoj Sinha)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India

20-10-2018Table 1A New
AC I/X Pay Scales
20-10-2018Table 1b New
AC II/Y Pay Scales
20-10-2018Table 1c New
AC III/Y Pay Scales
20-10-2018Table-1D New
AC IV/Y Pay Scales
20-10-2018Table-1E New
AC IV (Mus)/Z Pay Scales
20-10-2018Table-2 New
LAC-I/X Pay Scales
20-10-2018Table 3 New
LAC-II/Y Pay Scales
20-10-2018Table 4 New
LAC-III/Y Pay Scales
20-10-2018Table 5 New
LAC-IV/Y Pay Scales
20-10-2018Tables 6 New
LAC-IV(Mus)Z Pay Scales
20-10-2018Table 7 New
CPL-I/X Pay Scales
20-10-2018Table 8 New
CPL-II/Y Pay Scales
20-10-2018Table 9 New
CPL-III/Y Pay Scales
20-10-2018Table 10 New
CPL-IV/Y Pay Scales
20-10-2018Table 11 New
CPL-IV(Mus)/Z Pay Scales
20-10-2018Table 12 New
SGT-I/X Pay Scales
20-10-2018Table 13 New
SGT(Dip)/X Pay Scales
20-10-2018Table 14 New
SGT-II/Y Pay Scales
20-10-2018Table 15 New
SGT-III/Y Pay Scales
20-10-2018Table 16 New
SGT-IV/Y Pay Scales

(Source : )

OROP : Corrigendum table dated 17.10.2018 - to the Armed Forces Personnel

No. 12(1)/2014/D(Pen/Policy)/Pt.II

Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare
New Delhi, 17th October, 2018
The Chief of the Army Staff
The Chief of the Naval Staff
The Chief of the Air Staff
Sub: One Rank One Pension to the Defence Force Personnel.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry’s letter No. 12(1)/2014/D(Pen/Policy)-Part-II dated 03.02.2016, appending 101 pension tables indicating rates of pension/family pension under OROP scheme notified vide this Ministry’s letter No. 12(1)/2014/D(Pen/Po1)-Part-II dated 07.11.2015.
2. As per Para-3 of GoI, MoD letter No. 12(1)/2014/D(Pen/Pol)-Part-II dated 11.2015, OROP tables had been prepared on the basis of the average of minimum and maximum pension of personnel retired in 2013 in the same rank and with same length of service. However, in preparing the tables of EC/SSC officer (other than medical officers) data of pension of Cdr, (Lt. Col. in Army) was inadvertently taken as pension of Lt. Cdr. (Major in Army). This has affected tables No. 5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50, 63, 64, 74, 83 and 92. The modified tables are enclosed herewith. Pension of the affected pensioners may be revised according to amended tables. However, if pension revised in these cases according to amended tables w.e.f, 1.7.2014 is less than the pension as on 30.06.2014, the same will not be revised to the disadvantage to the pensioner.
3. Further, in table No. 7, the pension rate of Hony.Nb.Subedar with qualifying service of 13 years has not been protected with reference to the lower rank viz. Havildar of same qualifying service i.e. 13 years. As such following amendment may be carried out in table No. 7 :
Rank                            –           Hony. Nb. Sub.
Group                          –           X
Qualifying Service    –         13 Years
For                               –       8078
Read                            –       8136
4. Any arrears/recovery of overpayment pension would have to be adjusted by the concerned PDAs as per the extant rules/procedure.
5. All the terms and conditions which are not affected by this order shall remain unchanged.
6. This issue with the concurrence of Finance Division of this Ministry vide their ID No. PC.I. to 10(11)/2012/Fin/Pen dated 14.08.2018.
7. Hindi version will follow.
Yours faithfully,
(Manoj Sinha)
Under Secretary to the Government of India

OROP Revised Table No 5
OROP Revised Table No 14
OROP Revised Table No 23
OROP Revised Table No 32
OROP Revised Table No 41
OROP Revised Table No 50
OROP Revised Table No 64
OROP Revised Table No 74
OROP Revised Table No 83
OROP Revised Table No 92
For further details Click Here
(Source :

Monday, October 1, 2018

Draft Concordance tables Y & Z Groups Submariners, Y Group Aviation & Honorary Commission W.E.F.1.1.2016.


Draft Concordance tables Y & Z Groups Submariners, Y Group Aviation & Honorary Commission. These concordance tables are for Y Group (Submariners and Naval Aviation) and Z Group Submariners, W.E.F.1.1.2016.


Draft Concordance Tables Naval Z Group & Hony Commissioned Officers W.E.F.1.1.2018

Dear all,

Draft Concordance Tables Naval Z Group & Hony Commissioned Officers. These concordance tables are for Z Group W.E.F.1.1.2018


Draft Concordance Tables Naval X Group Flt Eng & Honorary Commissioned Officers w.e.f.1.1.2016

Dear all,

Draft Concordance Tables Naval X Group Flt Eng & Honorary Commissioned Officers. These concordance tables are for X Group Flight Engineers, effective from 1.1.2016.



Dear all,

Draft Concordance Tables Navy PBORs Honorary Commissioned officers are published. These concordance tables are for X Group effective from 1.1.2016.


(Source : Aerial view blog)


Dear all,

Draft Concordance Tables Army PBOR, JCOs and Honorary Commission, are published. These concordance tables are for Z Group.effective from 1.1.2016.


(Source : Aerial view blog)