Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Opinion: No country for old soldiers - Analysis Published on- May 15, 2014

In which Major Navdeep Singh takes India’s higher defense leadership apart for the treatment meted out to veterans by the institutions meant for their welfare 

Art: Shruti Pushkarna

Art: Shruti Pushkarna
Hurtful is the cold reality that while the society at large renders lip service aplenty for our soldiers, the practical ground reality is somewhat removed from this theoretical compliment.
The rights and benefits of our men and women in uniform, especially disabled soldiers, are under siege, and if there is any institution to be thanked for protecting them, it is our Constitutional Courts, more particularly the Delhi and the Punjab & Haryana High Courts, which have time and again raised a protective shield for military personnel, veterans and their families from terror unleashed by that very officialdom which was designed to care for them.
Take for example Naik Suraj Bhan of the Punjab Regiment who suffered psychiatric scars after extensively serving in counter-insurgency and then suffering a fall while on duty. He was medically boarded out without any pension with the system branding his disability “neither attributable to, nor aggravated by military service” thereby denying him disability benefits. After running from pillar to post, he finally got relief from the Punjab & Haryana High Court but the Army appealed to a Division Bench of the High Court and then to the Supreme Court. Thankfully the appeal was thrown out by the Supreme Court, but how many of these poor infirm and disabled soldiers afford assistance in Courts?
Suraj Bhan is today a non-entity, in a dreadful shape, walks around naked, sometimes chained to his bed by insensitive villagers, but who cares? The Government can afford to run riot with an army of lawyers let loose on our disabled soldiers till the Supreme Court, but at what cost? While the political executive opts to look the other way, there are thousands of other disabled soldiers who are receiving notices from the Supreme Court on multiple appeals filed by the Ministry of Defense against disability pension granted to them by our High Courts and Benches of Armed Forces Tribunal. Lower level bureaucrats in the Ministry of Defense and also the Army HQ are deriving sadistic pleasure out of this game with nobody from the upper echelons really ready to tame them. In any case, the top brass is prone to be misled by devious and disingenuous noting sheets initiated from below on which no application of mind is put into motion by the seniors.
The system is inherently unfair to our disabled soldiers. The rules are outdated, the procedure of adjudging disabilities as “attributable to, or aggravated by military service” by medical boards, which is the declaration required for grant of disability benefits, is primitive and medieval and reflects a mathematical and not a medical approach. Illegal instructions are issued by officers sitting in Delhi to medical boards which are in contravention of rules.
For instance, the rules provide that service in peace or field areas shall have no bearing on ‘attributability’ of disabilities, but locally issued letters to medical boards direct them that attributability (and thereby disability pension) should not be granted if diseases are incurred in ‘peace’ areas. So, if a soldier in a particular high-pressure stressful appointment in Delhi who may be on call 24 hours a day, suffers a heart ailment due to stress and strain of service, he shall not be entitled to disability benefits, but another soldier who may be performing simple laid back clerical duties for a few hours a day in an Air Conditioned Office in Jammu would be entitled to the said benefits for the same disability because Jammu is ‘field’ while Delhi is ‘peace’.
Primitive practices are still followed, such as forming opinion on heart problems on the basis of a ‘14 days charter of duties’. The service-connection of complicated heart problems in the Indian military is determined by activities a person had indulged in the last 14 days prior to the onset of the disease. It is common knowledge that heart diseases manifest over a long period of time, isn’t it time to shun these outdated practices and deal with such situations with a more scientific temperament? Hence rather than looking into disabilities on a case to case basis, broad mathematical rules are applied which challenge the very basis of medical science, logic and even common sense.
Rules promulgated by the Government state that if the cause of the disability cannot be identified, then disability pension is to be granted to the individual by taking the disability as attributable to service, but in practice, in such cases disability pension admissibility is rejected by stating that pension cannot be awarded since the ‘cause is unknown’ or that the disease is a ‘constitutional disease’. Psychiatric disabilities, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and even worrying trends of suicides and fratricide are being ignored and mostly being wrongly linked to ‘domestic reasons’ thereby obliterating a connection with military service so as to keep negative propaganda at bay, rather than looking within. But this approach is not only a disservice to our soldiers but also cowardly whereby eyes are closed to an issue which should engage us and which has a direct link with military life.
A soldier spends most of his service life in his unit and away from his family, blaming such occurrences on ‘domestic reasons’ may be the easy way out to escape responsibility but hardly moral, ethical or legal. And then there are certain provisions that our commanders, doctors and even those deciding entitlements sitting in tall towers in Delhi are unaware of. A succinct example would be, that as per rules, even suicides are to be declared as ‘attributable to military service’ if the occurrence is in a high altitude or isolated area, and this has been the rule position since 1937 when the British codified this aspect. But why would anybody want to go deep and study such issues, scratching the surface is much easier, even if it leads to deleterious consequences to the entitlements of our soldiers and their widows.
