Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Grant of Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) to the Armed Forces Pensioners/Family Pensioners in such cases where date of retirement is prior to 1.4.2003 and who had opted not to avail facilities at OPD of Armed Forces Hospitals/MI Rooms and are not member of ECHS

Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Department of Ex-servicemen Welfare
New Delhi-110011
Dated: 29th August 2017
The Chief of the Army Staff
The Chief of the Naval Staff
The Chief of the Air Staff
The undersigned is directed to refer to the Govt. of India, Ministry of Defence letter No.1(1)/98/D(Pen/Sers) dated 15th June 1998 and letter No. 1(10)/09-D(Pen/Policy) dated 12th January 2011 & No. 1(10)/2009-D(Pen/Policy) dated 5th May 2015 regarding grant of Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) of Rs.500/- pm. with effect from 19.11.2014 to Armed Forces Pensioners/Family’ Pensioners for meeting expenditure on day to day medical expenses that do not require hospitalization unless the individual had opted for OPD treatment in Armed Forces Hospitals/ M.I. Rooms and convey the sanction of the President for enhancement of the amount of FMA from Rs. 500/- to Rs. 1000/-per month. The other conditions for grant of FMA shall continue to be in force.
2. Ex-Servicemen who retired on or after 01 Apr 2003 have to-become member of ECHS Compulsorily and are not eligible to draw Fixed Medical Allowance. These orders applicable only in such cases, where the date of retirement is prior to 1.4.2003 and who had opted not to avail medical facilities at OPD of Armed Forces Hospitals/ MI rooms and are not members of ECHS.
3. These orders will take effect from 01.07.2017.
4. All other conditions as laid down in Government of India letter No.1(1)/98-D(Pen/Sers) dated 15th June 1998 will continue to apply.
5. This issue with the concurrence of Ministry of Defence(Finance/Pension) vide their ID No. 32(9)/2010/Fin/Pen dated 16 August 2017.
6. Hindi version will follow.
Yours faithfully
(Manoi Sinha)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Click Here To View The Order

War Casulty - Hapless Sep Chittar Singh fought long battle to get War Disability : MoD neglecting even after Court orders.


1 It is reported by Sub DS Yadav (Mob: 09936938829) of Farukhabad (UP) (our sister NGO), that Ex-Servicemen (ESM) deserve justice faster from Ministry of Defence (MOD). Thousands of such Court cases, decided by the Armed Forces Tribunal (AFTs), are awaiting clearance from MOD. 

     One such case is of Sep Chittar Singh (No 2961136), who is fully handicapped blind & bed ridden, of VPO MAUDA in Farukhabad, is awaiting justice since a long. Maudha is a Sainik village, having about 500 Defence personnel & a memorial, with lot of Martyrs from the brave Rajput Regt.    

2. Sep Chittar Singh (Mob: 09935781207, of Bahu), while on duty in 1968 on Sikkim border Post, was blown up with a mine blast and lost his both legs, both eyes & one arm (see photo att). Inline image 1

He was boarded out of service by the Army with 100% Normal Disability + attendant but not the War Disability, being the Border casualty. He had joined the Army (19 Rajput) on 22/9/1965, was married, had a son and living bed ridden routine village life.

3. Sub DS Yadav, on a routine visit to Mauda village, noticed that Sep Chittar Singh was living a poorman’s life and not getting his full due War Disability Pension. He took up his case with Armed Forces Tribunal (AFT) Lucknow in 2013. During proceedings it came to the light that there was no provision for War Disability in such cases before 1/2/72 and Sep Chittar Singh was suffering due to official neglect. AFT decided the case on 1/2/17 in favour of Sep Chittar Singh for the War Disability+ attendant as per the latest full pay scales (copy att).
Inline image 2
 Inline image 3
4. But Ministry of Defence (MOD) is taking too long in Implementation of AFT decision

       After this, the Pension of Sep Chittar Singh will increase from Rs 11500/- to about Rs 30,000/- pm, so that this ESM can be better looked after by the family. 

         It is very surprising that, MOD has been holding on to thousands of cases for implementation, since many years and not giving due justice to ESM even after winning the Court cases. 

       Like me, many other NGOs have approached MOD but bureaucracy has its own way of working and discouraging Justice to the ESM community. 

     Out of 9 AFTs, 6 AFTs are without even a judge & more or less, non functional. 

      We are feeling helpless & neglected by the Govt apathy, even after regular appeals.

With Regards.      

Yours Sincerely,
(Lt Col SS Sohi, Retd). Mob: 9815107744.                                        
Ex-Servicemen Grievances Cell (Regd).
#.1121 Sector 71 Mohali-160071 (Pb).
OMG !!

We must be the ONLY country in the world, so insensitive to the needs of our soldiers, our elderly and our disabled. 

Where otherwise, is the need for this case to arise? The Establishment should have been bending backwards to DO SOMETHING for him, WITHOUT HIM having to EVEN ASK !!! 

