Dear Mr.Prime Minister,
For Your Information Sir.
A war widow at the age of 78 has to walk 18 km every month to collect her martyr husband’s pension of Rs .13/- (Rupees Thirteen only). The Freedom Fighters of Colonial India and their widows get a better pension than what is given to the Retired Military population. Even the laborers could get their daily wages hiked with time but the war widow stands where her husband left her. Have we lost all dignity, sense of respect and basic common sense for humanity? Where are we? Rs 13/- as monthly pension and a Kg of onion, Rs 50/-. For God’s sake……. Do we still need to talk ?
Our Flag does not hover because the wind moves it, it flutters with the last breath of each soldier who died and with each breath of the soldier who lives protecting it. You don’t get to deliver a speech on the Independence Day just because you are the PM, it is because of the human shield that sweats and freezes throughout the prime of their lives.
One speech you made to the tens of thousands Ex-Servicemen at Hissar, where you committed to implement One Rank One Pension (OROP), if elected, allowing you to tap into the vote bank of the services - retired, in-service, war widows and of course their families. You should dedicate your present electoral victory to the Services. Was it just voting bank politics, Sir? Gen VK Singh (Retd) stood testimony to your promise and more than you the personnel’s believed their Gen who is now a part of your Govt. Let the men not lose faith on their roaring Gen and let your politics not make him a scapegoat please.
Mr. Pradhan Sevak of the country. as you proclaim yourself to be, kindly refrain from politicizing the Services, the only Deptt committed to the country and its people. High time you and your team including your squad of so called highly efficient bureaucrats save yourself from the mockery you have brought on your kindselves.
Let's try solving the issues.
- If budget is an issue, reduce some of the frills that the politicians and the bureaucrats enjoy sitting in air conditioned offices with all the luxury possibly available.
- If you are afraid that other retired from Govt services will claim for the same then let them commit one child per family to the Indian Military. A great way to make up for the shortage of Defense personnel. Let us make national service a must in the country. A stronger Military with more head counts is never bad.
- If that is still difficult, please esteemed politicians and bureaucrats get yourself back packed and perched in Kargil, Jaisalmer, Cherrapunji, Tawang, Siachin or in the Arabian Sea for a month each with the men, like the men and then let’s do some talking.
Let there be some humility and respect by the Govt and the Police force while managing our Military veterans at peaceful protest with utmost dignity. When you fail to discharge your duties efficiently, that has often happened, be it a natural disaster or an internal security issue; the only alternate available is the forces for help. They did and have come to your rescue without fail. Our neighbours have a very drastic history of Military Coups since 1958 & have been successful thrice in doing so. Let’s not forget we have an active force of 1325000 personnel, with approximately 60K retiring each year. Let’s us not create conducive environment for more trouble within the country.
The Military of the country cannot be taken on a ride for votes and then just left. High time seriousness be taken on the mature and highly sensitive protest that is going on at the Jantar Mantar and India Gate for two months now. The men there have served selflessly be it insurgency, internal security issues, disaster mitigation without any reservations. They have been decorated for their gallant and then just forgotten …not acceptable.
Mr. PM, please shun talks - time to act and show and prove that what the Congress failed and kept washing their hands off has finally been given life by you.
Let the slogan ‘Jai Jawan Jai Kisan’ echo till eternity and your name be added to it. Let the soldiers remain to be our pride.
Jai Hind. Jai Jawan.
Shalini. A citizen of the country.
A proud daughter of a proud Artillery Veteran
The concept – One Rank One Pension (OROP)
"bridging the gap between the rate of pension of the current pensioners and the past pensioners, and also future enhancements in the rate of pension to be automatically passed on to the past pensioners. In armed forces, equality in service has two components, namely, rank and length of service. The importance of rank is inherent in armed forces as it has been granted by the President of India and signifies command, control and responsibility in consonance with ethos of service. These ranks are even allowed to be retained by the individual concerned after his/her retirement. Hence, two armed personnel in the same rank and equal length of service should get same pension irrespective of date of retirement and any future enhancement in rates of pension be automatically passed on to the past pensioners."
Please do not invite political.. & beaur.... For any function in the units, messed, social get togther. All of us do our little bit in any way do that we are respected in all respects.
And why is every Bureaucrat getting indirect OROP and highest grade pay through NFU ( non functional upgradation ) when only . 0.7 of the military gets it?