To deny benefits, at times it is remarked that such disabilities may also have arisen had the particular person not been in the Army. Very well. Here is a person who is 24 hours and 365 days on call under a stern disciplinary code, mostly away from family, in a strictly regimented routine, retires in his 30s, and can he be simplistically compared with say a civilian employee who goes to office at 9 in the morning to return at 5, five days a week, lives with his family in his hometown, enjoys holidays, retires at 60?. It shouldn’t take an expert to reply in the negative.
While a solider is away on military duty, wouldn’t common ailments such as hypertension or heart diseases or seizures or psychiatric disabilities or psychosomatic disorders get aggravated by even seemingly insignificant incidents at the home-front like admissions or non-performance of children in educational institutions, minor property disputes, lack of care of aged parents and family back home, insensitivity of civil administration and the like?
While the public at large feels that military personnel, due to a seemingly ‘stress-free’ life and the emphasis on physical exercise, enjoy a better health profile than civilians, this actually is merely an urban legend. Studies during the 5th Central Pay Commission came to a conclusion that while the average life expectancy of civilian employees was 77.5 years, it was shockingly only 60-64 years for our jawans. Of course no official attempt was made to go deeper into the statistics. To call such a life ‘stress-free’ where in daily routine permission is meant to be sought even to go to the toilet or visit a marketplace- innocuous things which other citizens take as granted, would be faulty to say the least.
The icing on this ruinous cake is that the provisions of Section 47 of ‘Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995’ are not applicable to the armed forces– meaning that if a civilian employee gets disabled whether on duty or off duty, whether due to service or otherwise, whether due to own negligence or not, in whichever circumstance, his or her service is protected under the ibid Act and if the said employee is not able to work, still he or she is to be paid all pay and allowances till the age of 60 and full pension thereafter.
While on the other hand, if similarly placed service-members get disabled, then what to talk of full pay and allowances or even pension, they can be discharged even without a disability pension.
Surprising it is not that most democracies, irrespective of the kind of disability, offer some pension or monthly assistance to disabled soldiers. The United States treats all disabilities sustained on duty or on authorised leave as having incurred in the ‘line of duty’ as per Section 105 of United States Code 38. Even Bhutan, under its Armed Forces Pension & Provident Fund Scheme, 2002, caters for monthly payment to such disabled soldiers, even if the disability has no link with the course of employment, till the age of superannuation and then proper pension thereafter. India stands out like a sole sore thumb.
Just proper adherence and broad interpretation of rules would bring succour to disabled soldiers, but that is not how it is. Rules are interpreted literally through a tint and not liberally as they are meant to be. When the judiciary comes to their rescue, multiple layers of appeals ensue, with the Ministry of Defense blaming the Army HQ and the Army HQ blaming the Ministry, while the disabled bear the brunt of this ridiculous insensitivity. The majority of petitions and appeals filed by the Ministry of Defense and pending in the Supreme Court are appeals against our own disabled soldiers.
It is not that the issue has not been raised at the highest level. In August, 2013, MPs cutting across party lines, led by Ms Smriti Irani, had brought this morbidity to light in the Parliament wherein she came down heavily upon the tendency of the Government to deal with and interpret entitlements of disabled personnel restrictively and hyper-technically rather than liberally as provided by rules, she also decried the Government’s tendency of filing appeals till the Supreme Court against disabled soldiers forcing them to litigate till they were either dead or broke. But of course, as expected, not a tear was shed by the Ministry of Defense.
The Supreme Court in 2010 remarked that the Government was treating disabled soldiers like beggars. On the persistent requests of a battery of lawyers, the remarks were toned down and it was observed that the Government was treating soldiers in a ‘shabby manner’ which was ‘extremely unfortunate’. The High Courts have recorded many such remarks with the Delhi High Court stating that the circumstances under which our soldiers operate are ‘unimaginable to those not acquainted with such situations’, even reminding the world at large of the adage “When you go home Tell them, for their Today, we gave our Tomorrow”. These are words which should have resonated within the precincts of the officialdom, but these did not, and even after much hammering, no change is seen on the horizon. They say change comes from within, but from a hollow national core, what can be expected? Zilch?
Which brings us back to where I started. There is much more to patriotism than chest-thumping or war-mongering. The inner demons, these insidious issues need to be addressed first. These may not be glamorous enough but are much more vital than the pomp and show of the parades that you see on TV, clapping your hands, swelling your chest. Such pride is worthless when the nation does not stand steadfastly behind the rights of the men and women in uniform who give the prime of their youth for all of us, for you, for me, for an ungrateful officialdom, for an ungrateful nation.