Is this a civilizational flaw with us? Are we rotting? Have we already? 

With Warm Regards,

Col RP Chaturvedi,

(Via Gp e-mail from Col SS Sohi (Retd)

Synergy Conference on Defence Pension held on 28.08.2017 at CENTRAD Brar Square Delhi Cantt. Organized by CGDA.

Please find an attachment of Presentation (presented during the above conference) of Agenda items received from various Defence Pensioners Associations and comments of this CGDA Office, for your kind information.
With Regards
Pension Wing, CGDA, Delhi Cantt.
Agenda received from
·        Air Force Association.
·        Disabled War Veterans.
·        Indian Ex-Servicemen Movement.
·        Tri Services Ex-Servicemen Welfare Association.
·        Voice of Ex-Servicemen Society.
·        Veteran Paras Chaurasia.

Agenda items - Issues (56) have been categorized as follows-
·         Procedural matters         – 14 issues
·         Issuance of e-PPOs         –   3 issues
·         7th CPC orders                –  2 issue
·         Pension calculator          –  2 issues
·         Policy matters                 –   6 issues
·         Individual cases              –   3 issues
·         One Rank One Pension – 5 issues
·         Disbursement issues        – 21 issues
Procedural Issues
·         Process of issue of circulars by PCDA(P) need not take two months.
·         Prompt issuance of instructions are being ensured.
·         Important Cir 555, 568, 570 etc, issued by next day itself.  
·         Point noted for compliance in all cases.

·         Cases of handicapped child not included in PPOs.
·         As per latest orders, names are being captured in original or corr PPO, as the case may be.
·         Benefit of LFP not given suo moto pre-1972 widows even when order cover for conflicts of 1947 onwards.
·         Widows of post-1947 conflicts are being covered by PCDA(P) in terms of MoD letter dated 24.2.1972.
·         Case, if any, could be brought to notice for consideration.

·         FMA be allowed to ESM as being paid to Central Govt pensioners if not residing  in ECHS covered areas.
·         CG pensioners have option to draw FMA if not residing in CGHS area.
·         FMA is not payable to ESM retired after 1.1.2003.
·         Release family pension to widow within 30 days from demise of personnel/ESM.
·         For death in harness – Instructions to notify pension within 10 days in BC and 30 days in PC cases in place.
·         Delay caused due to incomplete submission of claims.
·         However, PEA on monthly basis is paid to family pensioner in case notification is delayed.
·         For ESM – PDAs have to immediately start fam pen on receipt of death certificate.

·         ZSBs should be made proactive for ESM in their areas.
·         Matter to be referred to DESW/DGR for consideration
·         Order for grant of family pension till 67 yrs of age, is not being implemented correctly.
·         MoD order dated 18.3.1999 allows enhanced rate of OFP for 7 yrs or till 67 yrs of age only where the Armed Forces personnel retire with extended period of engagement applicable from 31.5.1998.

·         Banks are asking Aadhaar number from NRI pensioners.
·         Matter shall be taken up with Deptt of Financial Services through DESW for issue of instructions.
·         Problem being faced by PDAs for rank equivalence especially for Navy & Air Force pensioners.
·         Tables for rank equivalance incorporated in PCDA(P) Cir 501 & 555.
·         Issue have been noted to place separate instructions on website of PCDA(P).

·         Akin to banks, DPDOs are not paying interest on delayed payment of arrears.
·         RBI instructions for payment of penal interest is not applicable for other PDAs.
·         Circulars of PCDA(P) are confusing and difficult to understand with many reference to old circulars.  Action by pensioners/PDAs could clearly be indicated.
·         Defence pension complex and specialized subject.
·         Suggestion noted for future.

·         Keeping in view large numbers of orders/circulars, hand book incorporating all such letters & circulars be put on net for interested pensioners.
·         Issue has been noted for consideration.
·         PCDA must have quarterly meeting with representatives of ESM Associations to understand their grievances and problem being faced by pensioners.
·         To ensure periodic meetings with Pensioners’ Associations, PCDA(P) shall be requested to operationalize the system.

