The BJP President might also give give an empty promise, the ESM fear. The ESM staged a massive dharna in the national capital demanding the Govt to fulfil their promise on OROP. Now they are continuing with relay hunger strikes all over the country. They are also thinking to pressurise the Govt by organising big rallies in the election bound state - Bihar. Ironically, with "JAI JAWAN - JAI KISAN" slogan, the way this country unfairly treating the toiling KISANS, who feed the nation, the Political Masters are unwilling to help the Ex-servicemen, who gave their every thing in the service to the nation.
The BJP promise of granting OROP before 2014 elections, raised hopes of ESM. The scheme envisages same pension to same rank holders irrespective of their date of retirement and benefit 22 lakh ESM and scores of Veer Naris, and improve their lives considerably. This injustice, which has been perpetuated for the last 4 decades, can be set right. In 1973, the military pensions were reduced and brought on par with civilians and later on the juniors retiring later started getting more pension than the seniors retired earlier. The difference is less by 80%. These anamolies will be resolved once OROP is implemented.
The BJP has now realised that this is not that easy to implement, as stated by the PM in his last Sunday "Mann Ki Baat" radio programme. Some argue that the Para military Forces will also similarly demand, and the Govt also apprehends. Though unfounded, this demand is unreasonable. There cannot be any comparison to Military vis-a-vis civil services. The jaweans reire at an young age, but the PMF retire at 60 years. The Jawan sent home when disabled, but the PMF continue service despite disability. Not only in War, even in peace times, in border or disturbed areas, there is no guarantee to a jawan's life. We remember them when they render their services to rescue children from borewells, during floods and cyclones, to repatriate our countrymen from foreign soils,
The soldiers do not think twice to save lives by risking their lives, and and after their retirement are considered for security guards posts. The Govt does little to enhance their skills to take up other kinds of jobs. They solely depend on the meagre pension. For this reason, the Honble Supreme Court had decided on OROP in 2009. And again in Feb this year, the SC questioned the Govt as to why its judgement on OROP is not implemented. You promised in election Manifesto and it must be respected, the court advised the Solicitor General of India, The SC also warned, if its judgement is not implemented within 3 months, that would amount to contempt of court. Yet the hopes of the poor ex-servicemen are not yet fulfilled.
The Narendra Modi Govt's favourable posture on OROP is a ray of hope than the earlier Govts stand. The Govt is planning to implement the scheme with a different name (Military Pension) so that there are no legal wranglings and others do not claim it. The ESM may appreciate the long pendency of OROP implementation, the Govt fast paced steps in the direction of OROP issue, they may give some reasonable time to this Govt.
Those in power too are aware that the votebank of ESM is not small. The ESM may roar and declare "CHALO BIHAR" and demand the ruling Govt to implement OROP before Bihar Elections. We would be happy and welcome the OROP implementation in whatever form. We must care for those who sacrifice their everything for the country. It is our bounden duty.
(The above is nearer English version of Telugu article- blog owner)
(The above is nearer English version of Telugu article- blog owner)
Nice article very interesting and informational great work in search of Jai Jawan jai Kisan feeling so good after reading these article.