How do you justify so much of degradation of the military over the years?
Who is stopping the PM to implement OROP as per the definition accepted by two parliaments?
खून से लथपथ भीगा बदन जब, तिरंगा ओढ़ के आता है द्धार ,
तब लफ़्ज़ों की बौछारें , तमगों की बिसातें, अखबार की सुर्ख़ियों में, गली गली
नुक्कड़ चाय से लेकर सितारों तक तेरी ही गुफ्तगू
स्कूल से लेकर हमारी सोच की हदों तक, भाव भीनी श्रद्धांजलि …… .
क्या है ये सब ? दिखावा ? ढकोसला ? उस बूढी माँ की कोख को तिलांजलि !
या उस बेवा की बेरंग जिंदगी को झूठी तसल्ली !
भोली मासूम आँखों वाले बच्चे के सामने इक झूठी मिसाल ?
क्या माँगा है इन वृद्ध अवकाशप्राप्त योद्धाओं ने ? एक रैंक एक पेंशन …
क्या हैं हम ? क्यों हैं हम ? कैसे चैन से सांसें चल रही हैं हमारी
कौन है वो जो रातों की नींद गंवाकर ,बियावान सन्नाटे को चीरकर ,
हमें सुकून की जिंदगी दे रहा है ,जब वक़्त है उसके भी जीने का,
अपने सपने पूरे करने का, अठरह बरस की कच्ची उम्र में हमारा प्रहरी बन बैठा है
हमारे लिए जब वो रक्त से अभिभूत है उन रातों का, उन अधूरे सपनों का ,
क्या हम कोई मोल लगा सकते हैं ? नहीं। ....
हफ्ते की थकान पर वीकेंड मनाते हम, और वो अनवरत अपनी ड्यूटी पर....
हमें खुला आसमां देने के वास्ते। अपने सुनहले जज़्बातों को कड़ी रंजिशों में जलाने के बाद,
जब वो घर लौटे तो हाथ में तसल्ली के भरोसे तो, नैया पार नहीं लगती।
उसका कतरा कतरा वसूल जाने पर भी संतोष और सुकून नहीं ,
सिर्फ २६ जनवरी और १५ अगस्त ही क्योँ, सिर्फ बाढ़ और हाईजैक ही क्यों ,
आतंक का एक कहर बरपा नहीं कि सेना, दंगे-फसाद हुए नहीं कि सेना,
बच्चा बोरवेल में गिरा नहीं कि सेना, बूम की एक आवाज़ चहारदीवारी में सिमटा देती है हमें
और वो हर रोज़ मौत का कफ़न बाँध घूम रहा है, कहीं सीमा पर
कहीं अपने लड़ाकू विमान पर कहीं युद्धपोत पर ,
वो लालची क्यों और कैसे ?
प्रश्न है आपसे हमसे ? एक क्षण उनकी जिंदगी को आसबाब करके देखो,
उन दिनों और उन लम्हों का एक जर्रा भी लौटा सकते हो क्या ? उस बेवा का सुहाग लौटा सकते हो क्या ?
उस बच्चे का आदर्श लौटा सकते हो क्या ?उस वृद्ध योद्धा का यौवन लौटा सकते हो क्या ?