·         Transit delay/loss of revised LPC between PCDA(O) & PCDA(P) causes delay in issue of revised entitlements.
·         To process LPC online, new system SUVINYA has been developed.
·         Pilot run going on – once implemented problem will be addressed completely.
·         Issue of e-PPO
·         All PPOs should be dispatched to veteran digitally or through speed post.
·         Consider issue of e-PPO under 7thCPC revision.
·         Mobile no, postal address and email IDs of veterans shall be updated to cut down postage and avoid abnormal delay in getting corr PPO.
·         PSAs are ready to send e-PPO for 7thCPC revision.
·         PCDA(P) has already started for Civilian pensioners.
·         Associations are requested to make their pensioners aware to update their information with respective HOOs/Record Offices.
·         RO/HOO shall incorporate information in LPC to ensure issuance of e-PPOs.
·         Seventh CPC orders
·         Almost all orders, circulars for ESM are delayed in comparison with Civilians.
·         Orders for disability, tables for notional pay fixation are pending.
·         CGDA instructions for revision of pre-2016 pensioners by notional fixation of pay is also awaited.
·         OROP pension shall be taken for notional fixation of pay.
·         Orders are under consideration with DESW – likely to be issued shortly.
·         Suggestion for notional pay fixation is not as per decision of the Government.
·         Pension Calculator
·         Authentic calculator for pension and arrears shall be provided.
·         Software shall be made to provide details of pension by giving certain inputs.  Update CGDA portal regularly with all banks.
·         Suvigya displays result with disclaimer.
·         Suvigya software display correct result if parameters are entered correctly.
·         Disclaimer is placed to avoid legal complications.
·         Software output could not replace the Corr PPO.
·         Arrears not displayed as drawn amount not available with PCDA(P) for desired period.
·         Action to strengthen CGDA portal in hand
·         Policy Issues
 ·         Counting of broken period of service (less than a year) for pension.
·         Pension of Hony Lt./Capt. retired between 1.1.2006 to 24.9.2012 drawing less pension than pre-2006 retirees for this period.
·         Maximum terms of engagement for HFO is fixed as 32 years which is 33 yrs for WO/MWO in OROP circular.
·         Matter shall be referred to DESW as these required policy decision of the Government.
·         Direct Entry Pay & Classification Pay not counted for pension under Cir 568.
·         Orders on delinking of pension was issued to modify earlier provisions of min guaranteed pen of 6th CPC.  
·         These elements were not recommended as part of reckonable emoluments for min guaranteed pen.

·         Judicial pronouncement on pension matters shall be implemented to similarly placed pensioners.
·         Implementation of any judgement to similarly placed pensioners needs policy decision of Government in consultation with DoP&PW and MoL&J.
·         Condition that widow / divorced daughter must be dependent on their parents during their life time is unfair and shall be withdrawn.
·         Such restrictions causes financial distress to widow/ divorced daughters.
· Said provisions have been issued by DoP&PW vide their OM dated 11.9.2013 and MoD ID dated 16.9.2015.
·         Individual Issues ·         (From Lt. Col. J. P. Narain of IESM)
·         Formula used for fresh calculation of basic pay after rank pay merger for 4 & 5  CPC, looks different for many individuals.
·         The bunching increment and next increment is also withdrawn. As per SC order not to change AI/orders of 4 & 5 CPC.
·         Details of the cases could be provided to examine the issue.
·         Broad banding of the disability pension is not given even after decision of the HC in a particular case of a relative, even after certain orders from the MoD.
·         DESW order dated 18.4.2016 allows broad banding of DE to a discharged personnel the Court has pronounced Judgment in individual cases.
·         Details of the cases could be provided to examine the issue.
·         One Rank One Pension
·         OROP shall be allowed based on last reckonable emoluments instead of actual service rendered.
·         Present formulation give rise to anomalies –
·         Officers with same length of QS gets equal pension irrespective of length of service in rank.
·         Junior officers drawing more pension than seniors in same rank.
·         Pension of pre-2016 retirees SL officers drawing more pension than post-2016 SL officers
·         OROP tables made incorrectly as accepted by PCDA(P).
·         The anomalies of OROP examined by One Man Judicial Committee appointed by the Government
·         Report have been submitted to Government and presently is under examination in MoD DESW.
·         Regarding incorrect tables, PCDA(P) reply have been misquoted.
·         Disbursement Issues
·         Allow Post Offices as disbursing agencies in remote areas.
·         Shifting of records of Pre-1985 Navy & Air Force from PCDA(P) to respective Controllers may be done.
·         Ensure standard PPO format across three Services.
·         Multiple circulars causes confusion to PDAs
·         Simplify & streamline administrative rules and procedures to make them veteran friendly.
  • Issue of Corrigendum PPOs shall be done as matter of routine for every revision.
  • Function of PDAs shall not be taken over by PCDA.
  • PCDA(P) shall commence direct credit utilizing digital technology available.
  • Delay in responses by PCsDA to the queries of veteran.
  • Old PPOs don’t have details of family pension.
  • Audit of Pension – to detect under payments.
·         Mechanism to track payment for every revision.
·         Responses on grievances are unsatisfactory and needs to be addressed.
·         Calculation sheet of arrears paid not provided by PDAs.
·         Responses of DPDOs not good – lack of infrastrucutre.
·         CGDA Pension Portal not working properly.
·         Customer Care Cell should be placed in DPDOs.
·         Other than SBI, no banks provide pension slips to pensioners.
·         Cumbersome procedure to obtain duplicate copy of PPO by pensioners.
·         Banks like BoI & CBI do not attend grievances of pensioners.
(Source- Via Gp e-mail from Kesavan Nar Sree Kumar)