Major Navdeep Singh
Major Navdeep Singh is a practicing Advocate in the Punjab & Haryana High Court and the Armed Forces Tribunal. He was also the founding President of the Armed Forces Tribunal Bar Association. He is a Member of the International Society for Military Law and the Law of War at Brussels. He writes extensively at www.IndianMilitary.info and tweets under the handle @SinghNavdeep.

Not only is it not a country for old soldiers, it is not one for soldiers altogether - old or young. The society simply refuses to give the soldier his due. Their retort is 'Don't you get paid?' My experience has been (now I have 14 years post retirement life) that there is really no retort either - Indians simply don't care. I have yet to come across a parent of a martyr who says unhesitatingly- 'I am glad the way the country has acknowledged my son's martyrdom.' Not one. All of them have some complaint or the other. 
We can't, and shouldn't, blame the government for it. The government will do what their voters force them to. Recently, US president took the unhappy decision of releasing 5 hardcore, high profile Taliban fighters just to secure release on one American Sgt, PW in Afghanistan. This was the result of the pressure of people. Indians are simply incapable of exerting such a pressure. In short, they don't care.
So why should you? Why die for the ungrateful and the undeserving. 
Those who still decide to die should have no reason to crib. 
Your call.
Col Alok Asthana (retired)

Maj Navdeep Singh deserves a round of applause for highlighting the plight of disabled soldiers. It is a crying shame that the nation can spend hundreds of crores on celebrating Republic Day and Independence Day every year, but cannot ensure a dignified life for the guardians of the republic.
Gratitude is not the best of virtues Indians are known for. This is a nation that sheds no tears for its soldiers. It is a nation that assumes that soldiers are meant to die for them and Police force are all corrupt and criminals in uniform. If they are killed –no big deal ! Prehaps the following lines were meant particularly for Indian context.
God and the soldier all men adore, In time of danger and not before;When the danger is passed and all things rightedGodisforgottenandthesoldier isslighted
-Francis Quarles’
Govt has cheated the armed forces time and again whether it is one rank one pension orpay fixation by pay commission or the seniority protocol. There has been a deliberate attempt by bureaucrat-politician nexus to ignore the services.
Think of the Med treatment facilities for ex-servicemen. When I joined army in 1972, free medical treatment for self and dependents was one of the benefits admissible after retirement. When I retired, the rules had changed. We were asked to pay a lump sum amount as contribution for ECHS. Now even this ECHS facility is not available at many places. Often the private hospitals empanelled with ECHS refuse to accept ECHS patients because of delayed payments. Compare this with other services. Railways and Air India provide not only med care but also travel facilities, life long.
It is ironical that bureaucrats & their families can go for treatment to America or Europe at public expense and spend millions but a disabled soldier cannot be given a meagre disability pension of a couple of thousand to live a life of dignity.
It is not only the bureaucrats, our service officers are also to be blamed. Often the problems come updue to their ignorance or indifference. While in service, they are bothered so much about their own perks, privileges and promotions that they have hardly any time or concern for those retired. They forget that they too would retire one day and join the same crowd.
The context reminds me of a story told by late Shri Harish Sarin, Indian Ambassador to Nepal in 1983.The occasion was a dinner in his honour during his visit to Pokhara where I was posted at that time. Somehow the topic of field / operational area allowance for armed forces came up and we officersvoiced our concern that Rs 150/month was a rather bad joke. To that Ambassador Sarin said ,”But surely you can’t blame the government for that. If at all somebody is to be blamed, it is your army top brass.” Seeing us puzzled he explained smilingly. He was the defence secretary when the issue of operational area allowance was being considered. He said, “We in the ministry were thinking that army would ask for something like Rs. 1500-1800/ month. We would offer them Rs. 700-800/month and by bargaining we would be able to settle it at Rs 1000-1200/month. He said “We were shocked when they asked for a paltry Rs. 150/month. We gladly accepted that.”
I am convinced that those who take risks for India, make a serious mistake. More than merely ungrateful, we are totally apathetic to the needs of those we set up to take the ultimate risks on our behalf. We pay our taxes, so some men could be hired to die on our behalf. Why die for such businessmen? No wonder, anybody and everybody who eyed India, succeeded. Who is having the last laugh?
@rwac48 very good article sir. reminded the story of Paan Singh Tomar-made into movie. Thought the situation was better now, but seems not.
@India_NaMo_2014 Not much change.I had met Paan Singh a No of times in early 60s.
@Individualist_ @sunpandey And u do not preach to us either.When u were not even born I was doing duty for the nation in 71!
@rwac48 Sir with huge respect,always irrespective, AAP is not a good company. @Individualist_
@SinghNavdeep Good job:I'm curious-how has AFT made thing easier? When MoD is invariably the respondent, shouldn't AFT be under the Law Min?
.@shivkunalverma The HC had directed placing AFT under law ministry on a PIL filed by me. The MoD has challenged the decision in the SC.
@SinghNavdeep I see. At present it almost seems like an additional obstacle put in place to delay and harass anyone seeking justice. Crazy!
@ikaveri @SinghNavdeep Unfortunately same ill treatment will continue under@narendramodi govt also... No change due to strong IAS