मेरे शब्दों और पन्नों की बिसात नहीं कि उस चुभन और दर्द को उकेर सकूँ।
बस राख ही जानता है जलने का दर्द तीलियाँ ही जानतीं हैं सुलगने की सज़ा।
१९४७ से आजतक पतन और हनन होता रहा सेना के मान का , सम्मान का ,
सरकार और लाल-फीताशाही में उलझ चुकी है देशभक्ति। भारत वर्ष में कभी राजा सेना का नेतृत्व करता था
राजा खुद एक योद्धा था अब न तो राजा योद्धा है और न ही योद्धा का सम्मान है।
कैसी सियासत , कैसी कौम जो देश के जवानों पर उनकी जिंदगियों और सपनों की कीमत पर भी
सवाल और पैबंद लगा रही है हज़ारों करोड़ की संपत्ति गुजरात में सुलग गयी
कोई प्रश्न नहीं , पर जहाँ सामर्थ्यवान होकर भी अनुशासन, सत्ता का मान रखते हुए
उपवास रखकर अपनी बात कही जा रही है तो सरोकार ही नहीं।
और ये मुल्क , जो हर बात पे और मुल्कों की बातें किया करता है ,उदारहण लिया करता है ,
जब बात आई वेटरन्स की वो खामोश है हर तरफ सन्नाटा है
अरे यहाँ भी दुसरे मुल्कों से ही सीख लें हम कि वेटरन्स का सम्मान कैसे होता है।
अरे हमवतन साथियों
साथ दो उन वेटरन्स का उन महा योद्धाओं का रामायण महाभारत तो बस कहानियां हैं
राम अर्जुन तो बस कल्पित पात्र हैं, ये तो हमारी हकीकत हैं , हमारा यथार्थ हैं।
उनका गुजरे कल ने हमें ये आज दिया है जिंदगी में हमारे ये साज़ो साज़ दिया है
अब वक़्त है कि कुछ हम करें उनके लिए कि उनकी आँखों में जल पड़ें उम्मीद के दीये
कि जिनकी सुरक्षा में उन्होनें किया जीवन अर्पण कम से कम उन्होंने तो समझ उनका दर्द।
One can not have 20, 000, take the country for a ride.( IAS, IPS, IFS,All MPs,and MLAs combined do not make ,20,000.-- mind you not all 20,000,are tainted, but the honest among them should stand up to be counted)
But in these days of SELF SERVING Politicians and Bureaucracy all these write ups and noises of SILENT protests seemingly fall only on blind and deaf mandarins.
My support coninues.......
Let us fight with our strength, not with
other's weakness ,as true success lies in our efforts not in other's defeat.We will get what we want.
Jai Hind....Jia Jawan
What are we going to do about it? Complain, as we are doing? Or take your well worn boot (with the 'naal keel') and make a permanent imprint on the backside of this bogus system, re-establish our legitimate rights, and then stop being complacent. Yes, the Indian soldier is disciplined. But now I think that he is also stupid. There is a time to be a good soldier, and salute smartly, and shout out 'Ji Sahib'. And there are times to be a 'bad soldier', and kick butt even within our own system, up or down. The need of the hour is for an intelligent soldier, and the fight is with injustice.
I am tired of hearing big grown men crying, lamenting and shouting slogans in the hope of being heard by insensitive bureaucrats and politicians. You have won wars, for Gods sake. Grow a pair, get out and do something about it.
Or keep quiet. I am sick of it.
Frustrate and dumb you ,thats their agenda....Let we not fall to it.
Let us not be sick but as you have suggested let us stick around for good,patience pays.
The protest got the attention we desired, but now its not delivering results on the same scale. We need to remain agile, and keep the system off balance. It should react to the veterans, rather than the other way around. If RHS and FUD is not getting the desired results, change strategy. Quickly.
I don't agree about being patient. It has its place, but 40 years is long enough. It got us nowhere. Rather, the situation deteriorated.
Paper tigers and sea lawyers have an important role to present the veterans as an active, vibrant, cohesive force to the public and the government. But they need a focused campaign. The social media is still accessible to us. Except for a few forwards, it lies dormant. What a waste of opportunity.
Our strategy principally involves rallies of ex-servicemen, and a few back door talks. Really? This is going to our key to success??
Hope we get a justice and it will reach the right ppl
In my opinion its implementation has nothing to do with financial constraints or any of the Central Police Organization making similar claim & chain reaction being envisaged.
The present ruling dispension wants to buttress their claim of Strong leadership for the domestic & international audience that a change has taken place in the country.
No one has realised the impact of this phenomenon, it would change the political spectrum of the country & just matter of time.
कया वह बता सकते हैं जो अरबों डालर वो मंगोलिया, फ़िलीसतीन और दूसरे देशों मे बांटते ़र रहे हैं, वो किसके पैसै हैं?
देश के लिए अपना जीवन नयौछावर करने वालों को उनका हक देने पर मोदी जी का दिल दुखता है कयूंकि उनहें लगता है कि वह ग़रीबों से छीनकर अपने जवानों को दे रहे हैं।
तो फ़िर जो पैसै वो अपने विदेशी दौरौं पर बांटते फ़िर रहे हैं, वो किसके हैं?
और वो भी उन देशों को बांट रहे हैं जो कभी भारत के काम नहीं आ सकते।
शरम आ रही है मुझे कि मैंने ऐसी घटिया सोच वाले वयकति को अपना कीमती वोट दिया ।