  1. Dear Major Navdeep Singh,

    May God bestow you long life to fight for the
    good cause of Soldiers welfare Sir.

    I am frightened to know that MOD even appeals till Hon'ble Supreme Court on issues like Disability remuneration for soldiers. Horrible and shocking.
    Major P J Rao ( Retd.)

  2. My dear ,
    major sahib, you have been given plenty of legal knowledge and english knowledge to protect the poor ex servicemen with infirmity and counter insurgency related handicap, you can spell out their problem in lucid manner through logic way of legal provisions, god may protect you to serve the poor ex servicemen

    I AM A FOOT SOLDIER not having much english knowledge


  3. Its really very nice post.Thanks for sharing..
    School Uniforms Online

  4. Sir , I am a JCO of great Indian Army and am proud of being so. I have great respect from the core of my heart for officers like Maj Navdeep Singh.My question to Maj Navdeep Sahab :- Sir , How can you blame Govt, Politicians and bureaucrats for the pangs and plights of any soldier in general but like Suraj Bhan in particular? His immediate officer was not a pol nor any bureaucrat but officer like you. If he would have taken pain to process his case properly then no court or Govt would have to intervene for any reason. His CO should be blamed and if such cases come in favour of the victim , His CO should be suspended and jailed for his inefficiency and inc ompetency.

  5. Are we in dream world or fiction of one man army ??
    If those millions of soldiers ,in service and retired ,cannot or do not protect or derive their Rights ; how would one person say ...NS or GOD ????

  6. Dear All Veterans

    Defense Minister had already commented for the reducing of Appeal by our veterans 'Who are pending in Legal court near by 4000 cases. In such types cases Bureaucrats could not filled the appeal without direction of FM. I want request to Mr FM should send to all senior official babu/ bureaucrat' on LOC' in front of militant'. Who are not guiding possetivaly to you in such types case' who are related to heart of soldiers' and secrefies life in favor of Nation. Hon able F/M sir i not understand' Bureaucrat are commanding to you Or' You are commanding/directing' to Bureaucrats. In my view and opinion' no body have good command and controlled on those subordinate. Who are not capable/ kn-lodge and experience of that field due this negativeness ' Bureaucrats would be governed to FM. Hon able please forget this types filled of appeal against poor veterans' If order have issued by Legally Horn able HC /AFT in favor of our Soldiers.- Regard G.S UPADHYAY JHUSHI ALLAHABAD. 9670210000

  7. Sir, on 27 Oct, there was an article in Govtempdairy, regarding payment of arrears for pre 2006 retired pensioners vide letter dated 15/10/2015, letter reference no is Cpao/it & tech /revision pre - 2006/ 2015-16/1660. The letter says arrears are to be paid within a week for all central govt employees, why this disparity, why not to the defence people also, every time it happens first comes civil then later defence, why so? That too see the timing after the festivals, why couldn't that be before th